Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Friday, January 19, 2024

Diluting credibility.


Today's Tids Issue 5,431 



When you get older, decades like the 80’s and 90’s seem like yesterday. 


Maybe that's because it was the last time my mind was sharp. Or maybe it's the last time you were forced to think for yourself before Google had all the answers. 


With all of the answers available floating around us in cyberspace it appears nobody has yet to find one that would add stability to the stock market. Maybe it is because the computers that run it now are most confused by human input.  


I don't have a typo problem, I’m just into spoonerisms. I go for humor at all times even at the expense of personal embarrassment. 


As I sit here watching the snow begin to fall, a gifted reader writes to say. “In Florida we salt our margaritas not the streets and sidewalks,” Brrr. 


The Question: 

What happened to Louise Woodward? Bonus: Japan and its “Moon Sniper” this morning became the fifth country to land on the moon. Name the other Four. 


The Headlines: 

--Techs Expected to Pull Markets to Week Ending Win; Travelers to Report Earnings Today. 

--Congress Passes Stopgap Bill to Hold Off Government Shut Down Until March. 

--Grand Jury Indicts Alec Baldwin Again on Involuntary Manslaughter Charges over Death on Movie Set; New Forensic Evidence Says Gun Would Only Fire if Trigger Was Pulled; Baldwin Has Denied He Pulled the Trigger. 

--Hunter Says Ok to Closed Door Congress Investigation Session; New Evidence Reveals Cocaine in HB’s Gun Holster. 

--Chronic Gang Violence Shutting Down Haiti Capital, Port-au-Prince. 

--Madonna Fans Sue Star, Arena and Promoters for Hour's Late Start of Shows Leaving Customers without Transportation Home at Show’s End. 


When you think about it, AI could be a disaster io you considered that all of its information is basically built upon the quirkiness of human beings. 


Global polling shows that 43 of 45 countries polled have dramatically lowered the favorability rating for Israel in the curent war progress. Most stories now center the misfortunes of Palestine peopel,  either killed, maimed or facing starvation and hmelessness as the war continues. Hamas is the absolute culprit, but the mass of the retaliation now appears to be against people caught in the middle. 


Trump is going maniacal and diving into birther accusations against Nikki Haley. He must be scared of something. If you have watched Trump over the years, he has always been susceptible to believing in gossip and rumors-based reality sounding but fully imagined conspiracy theories. You don't want a finger on the nuke button in reaction to a planted conspiracy theory. And he should know better as he has been the subject of many a false accusation. 


The world began another cultural change in 1997 as Ireland authorized its first ever divorce and Ellen came out as gay. Global Warming became the big topic with the Kyoto Conference resolutions. Yes, Transformational years were beginning. The year brought cultural upheaval and societal crisis when Diana was killed in an auto accident. 2.5 billion people watched her funeral. But not so many watched the funeral of the wonderful Mother Teresa who also died after a lifetime of giving. But priorities are priorities and the world applauded when Geroge Clooney was on the cover of People as Sexiest Man of The Year and the very first Hary Potter book was published.15-year old Ivanka Trump was on the cover of 17 Magazine and LeAnne Rhymes became the youngest ever Grammy Winner Tiger Woods the youngest winner of the Masters.           Yes, the year that gave us Buffy the Vampire, Men in Balck and King of the Hill was making us think about looking at the new world while applauding the old. The last Seinfeld show ran. But we are still laughing. Microsoft became the most valuable company and Luxemburg was the wealthiest country. Stev Jobs came back to Apple and we soon had iPad and more. WiFi was surging. I began migrating into the internet world. I turned 60 and didn't notice a thing.  


The Answer: 

Louise Woodward as you may remember was eh nanny who in 1997 was accused and later convicted of second-degree murder in the death of a baby Mathew Eappen due ot what was described as “Shaken Baby Syndrome”. She was sentenced to life in prison with the ability to seek parole in 15 years. But a judge later reduced that to 279 days for time served saying, based on evidence, that would be a miscarriage of justice. But the appeals court that upheld that judge decision added, “She hasn’t been found innocent”. Now Louise Elkes, 43, is “Just another mum” in Shropshire England. She has a husband and young child. She shops for groceries, brings her child to school and teaches dance lessons. Bonus: Now that Japan has deposited more junk on the moon they join Russia, China, US and India. 


Have a great weekend, E-v-e-r-y-b-o-d-y!! 


Here’s an aria from Tosca. Her have always been love songs. 






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