Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Monday, December 23, 2024

Sing of Joy



Today's Tids Issue 5.687 

As Angels Do: 


Well, we're almost there 

Just moments from Christmas cheer, 

I hope you're already. 

Your hands are steady 

Awaiting the dinner throng. 

Afterall, what could go wrong.  


Biden commuted the execution of all but three Federal prisoners on death row. - the Boston Marathon Bomber Dzhokhar, the Pitts burgh Synagogue Shooter Bowers and Black Emanual AME Church killer Dylann Root. Are the tears of other 37 families less important than those of the highly   publicized cases?  Playing politics with death sentences is irksome no matter how the order was phrased. 


Relax. The economy isn't falling off a cliff. 


The Question: 

What are the major causes of death in the USA? 


The Headlines: 

--Markets open Week Lower; Questions Over Future Trump/Musk Efforts and No Rate Cuts Haunting the Street This Morning. 

--Honda Stock Opens Higher; Nissan Merger Looks Solid for 2026; Nordstrom Family to But Our Nordstrom Stocks for Over $6Billion; Container Stores Enters Bankruptcy.. 

--Biden Commutes 37 of 40 Federal Death Row Prisoners; All Wiil Serve Life Sentences without Parole. --Woman Set on Fire in NYC Subw2ay Car; Depraved Man Arrested. 

--House Ethics Committee Report on Gaetz Paints Portrait of Awful Person.  


There are more things to life than pop music, but at times you’d never know it, 


Want to feel older? John Lennon's son Julian just turned 61.  


There is a big difference between the economy and impulsive stock sellers. 


Why do I feel so sarcastic today just a day before Christmas Eve Maybe because when tomorrow brings all the laughter and happiness and jolliness all around, I’d feel guilty being a contrarian.  


The new fad in NFL football land and probably at all other levels seems to be punching the ball out of carrier's arms. If I were to go back into football now, I'd probably have to hit the weight room. I also seem to see some pass plays that appear to be designed to cause interference instead of completing a pass. Interference was one of my better talents as a D-Back.  


Even crusty old curmudgeons have hearts. 


Today I will be busy out there among the last second throngs doing last minute things. Planning ahead has never been my strong point. If it was I wouldn't be looking at a blank Word document each morning 


The Federal Government just announced new labeling to better identify health foods. I don’t think my labels qualify 


It's 7 degrees outside, but itis a warm seven degrees because the sun is out.  


My touch screens don’t work as well with Cheeto dust on my fingertips. 


The Answer: 

Number one killer is heart disease. Next is cancer then Accidents, Respiratory, Alsheimer's, Diabetes, Kidney Disease, Liver and Covid 19. Hey, Covid is a respiratory disease. Why is it singled out by the CDC? Are they playing politics 


Christmas Eve is tomorrow. It's a nice time.  

I thought something really powerful would be nice. (Warning: It’s long) 









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