Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Mayday! Mayday!

Today's Tids Issue 3,110
Opening Stuff:

Yikes! The Repubs continually eat their young. Cantor is out! How will they ever get behind a Presidential candidate? You gotta figure that all of a sudden the Dems may be feeling a little better about retaining the Senate. The Dems may be bumbling, but the conservatives are committing suicide.

I was about to begin today with a softer message. A message of feeling, tasting the beauty of the world so sumptuous in its morning offering. Enjoying the fruits of God and the love of humans. That is until I read of the tragedy in Richmond Va. But, then the beauty of nature and the energy of the seas around us can bring you back fast. After all, politics is fleeting, but love is forever.

As far as I’m concerned the best all time comedy duo is Rocky and Bullwinkle.

The Question:
Who was Jay Ward and what did he do?

The Headlines:
--Repubs Nationally Stunned At Cantor Upset; College Professor David Brat Sends Him Home With Continuing Attacks About Majority Leader Support Of Immigration reform; Brat had Support Of Laura Ingraham.
--Moldova And Georgia Sign Contracts With EU Despite Warnings From Moscow; Ukraine Nixes Russia Gas Discounts.
--White House Now Blaming Bergdahl Deal On Hagel; President Shultz Moves Back Into denial.
--Key Iraq City Of Mosel Falls To al Qaida Troops.
--Negotiations Between BoA And DOJ On Fraud Charges Break Down.
--San Antonio Womps Heat.
--Markets falter As Dollar Slips Against Yen.

Hillary has within nano-seconds backtracked on her “Dead Broke” characterization of she and Bill’s financial situation at the end of his Presidency. Hillary Clinton – “The Backtracker”. Too bad she can’t back track to decisions that could have saved Ambassador Stevens; Smith, Woods and Doherty. How come she is capable of repairing her own deficiencies so quickly but didn’t appear to have time to hear the urgent pleas of Americans in danger.

Maybe the biggest news of the day is the California court declaring Teacher Tenure unconstitutional. Maybe all Union contracts that protect groups arbitrarily over the freedom of people to earn based on accomplishments are unconstitutional. Maybe this court decision is as big as the US Constitution. But then, 0-Man will probably issue an exec order to dump it. These days, everything is weird.

This is the 375th anniversary of our town here. It has more 18th century homes than any city in America. But, as I look around I rue the mid Sixties and that awful federal government program known as Urban redevelopment, which did nothing but line the pockets of builders and developers while decimating the historic core of cities. I’ve seen it in my home town and little villages where I have lived along the way. And I see it out my window this morning.

Actually Eric Cantor is pretty much like every guy who goes to DC with principles…and then finds that survival demands bending… as big money takes over.

Crossing the Pacific in a kayak seems like a dumb idea. It is also a costly idea for taxpayers now that the inevitable distress call has gone out and the Coast Guard came to the rescue.

Open the Piggy bank, Department:
It’s beginning to appear difficult to determine where to invest now that the Dow is looking more and more to be overbought. Actually, only 26.8% of stocks are overvalued compared to a historic average of 21.1 %. However, only 13.4% are undervalued compared to the histioric28.9%. So, investors are gobbling up what’s available at a faster pace than ever. The good news though is that 42.9% of stocks are still within The “Rising Trend” category meaning they are out of undervalued but still short of overvalued. The top ten “Undervalued” B+ to A+ stocks with strong dividends as a bonus are CVS Caremark, Occidental, Chevron, Exxon, Coca-Cola, Baxter International, Abbot Labs, Apache Corp, AT&T and TJX. Kaching.

Developers and contractors should have as part of their license sensible architectural or some level of aesthetic training before being allowed to gouge out a piece of precious landscape. When replacing what God grew, it should be worthy of what has gone before.

The Conscience: Chapter 5 continues.
       Jason just stood looking at me, slowly shaking his head from side to side as I crossed the room. I was now between a wonderful woman whose mother I had just killed and my friend whom I had betrayed so many years ago. I wanted to confront my past, but I knew I could mend the tear.
      “What were you thinking?” I stepped back. That voice of Jason’s was always so intimidating. He had a way of controlling people, maybe because he was of a society that was feared.
      “He was only thinking what many thought of the tyranny of 1950’s Mobile. That truth was determined by people with no souls. No heart.” James had moved forward and now held Jason’s eyes, in his. “Jeffery Morgan felt what every person not of the chosen felt,” He said that with a small sneer in his lips. "He knew he would not get justice especially from an incident that arose out of the character in that man’s heart." he pointed at me. "A man who lashed out against the ugly inherent in your society.” My chest pumped up a bit, but then who am I fooling.
     Jason hadn’t uttered a word, but I could see his face reddening as he heard the truth from a black man. “I own you now, Jason.” James just appeared content. He was calm. “You will have to live now with knowledge of every black man you spat upon, every black family you and your society ruined; every life that went astray because fo your persecution. “ He paused. “You have no idea about how ugly you are.” James took a step forward, “And now if you’ll just move away from behind my desk.”
    Jason did move and took a step towards me with grotesque anger possessing his face and heart. I took a step towards him, but before anything occurred, Milton Washington stepped between us.
    “It’s time for you to leave Mr. Montgomery”.

The Answer:
Of course Jay Ward was the creator of Rocky and Bullwinkle. To me, Ward was an incredibly creative humorist, satirist who also gave us Dudley Do-Right, Peabody and Sherman, Crusader rabbit, George of the Jungle and all of tose great supprtin characters like Boris and Natasha, and Sweet Nell. Ward was great with Puns like his titles for episodes, “Mine eyes have seen the gory” or “When a felon needs a friend”. Yup, I just laugh when thinking of all that he gave the world. He’d like that.

Have a great day!
If you have nothing to do today, you can binge on Bullwinkle!

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