Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Say it isn’t so, Nikki/Ron.




Today's Tids Issue 5,428 

Not dwelling on anything: 


Well, where do Repubs go now. No real surprise in Iowa if you had been reading between teh lines of press releases. Lots of people are looking for something beyond the polls, hoping there is a happy ending fairy tale. Ramaswamy dropped out and turned his 7% Iowa vote over to Trump. Nikki was edged out by Ron which will keep him alive, and perhaps disappoint big money people ready to spend for Haley. So now it is all about New Hampshire and South Carolina. If there are no surprises there, it is Trump versus Biden. God help America. I believe a lot of Americans I observe are looking for Trump political objectives in a rational, honest, decent, personable, human being.  


Wow! What happened to the mighty, high flying Philadelphia Eagles? 


We just got to cut the US Federal Government by 2/3’s. There are just too many people with nothing to do but invent silly regulations. Americans used to run America. Now it is bumbling benevolent Bureaucrats. 


Charcuterie is French for “I'd like a sandwich, but I don’t have any bread.” 


The Question: 

What is EGOT? Bonus: Name all the EGOTS. 


The Headlines: 

--Markest Opens Lower Once Again on Interest Concerns.; Goldman Come Lower; Company Getting out of Consumer Businesses, Several Credit Card Operations; Bug Banks Improved Year to Year Q4 but Were Off for the Year. 

--Investers Loving AI Agan as Nvidia and AMD Shares Surge. 

--Trump Wins handily in Iowa; Trump 51%, Haley/Desantis 40%. 

--NK’s Kim Warns of War; Says NK Not Pursuing Harmony with SK due to SK Hostilities. 

--US Judge Blocks Jet Blue Takeover of Spirit. 

--Arctic Blast Stifling America; Dangerous Cold Closing Midwest. 

--Jets Carrying World Leaders Land in Davos for World Economic Forum; To Talk of Climate, Labor and AI. 

--US Government Bans Humor on Highways. 

--Bill Belichick Mets with Atlanta Falcons Owner Arthur Blank; Michigan's Harbaugh Meets with LA Chargers. 


A smarter than average good friend sent me some firsthand info this morning regarding the Krupa vid from yesterday's Tids. He says his favorites over time have been Chick Webb, Gene Krupa, Davey Tough, Shelley Manne, Don Lamond, Peter Erskine. Jo Jo Jones, Shadow Wilson, Buddy Rich, Duffy Jackson and Mel Lewis. He knew personally Buddy Rich's roomy, a guy named Freddie Gruber to whom the great drummers came to get fixed when they lost it. I didn’t say to get a fix! He was like not well known but the drummer's drummer. My friend says when they met to talk, Gruber was often wearing Buddy's clothes. He says Freddie Gruber was funny but sad kind of guy.  


Well, the Emmys were on last night and it was what you woudle expect from a glittering audience overreacting to everything. Maybe if they ever acknowledged my favorite shows, I'd be inclined to watch them again. Succession and The Bear took home all of the big awards just like they did at the GG’s. So where are the surprises? How come people who think they are so unique are so predictable?  


In I996 a ravenous media unmercifully persecuted a simple security guard, Richard Jewell, who just happened to find a bomb at the Atlanta Olympic grounds and warned people to get away. It was Media hysteria and arrogance at its worst and whcre unfortunately it grew into a serious national malady today. In addition, a fairy tale ended, one which BTW made pile of dough for the pages of magazines and newspapers – Charles and Diana divorced. We had to get used to mad cows and a computer named Big Blue beating Gary Kasparov in chess. Yes, a new world of digital information building upon itself. “Ask Jeeves” a search engine predecessor to Google, gave us all the answers we thought we would ever need from the web. But for me, the days were good and rolling along. You know, this is the 59th episode of the of years of my life section of this morning mess. In the beginning I and you were discovering the quirkiness of long ago. Now I’m talking about beginnings for younger generations, events and entertainment that had an effect of people moving beyond childhood and teen awareness into the adult responsibilities of life, marriages or career concerns perhaps. Now I begin to find myself less in touch as the populations clamored for things like EBay which began this year. Bill Clinton still wasn't funny and was still looking for women it seems. He did sign the Insurance Portability Act and was ushering along an explosive positive economy which gave him an easy reelection. It was a year when we experienced a change whose magnitude we may not have realized would be such an impact at the time-- The Dow surged over 6000, and Greenspan warned of overvaluations. Tickle me Elmo was the latest mad dash to buy a fad. In theaters, viewers were treated to the first in the Mission Impossible series along with Ransom, Independence Day (Dumb), Jerry McGuire, The First Wives Club and Twister. In music, Celine Dion was it, as the two top songs were hers – Because you Loved Me, and It's all Coming Back to Me Now. I was getting deeply inside the digital side of publishing and the use of the Internet beyond where it had been used. I was good to be aware and get enthused about a step into the outer space of our business. But I was still worried about mad cows! 


What a great name for a running back - “Gainwell” That's Kenneth Gainwell of teh Eagles. 


What is with these almost daily news stories of cars driving into homes and businesses. Some will say it is climate change but is more like digital derangement. Like texting boyfriends or watching sports events to see how wager are doing.  


Here’s another example, which is similar to many about how unaware Spell Check can be. Now I just mistakenly typed “Biy”. Spell check gave change options – bay, buy, bey... but I was meaning boy/ 


The Answer: 

EGOT stands for people winning an Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and Tony – the big four in entertainment. Elton John made EGOT last night joining Helen Hayes, Richard Rogers, Rita Moreno, John Gilgud, Audrey Hepburn, Marvin Hamlisch, Jonathon Tunick, Mel Brooks, Mike Nichols, Whoopi Goldberg, Scott Rudin, Robert Lopez, Andrew Lloyd Weber, Tim Rice, John Legend, Alan Menken, Jennifer Hudson, Viola Davis and Elton John. The big problem going forward, to me, is people manufacturing vehicles to get the last of the four.  


They say that Iowa doesn't pick presidents, it just gets the ball moving. So, it is on to New Hampshire now, and that cud give us some real answers. But I don't think so. If it continues the way it is going it will probably come down to people who are not liking Biden, not liking Trump more.  






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