Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Wednesday, January 31, 2024




Today's Tids Issue 5,439 

Cold nights and slow dancin': 


Today is the day they call “hump”. 

And as I sit here on my rump, 

I realize the rump’s getting plump 

Better bring Cheetos to the dump. 


Posterior expansion is a definite result of sitting inside too much in the winter. 


I thought the reports last night from the White House about Biden making a decision about what to do about drone raids on US soldiers was enigmatic at best. Huh? 


One of the costs of grocery items that disturb me most is that for so-called artisan bread.  


The Question: 

How can you tell a clock is hungry? Bonus: What do you call a book on voyeurism?  Extra Bonus: What do they call the man who gave away his fortune to the San Andreaus Nature Preserve? 



The Headlines: 

--Fed Expected to Hold Rates Steady; But Street Still Reacting to Apparent Positive Microsoft and Negative Google Reports; AMD Also Killed on Unsatisfactory Guidance. 

--House Panel Approves Impeachment Charges Against HSS Sec Mayorkas. 

--Giant “Pineapple Express” Storm to hit California. 

--NYC Migrants Pummel Police During Arrest Attempt. 

--NY Times: Meta Rejected Efforts to Improve Children’s Safety. 


The best French fries to me are hand cut in the restaurant fries using Northeast Potatoes. Ok so I’m provincial. 


I’ve already heard and read enough opinions about the Niner-Chief game. 


And I don't understand all this negativity about Tayor Swift being in the booth cheering for her boyfriend 


I don’t blame the media. They have to find negativity to appeal to the other half of their audience. 


There’s a fine line between a numerator and a denominator. Only a fraction of people will find this funny.” 


AARP warns me to avoid romance internet scams that steal your heart to get into your wallet. I have built in protection. I have no heart and no money.  


Alphabet (Google) missed stock analyst's expectations by a billion dollars but the company was up over a year ago by $8 Billion! The stock was sent down a whopping 5%. I guess the key to investing is knowing somehow what experts are overpromising. 


RI has just received the Honor as being named the state with the worst roads in the nation. RI continues to be at the top of the USA negative lists ranking effective government operations, education and business desirability. But we have great seagulls. And frankly, I love it here. 


Someday I’d like to see a movie where the wealthy aren’t portrayed as heartless, self-centered, disengaged, greedy bastards. 


You can tell a lot about the thoughtfulness of people by the way they park cars in public parking lots. 


Defense attorneys always go to Mexican restaurants to get some case-ideas. I may need legal assistance after that one. 


The Answer: 

It goes back four seconds. Bonus: A peeping tome. Extra Bonus: Generous to a fault”! 


Thanks for sticking with me today. 


Let’s go back in time to one of the most beloved musicians ever, Glenn Miller. Check them all out, but here's one of the best slow dancing songs of a great generation: