Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Some things are really important.


Today's Tids Issue 5,430 

God, I hate missiles: 


Have you ever been touched by an event, or a person and you can't adequately describe what you felt. It is an emotion that is one of those wonderful aspects of life. 


Apple is a very good company, but it seems to be losing its glow and the ability to rapidly grow. 


What's with this Pakistan-Iran mini war going on all of a sudden. Just what the world needs, -- two more countries firing missiles. In this case, Pakistan is a Nuke country and Iran is a wannabee Nuke Country. And perhaps closer than we think. 


One of the things I really dislike about society today is Labeling people this or that. That the whole of a wonderful, heterogenous human being cannot be described by a word. Political media consultants love it so it must be bad. AI will love it even more, as these omniscient disembodied entities try to slot everybody into some category so they can be sold or moved in a disturbing direction; Or keep you under the control of a manipulative outsider. I personally think that everybody is a unique individual. That even the most conservative righty or liberal lefty has some sense of moderation. The idea that if you are this, then you will do that is just unfair to all individuals born with free will. 


I have to leave here shortly to go to a funeral. I never mention personal things like this. But I couldn't send out the Tids today without reflecting on the deceased, a woman who was the very face of kindness. An unselfish twinkle in-the-eye kind of person which anybody would see the first time she came into a room. She was a Providence girl, a nun who taught in Pakistan for a good part of her life. 


The Question: 

What British explorer discovered the Hawaiian Islands and what did he name them? 


The Headlines: 

--Chipmakers surge; Tech Stocks Poised to do Well as AI Integrates into new Applicaitons. 

--WS Anticipating Reddit IPO; Google Tells Employees to Prepare for More Personnel Cuts. 

--US Missiles Pound Houthis Locations in Yemen for Another Day. 

--Pakistan Launches Missile Attack into Iran to Retaliate for Iran Attack Previous Day. 

--Netanyahu Says He Opposes a Palestine State in Any Post War Scenario. 


Mea Culpa time! Big time!!! Yesterday I forgot to go back and edit the last Tidlet which was the answer to the Question. Sorry, folks, it was a sloppy mess.  


In New Hampshire yesterday Vivek Ramaswamy gave a conservative speech to support Trump. It covered all the key elements of any conservative wish list. And observers said Trump seemed to stand there in awe. Like he was thinking, “Why can't I speak so clearly on my own pet issues”. It was kind of a weird juxtaposition.  


Pretty bad TidsPickins last week. But the upsets set up some really cool matchups this week. Who knew that Tampa Bay could look so fluid. Not me. It is said they play well on the road. They seem to have an inner desire ot show the world, we were SB Champs and we are still here. But Detroit is playing inspired football too, Another team with a show the world attitude. The Lions scare me at times, but Ilike them. The Pack did look like SB Champs against Dallas. But maybe Dallas is woefully inept, and their schedule hid it. San Fran has a great coach and more important great players. SF will send GB back to the frozen north. Baltimore is good and the Houston's wonderful rookie QB Stroud will learn that is Sunday. The game I am most interested in is KC at Buffalo. Talk about two excellent QB’s competing with arms and legs. KC is a little better at defense than Buffalo. But I’m going out on a limb. Josh Allen's eyes are telling me he will not be denied this year. FRegardles of who wins, tis will be a great NFL weekend for anybody who just likes to watch pure good football. And no Peacock. 


NY congressman and “Squad” member Jamaal Bowman said yesterday that he thinks $14 Trillion dollars is just about right for reparations. Hey, what’s another 45% increase in the national debt. We can always get money from China. Hunter Biden could broker a deal and sell Taiwan to Xi to raise the do yuan we need.  


Chinese banker’s love song, You’re the yuan I need. 


BTW, the Squad has been relatively muted the past tear since the Repubs took control. But if they lose in 2024, expect the craziness to begin again.  


Here’s an example of one reason why I avoid social media and its impersonal data driven generalizations. Yesterday on Linked-In I received note that said, “Because you know advertising, you should follow these sites, Ryan Reynolds, Tim Tebow and Mark Cuban. What an absolute crock. I'm always gettingrequestss for from complete strangers asking me to let them into my sphere so they can follow me. Why would anybody want to follow me. That's all you have to know about the sincerity of social media... false labeling at its best. 


My friend Jack says he can communicate with vegetables, Thats right, Jack and the beans talk. 


The Answer: 

Captain James Cook, British explorer and cartographer found the Hawiian Islands and named them the Sandwich Islands. Most British explorers named their findings Sandwich this or that. I guess the ocean air makes you hungry.  


Tomorrow feels like Saturday to me. I don't know why, but I do know that you probably don't care I feel like that. 


I like Sara McLachlan. I thought this was a nice song for today. 



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