Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Thursday, January 11, 2024



Today's Tids Issue 5,425 

Or illusions: 


Who will catch the Repubs eye 

When Donald’s hung out to dry. 

Will it be Haley, Ramaswamy, 

Or somebody we’ve yet to see. 


Speaking of Repubs, Mike Johnson who upon election to Speaker was defined by the media as right of right is now in deep trouble with the persnickety right of right. And in case you haven’t noticed, there are now two fewer Repubs in their mini-Majority. The infighting just makes the minority more powerful every day.  


The old sausage plant on Capitol Hill was much more digestible for America before transparency. 


Hey, why did I start such a lovely day with politics when there is so much more to life, like romance and dancing. And feeling all the beauty that abounds. 


Actually, there is little better than a solo piano playing a tender love song. 


The pony couldn’t sing in the choir because it was a little horse. 


A lot of what is discussed and reported upon is generally more about personal illusions as opposed to reality. There are just certain things that are and evolving from what is will always be more efficient and effective. 


The Question: 

Four men including the husband of Nancy Kerrigan's rival skater attacked her with crowbar just ahead of US figure Skating Championship in Detroit. Who was Nancy’s rival how benefited from the attack on Kerrigan? 


The Headlines: 

--Belichick Out; All Time Super Bowl Winning Coach joins other coaching legends Caroll, Sabin on Sideline, Along with Right Tackle Chris Christie; Pat's Owner Kraft and Coach Bill Hold Amiable Press Conference; Ex Titan Cach Mike Vrabel May Be #1 on Pats Bob Kraft’s Coach List. 

--CPI Index Shows Inflation Increasing More than Expected; Stocks Jump Early. 

--At Last Night's Debate, Haley and Desantis spend Time Insulting Each Other, While Trump on Town Hall Stage Takes on air of Relaxed Statesman.  


Actually, I have a lot more respect for Mike Johnson now.  


On the entertainment front, NCIS fans are looking forward to a season opening Prequel bringing back Mark Harmon and another past season's regular. And it is said that over at Frazier, Kelsey Grammar wants Shelley Long to pop in as Diane. I thought Shelly was one of the funnier cast members in the original Cheers.  


I spend a lot of time checking out the price of Diet Coke so it is highly unlikely I will buy a Bitcoin at $47,000! 


Donald Trump is funny? I don't get it. Odd, maybe. 


If you think about the sarcasm of it, the House Dems are a little like the Taliban hiding in caves waiting to emerge after the opposition shoots each other in the foot. 


The Tids Punster Laureate just invented a new word, “Plagiarism”. 


Speaking of disingenuous, this moniker of “Single Use Plastic Bags” is a completely intellectually dishonest description of these bags which I reuse over again for multiple purposes. And frankly I miss them now that they are banned. 


I'm thinking I don't like 1994 because that was when the first satellite digital TV program was launched, and now we have the streaming epidemic which is dangerous to my mental comfort. On the World stage Nelson Mandella was elected Prez of SA, and here we reveled in the marriage of Lisa Marie Pressley and Michael Jackson. The European Continent got the Chunnel, and we got Genetically Engineered Tomatoes. I'd rather have the Chunnel. It was huge in 1994 when Netscape became the first Internet Browser, a distinction it held until Microsoft's Explorer. Netscape went on to be the foundation of today’s Mozilla Foxfire. But it was the beginning of being hooked. Nancy Kerrigan got clubbed a week before the US figure Skating Championships which was won by the assumed culprit Tonya Harding who lost the crown after the investigation into the attack. The USA average income was $37K and a new house cost $119K. But bread was rising to $1.59/loaf. The Mighty Morphin Power rangers were hot following the Ninja Turtle fad. Due to a car accident involving my duaghter, her five year old son was living with us and I played Power Rangers all day every day. He thought I was his age and had the same 5-year-old energy. The biggest TV show of the year was OJ Simpson fleeing teh police in a white Ford Bronco. Kurt Cobain committed suicide. And the Whitewater hearings began, Hillary denied every crime in America. The Big movies were Shawshank Redemption, Forest Gump, The lion King, True Lies and an American classic – Dumb and Dumber. People loved Pulp Fiction, but I loved Four Weddings and a Funeral. Celine Dion was popular performer along with Phil Collins, Peral Jam, Aerosmith, Bon Jovi, Sheryl Crow and Snoop Doggy Dog. And i was trying to become the invisible Power ranger. 


Global warming is probably a problem, but global warming activists are a bigger problem. 


The Answer: 

Tonya Harding was the rascally skater whose husband and pals attacked Nacy Kerrigan. Harding went on to prison as did her husband, but Tonya continues to say she knew nothing beforehand. Harding won the Gold Medal there but was stripped of her championship for failure to report the attack to officials. 


1994 brought us this, which is much better than politics: 






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