Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

No voters crisis.


Today's Tids Issue 5,433 



1,2,3... Hey, that makes today kind of a special day.  


Well, after the Dixwell Notch NH just after midnight vote, Haley is trouncing Trump 6-0. But I guess there is more to it. 


While we go merrily on our way criticizing others here and there, the People of Israel have a new app on their phones -- “Rocket Alert.” Yes, you may be strolling hand in hand with your lover and teh disembodied voice will suddenly yell, “Rocket Launched”. And you will dive wherever you can. And hold your breath and perhaps whisper goodbye to someone dear. How many goodbyes have been uttered In Gaza and Israel. 


Hey, Charles Osgood died. He was 91 and a very good guy. 


The Question: 

Right now it looks like Joe Mauer, Bobby Abreu and Todd Helton are the sure bets for the baseball Hall of Fame. Always was a big fan of Mauer. Over 20,000 ballplayers have played in the major leagues since its beginning. How many are in the select Hall of Fame? Bonus: who were the first ten players elected to Coopersatown?  


The Headlines: 

--Release of Earnings Reports Has Stock Markets Wandering 

--Data Showing that Trump is “Bleeding Moderate Support”. 

--World Leaders concerned about Iran’s New Satellite; Fear It will be Used to Guide Missiles more Accurately. 

--Warmup Thawing America. 

--Oppenheimer Leads in Just Announced Oscar Nominations with 13, Nest are Poor Things with 11 and Killers of teh Flower Moon with 10; Barbie Director Greta Gerwig and Star Margot Robbie Nixed. 

--Judge Blocks NC Repub Same Day Voter Registration Provisions. 


Trump is looking good in primaries mainly because his solid support group is out there voting for him hard. But the bigger picture isn't that rosy among Independents and Dems who will not vote for Biden. In other words, the Repubs potentially have a bigger pot this year. The people on both sides who will never vote for Trump are looking for something better than not voting at all. November may not be about the votes Biden gets but by the number of Repubs and indies who stay home.  


A reader writes to disagree -- 100 Degrees in Phoenix will wilt you and make you feel miserable dry heat or not. 


Bernie Sanders and a group of Dem lawmakers are proposing a new Super Tax on the highest paid CEO’s. They say the tax would be designed to lower CEO salaries and raise Worker Income. Are they going to call it the Romanov rule? 


It turns out that all of these liquid fuel missiles being used by Houthis and Hezbollah are coming through Iran but are manufactured in North Korea, or in Iran under NK Controls. So, now we know where Kim gets  


So, there is a lot going on in the New Axis, the big worries are always what’s going on that you can't see.  


Today is the birthday of Edouard Manet. I'm thinking that all of teh people born today can imagine themselves in the beauty of his art., When I think of Manet, I see fun daisies.  


The Answer: 

Of the over 20,00o who played the game there are just 270 players in it; players who were dominant in the era in which they played, helped their team win and lived up to high character standards. Oops, maybe not so much in the early days. Bonus: The first Ten players were Ty Cobb, Walter “Big Train” Johnson, Christy Matthewson, Babe Ruth, Honus Wagner, Nap Lajoie, Tris Speaker, Cy Young, Gover Cleveland Alexander and te for #10 you would have to include the entire 1939 HoF class – Cap Anson, Eddie Collins, Buck Ewing, Lou Ghrig, Willie Keeler, Charles Radborn and George Sisler. The original Top Ten also included Execs Ban Johnson and Morgan Buckly and Managers John McGraw and Connie Mack. A couple of real old timers put in early by the Veterans committees were Alexander Cartwright and Henry Chadwick.  


Have a great night, E-v-e-r-y-b-o-d-y!! 


I like surprises, and this was the surprises hit of 1968 and it is still hanging around. I don’t think even the Beatles thought that much of it at the time. Maybe it is because it just seems like fun and I like the idea of fun today. 











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