Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Friday, October 4, 2024

It’s free, isn’t it.


Today's Tids Issue 5,629 

I can do it: 


Repeat, “Irish Wristwatch” three times fast. 


A good loose mind is a good warmup for the befuddlement of the Tids. 


So, talk about possible confusion, the jobs report came in better than expected and the unemployment numbers went down. Is that too good for an investment crowd who want lower interest rates. That is the question this morning. Personally, I like the sound of a nice healthy economy which is a solid basis for sustained growth. 


Small pocket surveys seem to say that there will be a lot of write in votes on the Repub prez side this year. Even more fervent though is Repubs plea for a strong Senate leadership, the absolute key to America having a sane next four years regardless of anything else.  


“I wrote a song, but I can't read music so I don't know what it is.” --Steven Wright. 


The Question: 

What was the “The Puffing Billy”? 


The Headlines: 

--Wall Street Happy with Good Economic News as New Job Creation Report Blows Past Estimates.  

--Helene Officially Becomes Deadliest Hurricane Since Katrina. 

-- Iran‘s Ayatollah Ali Khamenei Vows to Not Rest in Pursuit of Victory Over Israel; Urges Allies Hamas and Hezbollah to keep Pushing Forward. 

--New Major Israel Strikes Cut Major Highway from Lebanon to Syria; Large Explosion Seen Near Bierut Airport. 

--Dockworkers suspend Potential Economic-Disaster Strike Until after January First. 


Acolytes of advocates only see what they want to see. 


I would say that the College football lineup for this Saturday is lackluster at best. If I have to miss watching for some reason, Ill know I will feel comfortable knowing I probably missed nothing. Except again, the Saturday night news. The Clemson-Florida State Game will be good if FSU upsets a Clemson team that has found direction. But that is unlikely as the Seminoles have looked like the dregs. I'm a Navy fan so I would be interested in Navy versus Air Force. The only other game that could have been interesting if they both were the teams they were last year, is the Intersectional brawl between Michigan and Washington.  


It isn't interesting how the media tarred and feathered George Bush berceuse of Katrina forgetting he declared a national emergency and readied the government two days before landfall. Yet Biden, who was sitting on a beach in the days before Helene listening to predictions of a weather catastrophe, gets treated a kindly old President. 


“One time a cop pulled me over for running a stop sign. He said, 'Didn't you see the stop sign?’ I said, ‘Yeah, but I don't believe everything I read."  Steven Wright 


The great orators don't necessarily make the most trustful politicians. Beware of silvery words. 


Get ready. Here comes the 0-Man ready to go all out for his protégé and proxy President, Kam. Kam and Obam, what a pair. Is anybody surprised? 


Steven Wright probably listens to the music on the radio and thinks, hey that could be my song. 


Most people probably look at NY as a hodge podge of people stumbling over each other in unmanageable cities. Yet, most of the state is of the most rural and beautiful places in the USA. With hidden lakes and mountains large and small getaway villages everywhere Yes typically, people don't know the depth of things.  


You have to wonder what the Biden admin promised the Dockworkers Union. 


“If toast always lands butter-side down, and cats always land on their feet, what happens if you strap toast on the back of a cat and drop it?” --SW 


The Answer: 

Puffing Billy was the first motorized vacuum cleaner. It was the invention of Hubert Cecil Booth of Gloucester England. An "American Inventor” told Booth you could only blow dust away, never suck it. That challenged Booth to disprove the American, and he did it successfully creating the vacuum Cleaner. It was very large, so it was built into a carriage drawn through neighborhoods by a horse. To sell the service, his men would pour yard dirt on rugs and then hose were dragged in through the windows to suck it away. Sometimes it didn't work so well. But the Royals heard of it and he was asked to clean the rugs in Westminster Abbey for the coronation of Edward VII and Queen Alexandra. It worked so well that they bought Puffing Billy's for Windsor Castle and Buckingham Palace. And the World got The British Vacuum Cleaner Company. Don’t you love people who don’t take the no and work until they find a better way. 


“Every place is in walking distance if you have the time.”  --SW 


Have a great weekend, E-v-e-r-y-b-o-d-y!! 

I leave you with a song that gives thought to what teh new US National Anthem may sound like if we keep on riding on the give-away track.