Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Home Games.


Issue 5,419 

Just print it: 


The National debt crossed $34 Trillion today. We’re doomed. 


I'm thinking while watching the stock dips of the past two days that the end of the year blast off was more like a living room rally,.. retail traders sitting at home riding the wave of hysterical optimism. Feeding off each other's enthusiasm about tidbits of good news. This week the bigs are back on Wall street.  


The girl who fell in love with a socialist found Mr. Left. (Thanks, to Shoe,) 


I suspect Claudine Gay was big proponent of brining Chat GT to Harvard so all students could have an equal opportunity to have somebody else do their work. Fair is fair. 


A snail that isn’t moving is an escarstay. 


The Question: 

Who was Bill Carpenter? Bonus: Who was the third founder of Apple? 


The Headlines: 

--Job Markets Cools to lowest Level Since March 2021; Nasdaq Continues to be Battered as Enthusiasm for Fast Rate Cut Wanes; Dow, S&P also Struggle to Regain Rally of Previous Week. 

--Speaker Johnson and Gang Heads to Border Turning Up Heat on Biden Admin; House to Begin Impeachment Ritual Against Mayorkas on Jan 10. 

--Northeast US Expected To be Battered with Biggest Snowstorm in Two Years; Extreme Cold Hits Nordic Regions of Planet.  

--Japan Quake Dearh Toll Rising as Body Search Heightens. 

--NJ Senator Menendez Hit with New Allegations of Impropriety in Qatar Investments.  

--Over 100 in Iran Killed by Bomb While at Ceremony to Honor Iran General; Hamas Leaders Killed in Lebanon. 

--Ukraine and Russia Exchange 500 Prisoners in UN Brokered Deal. 


Today is the 104th anniversary of Black Mondayi n Boston – the day The Babe was sold to the Ya, Ya, Ya... (Well, you know who I mean.) 


Correction: Yesterday I mis stated that Prisker Car Company was coming on strong with their Ocean series of EV autos. It is the Fisker Company. The look pretty ordinary o me. It must be the price.  


150 well known people are breathing a little easier this morning, well, at least until January 22, the new release date for the Jeffery Epstein list. It appears number 36, a Jane Doe; appealed to keep her name off the list. The courts have decided to wait for other appeals. This could drag on a bit as the 150 are apparently people with a lot of power and lawyers and know how to keep things going nowhere.  


The glass blower who accidentally inhaled had stomach panes. 


We know that there was good news in1990 especially surrounding the reunification of Germany and freedom of European eastern bloc countries from the Soviet clutches. And Nelson Mandela was released from prison. But leave it to the Middle east to upset the idea of peace as Iraq invaded Kuwait. US Prez George Bush along with England called up troops and made short work of that Sadaam Hussein ego trip. French and English “Chunnel” workers finally met 40 meters below the English channel seabed. The beginnings of another big connecting began when Tim Berners-Lee published the proposal for the WWW and the first web page is written. Yikes.And we finally get the first 16-megabyte microchip. But unfortunately, the depletion of the Ozone layer was discovered and somehow it became a political issue. But there was laughter more especially in movies like Home Alone and Ghost. People also Loved Dancing with Wolves, Edward Scissorhands, and one for me, The Hunt for the Red October. But, again pop Music was escaping me. Top singers were Wilson Phillips, Sinead O’Conner, Madonna, Mariah Carey Phil Collins and Jon Bon Jovi. The top TV programs were Cheers, 60 Minutes, Roseann, A Different World, The Cosby Show, Murphy Brown, Empty Nest, America’s Funny Vids, Monday Night Football and Golden Girls. I liked Cheers, Cosby and MFL. George Bush had become a likeable President by now except among super conservatives. Yes, old fashioned conservative Repubs were not beginning to count the same anymore.  


A can opener that doesn't work anymore is called a can’t opener. Oh God! Did I just type that.  


The Answer:  

Bill Carpenter played football at the US Military Academy at West Point and was popularly known across the sports pages as “The Lonesome End". But more important, in Viet Nam he was a genuine hero savign his division form a slaughter. Bonus: Along with Steve Jobs and Wozniak there a was co-founder Markkula Jr.  

Did you hear about the Actuary who couldn’t make whipped cream. She was whisk averse. 


I’d better leave. See you all tomorrow. 



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