Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Thursday, January 4, 2024

Hyperbole Horrors.



Today's Tids Issue 5,420 

It must be a mistake: 


I am not looking forward at all to the next 10 plus months where accusations by politicians become so exaggerated that we wonder if we still live in America.  


Why does Waldo in “Where’s Waldo” always wear a striped shirt? He doesn’t want to be spotted! 


Life changes in little ways and it doesn’t always get better for everybody. Maybe I'm being a little melodramatic, But Thursdays in the fall used to be golf in the day with good guys and an NFL game at night. But the guys had to leave earlier this year and Prime took over the football. But the guy sitting at a bar watching the game on his phone and betting on each play is happy.  


The Epstein list will probably be another good example of inuendo becoming accusations and social media destruction of lives.  


On next Monday we should be treated to a great playoff game between Michigan and Washington. And next year we will have 12 teams which will calm previous year's gnashing of teeth. But unfortunately, if tge new scheme does well and makes piles of dough, the powers are already pretty sure it will go to 16 and then, yes, 64. Which is basically ludicrous in terms of quality of play. But not in terms of even more piles of Dough. The playoffs would be 6 weeks. Yes, it is all about money anymore and never again Sis-Boom-Bat and blue and yellow carnations. 


The Question: 

1991 had a couple of memorable events for sure. There was a Supreme Court nomination controversy. Who were the two main characters? Bonus. A great singer whose music excites still today died of Aids. Who was it? 


The Headiness: 

--Apple Continues to be a Drag; Dow and Nas plummet in late morning. 

--Breaking: Police Rush To Perry O Iowa Hgh School After Rerts of Active Shooter; Perry is Half Hour Outside of Des Moines; Multiple Ambulances Seen Leaving School but no Reports if Deaths; Suspect Dead, Police Say Info Limited Now.. 

--Epstein List Hits the Streets, Commentators Looking for Ways to be Sensational; Clinton and Trump Appear Numerous Times along with many Other Notables. Many Mentions of the Famous are Benign, 

--Iran Vows Revenge After Largest Internal Attack Since 1979; ISIS Claims Responsibility for Deadly Bombings. 

--Las Vegas Judge Mary Kay Holthus Attacked in Court after Sentencing Decision; Defendant leaps Railing, Drags Her Roughly to Floor.  


I’d like to see a lot of snow this weekend. For one thing, it makes the streets look clean. Which is always worth the little hardship a snowfall can bring. But I don’t think we’ll get much here regardless of dire warnings. 


Did you hear about the Norwegian robot that analyzed a bird? Yeah, it’s Scandinavian. 


This is the final full schedule week for TidsPickin’. Last week we were a llittle better at 11-5 bringng the year end to far less than my co goal of75% -- 155-100 (60.7%) There are a few really good games of national interest if any good players are playing in them, and then there are several especially in the AFC and NFC South where the division champ is still in question. The AFC South has Jax, Houston and Indy still alive while in the NFC it is NO, TB and minimally, the Falcons. A really big game that is very meaningful is Buffalo and Miami. The Bills have been fighting to get back on top after early stumbles. The Dolphins were gliding until lately, A Bills win this weekend puts them in as Champs of AFC East. Another cool game will be between LAR and San Fran, two natural rivals. I’m picking the Rams to upset the Niners. Pitt has been playing well, but this week it is Baltimore, the best in the business right now. If Pitt wins, they are in. But Baltimore won’t falter. Right? Indy, Houston is another important war. The Colts stand now as the final AFC Wild Card Team. Houston is next. A win puts the Texans in. I'm picking them. Poor Indy. Atlanta and NO go could have been meaningful. But when TB beats woeful Carolina it is over for these two. I pic NO. Jax gets their AFC South title by beating Tenn. Tenn looks lost right now. Go Jax. Cleveland is in already and they will just continue on honing their skills by beating in state rival Cinn. Minn was a disappointment his year. Detroit is mad after getting aced out by Ref call last week, the Lions roar.  


Continuing on, Green Bay will get in when teh Beat their long time rival Da Bears. Dallas at Washington meaningless and the COwboys will have fun. Denver and LV are also playing for nothing but pride and this may be a decent game. I'll take LV winning one for the coach they like. KC has to get mo on their side and they will play all out against the Chargers to get the machine in tune again. Philly has looked nearly inept the last couple of weeks. The Giants have looked that way almost all season. Philly finally wakes up in another traditional rivalry game. Seattle had a chance last week to cement their spot in the playoffs. Arizona is living on last week's wakeup call, I like Seattle but I'm thinking the upset number two is the Cards over the Seahawks. And then we have teh loser bowl and what maybe Bill Belichick's last Pats game played in a snowstorm. The Pats will beat the Jets. Bob Kraft will run down to the field and hug Bill and then hand him a pink slip. Or will he? That is the question. Happy last weekend, E-v-e-r-y-b-o-d-y!! 


Note: All picks are subject to uncontrollable outside influences like no Washington veterans are playing and it is highly unlikely we will see Lamar Jackson, Patrick Mahomes and Joe Flacco. Adn who knows what else.  


Despite the rants of Joe Biden, Texas Gov Abbot is to me a guy with guts who is doing what needs to be done under the circumstances for his constituents while teh Feds under Biden have abdicated their responsibility to preserve the peace and protect the borders.  


One of prizes on a daytime game show this noon was a printed set of World Book Encyclopedias. Say what? 


The Epstein list will teach us that the left and right can agree on one thing – accusing one will beget retaliation from the other as both sides of spectrum are equally represented on the “List”. Weird way to achieve understanding, but it shows it is possible. 


Today people sadly die of aids. Ceasar died from aides. 


Here’s a headline that tells us all the world as we have known it will change as the years roll by into a new future unlike anything past: “13-year-old Willis Gibson said to be the First Human Player to beat Nintendo's Classic Video Game Tetris.” Nothing is forever except perhaps love. 


At a store yesterday, A bottle of Omega 3 Fatty acids fell on my head. Don’t worry, I only got Super Fish Oil injuries. 


The Answer: 

Nobody who lived then will forget Anita Hill and Clarence Thomas. Bonus: Freddie Mercury died at the age of 45. 


Haven’t had a tune lately so here’s A little song from 1991 which isn’t so bad. Full 1991 report tomorrow 




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