Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Monday, August 13, 2012

Repubs get energized.

Today's Tids Issue 2,648
Opening Stuff

After the weekend flurry, you have to wonder whether it's Ryan or Romney who is running for President!

All you have to know about why the Middle East may never be fixed could be found in Yesterday's headline: "Gunmen Kill Seven Targeted Iraq Shiite Muslims." That's opposed to shooting the Sunni's who were swimming beside the Shiites in a popular Iraqi waterhole. Hatred is innate and violent. Western negotiators who go in and say "Be like us", just don't get it. Neither side wants to know the truth. Sound familiar.

Tell me again why sending Dwight Howard to LAL is good for the NBA. Here's a league with pockets of so-called stars in 4 or 5 big glamor locations compiling glitsy records against workmanlike teams struggling for financial stability in 25 other cities. The NBA has be come the Harlem Globetrotters Show all over again, with a handful of teams the trotters and the rest of the league the Washington Generals.

The Question:

Who was Desiree Washington? What is she doing now?

The Headlines:
--Stock Markets Imitate August; Dull, Hazy And Cooling.
--Dems Repeat Hallow Criticisms Of Paul Ryan Over Weekend.
--House Sues Holder Over "Fast And Furious".
McElroy Breaks Nicklaus Margin Record In Winning PGS.
--New Quakes In Iran Continue To Kill.
--Romney Says His Economic Plan Rules.
--Extravaganza Brings Down Curtain At Olympics; London Event Considered One Of Best In History.
--Google Cuts 4,000 Motorola Employees.

The Democrat convention appears more and more as a platform upon which the Hillary's 2016 run will be built. And, you can take that to the bank. If "0" loses, the two some will ride in on white chargers to save the Democrat party. And Democrats will open their arms, apologizing profusely for not accepting the  spouse as their 2008 candidate.

The closing ceremony proved to once again, that music has gotten worse over the the decades. Queen rocked. The Lennon appearance was a nice touch.

I type these Tids in the hottest corner of the house. You can tell by the uneven, foggy thinking.

These are the times when I wish I was apolitical for a few weeks.

Do you get the impression that a lot more golfers are wearing red shirts for the final round of golf tournaments.

Waddaya want to bet that now with the great Paul Ryan on the ticket, the Dems run the pushing grandma off the cliff commercial for a month? Huge. But, the irony is that most people with brains, Dems and Repubs alike, know overtly or covertly that the only solution to the debt monster is getting at the entitlements. Ryan is the only guy with a plan and the plan will have no effect on existing Medicare recipients. The Congress and Lynden Johnson stole the SS Trust fun and it would be asking to much for them to give up a few lunches with lobbyists so the people could start getting it back? Remember the people?

The healthcare mess began way back when insurance based medical programs began. People didn't pay the bills, so they stopped thinking about what they were spending. Everybody just piled on after that.

The Conscience: Chapter 5 continues.  --
  Jason was executive all the way -- Tall, strong walker, dressed casual but distinctive; he showed up well against the background of minions. I was starting to breathe hard as I followed his determined walk, What is this -- some kind of executive marathon training exercise. Maybe he gave me the $25K advance for hospital expenses. Jason pulled a tiny device from his pocket, pressed something and the doors blew open. I stopped in my tracks. Mouth dropping like an anvil. His office looked like the interior of a $4 Million dollar sailing yacht, teak, brass and canvas and upholstered money.
  As I stood there looking like the cabbage that fell of a truck I heard the booming voice of my old pal, "Are y'all just gonna stand there like a gawking idiot, or are you gonna come in and start earning your money?"
  I didn't say anything. I just straightened up and took a purposeful stride into his heavenly impressive business playground. Jason was already sitting by the time I reached his desk, which looked like a small aircraft carrier. He motioned me to the seat to his right. The left seat was already occupied by a stoic looking Asian who I assumed to be my friend on the phone, Eugene Wu. He didn't look so friendly now. I felt that familiar cold sweat enveloping my body.
  "Anybody like a drink before we get started?" I wanted to shout, "Me, me, me". But I looked up at my friend's glare and said "nothing for me". He barely heard me.

The Answer:
Desiree Washington was the women, Miss Black America from RI, who accused Mike Tyson of rape. There is still a lot of controversy on the decisions. Most critics and observers agree that Tyson's view of morality is far different than the vast majority; That he probably considers rape as normal sex. Washington has pretty much disappeared, with most people thanking she still lives in Coventry RI and models for a living.

This column has to get funnier tomorrow. Politics has a way of changing senses of humor into depressing exasperation. It's a damn shame.

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