Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Time for Up.

Today's Tids Issue 2,231
Opening Stuff:

What could be worse than eating Spam while cramped on a boat in the middle of the ocean with no power while counting the hours as a tug boat shoves you slowly back to a save harbor. I mean...Spam? You can't make gravy from Spam.

These days, and I expect for a while during the next few months, a lot of info about the state of HC in America is and will be coming from The Admin in dribs and drabs. I wouldn't believe a word of it.

Interesting how a little chat yesterday with an Irish woman becomes this morning a precursor to a a news item about a horrific business report on the crumbling state of Green country's economy. (See Headlines)

The Question:
One of the most prolific composers of film scores ( Untouchables, The Thing, The Good, the Bad and the Ugly) was 82 today. Name him and 5 other famous film music composers.

The Headlines:
--Investors Fearing Ireland On the Brink Of Drastic Financial Tumble Dump Bonds Forcing Interest rates To record Levels. Debt to Rise To Highest In Post-War Europe At 32% Of GDP.
--Stricken Cruise Liner Moving Slowly To Port.
--0-man Making Major Muslim Support Talk To Childhood Nation.
--Baghdad Christian neighborhoods Attacked Again
--GM Reports 2 Billion 3Q Profit;

Back to More Stuff:
As far as I was concerned, the just past elections in RI should have been about reversing the disastrous General Assembly trend that has put the Ocean State 20,000 leagues beneath the sea. And Governor elect Chafee's "Honesty" campaign seemed to reassure voters that things would be different because he could not tell a lie. Except for one little thing,. He was elected it appears through the overwhelming support of the very same Unions that that have created an economic environment destined to rob good people of a reasonable future. Ironically, the only way Lincoln Chafee can turn this state around is to walk up on stage before a combined meeting of the Public Employees unions, and say, "Thanks for your support, but guess what? I lied."

At least when there is a fire in the engines of a ocean liner, the liner doesn't drop out of the sky. So you eat badly for a couple of days. you're sue.

When You Wish Upon A Star Department:
Ever wonder why a cricket chirps all night long? A new science report says that the Tuberous bushcricket's testicles are the largest of any species in proportion to the entire body. In fact this little happy chirper's package is a whopping 10.6% of total body weight. These cricket's are not great hoppers.

If "W" could have been as glib and relaxed and just plain funny as he was on Oprah yesterday, he may have soften much of the manufactured hatred surrounding his presidency. Oh, wait a minute...liberals don't have a sense of humor unless it is assaulting the personality of someone they oppose.

What do you think are the chances of RI Gov. Chafee becoming Sarcozy?

In an actual court case an Attorney asked a witness: "Is your appearance here this morning pursuant to a disposition notice I sent to your attorney?" The witness replied quickly, "No this is how I dress when I go to work in the morning."

To all of you fans of the world famous "Tids Installment Novels", I have another in the deep reaches of my cluttered mind. Stay tuned for drama, romance and excitement.

It will be done when I de-clutter all of the political hypocrisy.

I get drawn into all of this political rhetoric and combative opinions. And I kick myself for allowing myself to become over wrought. My entire political credo is very simple: "Keep it small and leave me alone."

The Answer: 
The oldster is Ennio Morricone and the rest are Henry Mancini (Moon river - Breakfast at Tiffany's), Jerry Goldsmith (Chinatown), Elmer Bernstein (Man with golden Arm), Bernard Herrman (Psycho), Alex North, Howard Shore, Danny Elfman, Max Steiner and John Willliams. Want to see em all: http//

The End:
Some are saying that the recent move by the Fed's Bernanke is the kind of move that is generally made to ward off in "Double Dip." Is it the news, or does everything feel as though it is on the verge of collapse.

Tommorrow will be a return to Happy Tidsville, where gravy and butterscotch flow and romantic fools dance upon the Oreo cookie avenues.

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