Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Hunkerin’ Down to sort it out.

Today's Tids Issue 2,227
Opening Stuff:

Well, the dust is settling with still a few more races to be settled. Should be an interesting few months of posturing as Boehner tries to figure out how he will balance the Dems, Republicans and enthusiastic new TP’ers. Let’s hope the squabbling can be held to a minimum and the lobbyists don’t digest the newbies too fast. Let’s hope they can actually do something to turn around the ship of state.

The line of the night following the electionsm may have come from Michelle Bachman in answer to one of those ad nausium questions from Chris Matthews: “I think people are thrilling tonight, I imagine that thrill is not so tingly on your leg any more…”

The menu in most restaurants today call it a demi-glaze. I call it gravy.

Is a book-on-tape about the 3M company?

The Question: 
What was the name of the site for the first episode of “Survivor”? Name five other sites for this long running show.

The Headlines:
--Applications for Jobless Benefits Jump Sharply; 20K New Claims Brings Weekly Total back Up Over 450K to 457K.
--Obama Has “Get-Me-Outta-Here Look As he Answers Tougher than usual Questions In Post lection Press Conference.
--Yemen Parcel Bomb Ten Minutes From Exploding.
--Solid Retail Gains Fueled By Heavy Discounting.
--Markets Open Higher After fed Action; Most say that Fed Move Will Not Help Restore Econmy faster Than 12 Months.
--Haitians Evacuate Tent cities In Advance Of hurricane.
--Ireland’s Finances Coming Under Intensifying Pressure; Investors Dumping Bonds Before Announcement Of Austerity Budget.

Why do I have this feeling that Pelosi will be a pit bull during this lame duck session? The feathers will fly like geese evading balls on a golf course. And what’s left on the floors of Congress will be the same as what’s left on the fairways. Step gently.

Back to More Stuff:
The post election night ratings has Fox News clobbering the networks and cable rivals CNN and MSNBC. They did it with a maximum of solid news reporters and a minimum of commentators.

I have to say that I like Governor Elect Chafee’s clothes.

Rhode Island…you know Rhode Island – the state that just elected the same guys who over the years have sent the state tumbling down into a black pit – that Rhode Island. Well, a strange duck Robert Healy running for Lt. Governor on the one issue platform that he will abolish the position of LG if elected received more votes (125,902) than Lincoln Chafee (123,388) who won the Governor’s race! Weird, isn’t it?

LaSalle Academy, a catholic school in Providence RI, now has two alums in the 100 person Senate – newly elected Republican Toomey from Pa and the Puppet Jack Reid from Stockholm Syndrome State.

Obama said at the press conference yesterday that he figures people were angry because the admin and Congress wasn’t making enough “progress” on the economy. Oh, it’s about progress all right. The deep seated anger is about a majority not liking what he and Pelosi think is progress.

They say that rabbit tastes like chicken. Does that mean that it also tastes like tuna fish too?

Do restaurants that offer music want to exclude people with hearing aids?

The Answer: 
Local Newporter and nut job Richard Hatch won the first Survivor which took place on Palau Tiga in Borneo. The others were Australian Outback, Africa, Nuku Hiva (French Polynesia), Thailand, Amazon. Pearl Islands, Vanuatu, Palau, Guatemala (Mayan), Panama (Exile Islands,) Cook Islands, Fiji, China, Micronesia, Gabon, Tocantins, Samoa and the current Nicaragua.

All of those candidates who think they can lie up to the promise of bringing jobs back from lower labor cost countries are probably going to be making excuses in a couple of years. Unless of course they get unions to drastically cut demands and benefits.

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