Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Accentuate the Positive

Today's Tids Issue 4,448
Up, up and away:

You know, some days I look back upon an issue of Tids and find it’s more about human failure than accomplishment. That’s not right!  Brilliant and creative people achieve every day, though too often buried in the drama of calamity, the pain of tragedy or the cacophony of political anger. I’m going to attempt to reorient your favorite morning mess to highlight achievement and rid the world of pettiness. I know it is a near impossible task in a world where media ratings are built upon negativity. But ‘impossible” also includes possible.

Did you happen to notice that over the weekend Frenchman Franky Zapata crossed the English Channel on a hoverboard. The kerosene powered single-person air transport had to refuel half way across, a difficult task that had been the cause of previous failures. But he made it perfectly this time. And, he loved seeing the English shore rising before him. Even as he grimaced from the pain in his legs. Humans can do anything. That’s why we have a future.

“Economic Uncertainty” is for certain a term we are hearing more of lately. And uncertainty may have become more certain yesterday with China moving its yuan lower and banning imports of US farm products. Economists say that currency wars lead to recessions. We are playing hard ball with China to achieve a level playing field. But, with 1.3 billion consumers within their borders, China probably isn’t as concerned as the rest of the global marketers. Now it boils down to men stepping away from the chains of their egos to seek solutions.

What did the sock puppet say to the sock? It looks like you could use a hand.

There is a difference! Nerds are more academically inclined, while geeks are just super passionate about hobbies. Those who know, and care about the difference, are Dorks.  Just in case you are into classifying humans.

The Question:
What is “Paronomasia”?

The Headlines:
--All Eyes On Stock Markets; Stocks Look To Recover Some Loses After Worst day of Year;  All Markets Now Strong -- Nasdaq Soaring, Dow Near 200, S&P Solid; China Currency Steadies; European Stocks Rise.
--Trump To Go To El Paso On Wednesday.
--Patriot’s Tom Brady Accepts New One Year Contract; G.O.A.T. Could Be Free Agent At End Of Current Season; QB Has Earned $212,000,000 Over 20 Year Career.
--Trump Accuses China Of Currency Manipulation.
--US Novelist, Nobel Laureate Tony Morrison Dead At 88.--New York’s Luxury Department Store Barny’s Files For Chapter 11 Bankruptcy.
--Beijing To Hong Kong: “Don’t Play With Fire.”
--North Korea Fires Two Missiles Into the Sea;

Some serious political observers are seeing some interesting mini-battles within the Dem nomination war. Two most noticeable now are Eliz and Bernie, and Kamala and Cory. It appears that after two debates, Warren is emerging as much too agile for Bernie who is socialist to the core and has trouble moving out of the way of his ingrained beliefs. Liza Doolittle appears more astute and responsive and may be leaving him in the dust of socialist rhetoric. In the other significant inner battle Cory may have inched ahead of Harris who is looking more like a “one hit wonder” after being slowed dramatically in the debate two. Booker made points and has people in black voting blocs taking notice. Buttigieg keeps his nose clean as he tries to sound like a young elder statesman, but as the old capitalist saying goes -- You need a competitor to be relevant. Dems could see a Biden-Warren ticket, but could Elizabeth stand being #2 on the campaign trail? Interesting games going on there, even if you don’t care for Democrats.

Gateway bought Gannet publishing last week. That combo makes now becomes by far the largest newspaper publishers in the USA with a total circulation of 8.7 Million, 7 million more than #2 McClatchy. All of the Gannet/Gateway newspapers reach a mere 8.7 million out of 320,000,000. How long before it Paronomasia it is zero? I dread the thought of a day without newspapers, especially for local news. But, we will still have local TV and probably myriad local web sites. It will never be the same without funny papers.

President Trump has more to lose in a war with China because he is seeking re-election based on a strong economy with lots of jobs as an accomplishment centerpiece. Then again, you never know what is going on behind the scenes in China.

I enjoy my local CBS 6:00 news program and had for several years enjoyed the National News from the big “Eye” in the sky. But, lately I’m finding that in their reporting the Station at Black Rock ss showing it’s bias, and not too subtly. Or, is that snowing their base? So, I’ m looking.

Speaking of pain, I can’t imagine how awful dealing with teeth problems must have bene in the centuries before modern dentistry.

I thought Trump’s post shootings speech yesterday was better than much of what eh says. Of course, critics will only look for mistakes and negatives. And they did that yesterday right on schedule within minutes.

For instance, The New York Times ran a headline after Trump’s Speech, “Trump Urges Unity On Racism.” The paper got slammed by the narrowminded left. They were drowning in hateful tweets from singularly minded leftists. Dem starlets AOC, Booker and Gellibrand reprimanded the paper for not adhering to their post shooting decorations against Trump. The headline was changed after the onslaught, “Assailing Hate But Not Guns”. And Later “Trump Condemns Bigotry but Doesn’t Call For Major New Gun Laws.” So, the beat goes. So, it’s a terrible mess out there in mainland. The left has lost its mind. The Times has only lost subscriptions.

I remember to my dismay when writing what I considered fairly provocative, insightful marketing reports and submitting to management for review. I was always looking for serious guidance. What I almost always received was what I considered nitpicking -- “You forgot an apostrophe in thats”. That’s also why I hated English classes. It was all about grammar over content. As most readers have noticed, I’m still in trouble with the grammar police. Yes, maybe I should have paid attention.

I’ll neve date another apostrophe. The last one was too possessive.

In today’s news there was a report of a car bombing in Cairo that killed 20. It was probably an anti-government faction. Egypt has a population of about 92-93 Million while we are about 320 Million plus. Those who think there are not dangerous factions in the USA just don’t understand demographics.

Speaking of accomplishments, how great were the police during the Dayton massacre.

Financial analysts are saying that on a scale of 1 to 10, China’s retaliation against Tariff increases was an 11.

Are you thinking that Xi is saying to the world – “Wanna see what I can do…check tis out.” Ok Mr. Xi, we get it.

When English Majors marry: “I now pronouns you he and she.”

The Answer:
Paronomasia: The use of a word in different senses or the use of words similar in sound to achieve a special effect; as humor or a dual meaning; Punning. How come the lowest form of humor has such a high-fallutin’ descriptive term?

She texted me, “your adorable”. I responded with, “No, you’re adorable.” Now she thinks I like her when all I did was point out her grammar mistake.”

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