Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Monday, September 19, 2016

I wasn’t there; I don’t care.

Today's Tids Issue 3,686
For Looking Back:

On Friday The Tids had a list of supposedly America’s greatest composers. I was dismayed and educated at the same time when I saw that Irving Berlin was listed as number 77. The skies moved and lightning struck me. Of course he is #77, nobody today has ever heard of him. They haven’t heard of Gunsmoke and barely know about the WWII. And some even 911. They think churches are mere historical monuments and no longer relevant. That is the real danger to our society so great for so long. Too many people only know what they see flashing across their phones yesterday. Or from historical documentaries as prepared by TV executives. The world is running so fast that people don’t have time to look backward, to understand roots. Too many people think that the US of A has only been about slavery or Under Armor or Prince. They have no sense of the evolution of thought and understanding. Too many don’t see the whole. A country built from day one of people who had never lived here before, but somehow came, gathered and learned to work and live and love together, and agree on what’s good for all and not just vocal segments. The problem is, who knows?

Now all that the Chicago Cubs have to do is win the World Series and the universe will be Perfect.

A local University is providing “Therapy Dogs” for potentially stressed incoming Freshman and insecure upper classmen. Does that mean that students will give up pot and booze?

Word of the Week, Department:
The Tids ace lexicographer today gives us Propinquity, which means nearness, closeness, proximity, relationship. The Latin root Prope means near, and has given us propinquity and proximity which are kin. Propinquity usually conveys a stronger sense of closeness. And sometimes describes a loving relationship.

The Wells-Fargo fiasco just shows you how many people today are willing to give up their ethics and morals for a bonus. Some people will cry for more laws. I’m crying for more crowded churches.

The Question:
--Who were the first two emperors of the Roman Empire? Bonus: Name four actors on the original Dick Van Dyke Show other than dick. Super Bonus: How was the USA funded before the 16th (income tax) Amendment?

The Headlines:
--Stocks Up Nicely To Open The Week; S&P Establishes New Sector For Real Estate, Transferring it From Financials.
--Big Investors Eying Cannabis Industry As Next High Flying Stock Opportunity.
--Yacht Buyers At Huge Eastern Show Think Economy Is Good.
--New York City Bomb Injures 29 In Chelsea Section of The Apple; Second “Pressure Cooker” Bomb S=Found I the Area.; Knife Wielding Man Shouting Allah Stabs At eats 8 In Minnesota mall.
--FBI Names Bombing Suspect, Naturalized Pakistani Immigrant Ahmad Kahn Rahami.
--Kohl’s To Hire 69,000 Christmas Workers.
--Veep and Thrones Dominate Emmy’s
--CNN Eliminates “Bombing” from Hillary’s Post NYC Explosion Remarks: Accuses Trump Of Jumping To Conclusion By Mentioning Bombs Too Quickly.
--Pats Emerging QB Knocked Out Of Game.

Millennials are said to be pretty smart, forward looking people, but it seems their addiction to the information age and guttural eagerness has them confused, First, they are not overly avid for The Hill, which is intelligent. She has a slight lead (31%) over Trump (26%), but even a smaller lead over Johnson (29%) in this demographic of our future. Confusion? Now, this is the group that went bananas over the big government socialist Sanders, but are now streaming to “No Government” Johnson. So basically as always, it is contrarianism that drives the youth – if my parents and grandparents did it, I’m not interested.  Hillary is considered big establishment by the 18-34 group. And Trump an enigma.

Actually, the truth is that Millennials are similar to every other generation with some conservative, some moderate and some liberal. What is different is their fascination with socialism, Bernie was dominant, and among this group Communist candidate Kline has over 15% of the vote! Now, that is something to be concerned about for the future. Why are so many people infatuated with giving up their independence?

Quirky, Acceptable Standards, Department:
Think about it – why haven’t Americans revolted against the five passenger car? I guess even-numbered couples may be old fashioned thinking, but how many times have people had to use two cars for six people going to dinner.

It’s been about 257 years since France surrendered Quebec to the British, and yet the people of Quebec still speak French. I guess it take a lot to make them forget.

If you live on the east Coast from New Jersey to the South, expect to see new grocery stores named “Lidi” opening in your neighborhood. This is a huge German Supermarket chain (10,000 stores in 26 countries) similar to another German company Aldi, and has already decimated the British landscape. It’s like a liverwurst panzer movement strategy. Ach tung!

Somebody thought it correct to nominate Darren Sharper for the NFL Hall of Fame. Sharper was convicted of drugging and raping 16 women across the country, and is serving 18 years in prison. I wonder how Goodell will deflate this travesty? They say “Good Character is not a prerequisite for the Hall.” Maybe Pete Rose could get in Canton.

Duh Headline of the Morning, Department:
“Emmy Stars Take Potshots at Trump.” Yup, these giddy activists, the 1%‘ers with mouths, who stand on red Carpets saying things she looks lovely and he looks great in a tux, have a microphone way out of proportion to their brains. By the way, “Transparent” Director Jill Holloway who’s slogan  is “Down With Patriarchy” compared Trump to Hitler. How trite.

In all honesty I have to say that Ya, Ya, Ya…(WYKWIM)…emerging rookie catcher Sanchez looks like the real thing and could  become one of the true super stars of the future. Yogi, who?

By the way, the best performance of the night was Jeb Bush as a chauffeur in the opening Emmy’s skit. Why can’t Repubs get candidates like that.

You have to wonder if US woman golfers are just hoping for that time when South Korean women golfer’s batteries explode. If, you get my drift.

Based on a lot of what I read, I think Americans would just as soon put off this presidential election for a year or two. There is no question that people want a complete change in direction and that according to research that seems to preclude establishment candidates of any kind. Trump fits that parameter for sure, but has not gained the confidence of the majority. So, a hiatus would mean keeping Obama in office a little longer. Or, maybe Paul Ryan and Joe Biden could be co-Presidents until everything was sorted out. That’s the way people are thinking, and it is a crying shame.

The Parking Lot: Chapter 71.
   Nancy felt the warm body of Jared next to her and was conflicted about leaving the bed on his brisk cool Fall morning to jump up to quell the incessant ringing of her cell phone. Finally, she slid out, and ran to the phone grabbing a small coverlet on the way which she threw around her bare shoulders and body. “Hello!” But she only heard silence.
   Every phone call was more meaningful these days, especially one so early in the morning. Now she felt that familiar discomforting rumble in her stomach. She clicked on “Recent” and found the word “Alex”.
   She eased got up and walked slowly, cover dragging behind her, into the bathroom trying to remember why someone named Alex was in her contact list.
   “Alex, Alex, Alex,” she uttered as she walked back across the small room.
   “What did you say?” She looked over to see a horrible looking Jared peaking up from the warm blankets.
    “Go back to sleep, you need your rest.” Then she smiled at that morning mess and felt good all over remembering last night. “Alex !”
    Now she remembered the name as a guy she went to college with and met again several years ago in some legal land deal. He was a nice guy, she remembered. But, why would he be calling me this morning this early.
   Lawyer. Land. Friend of McGuire. She shuddered.
   “I’m going out to get a couple of coffees,” she said casually as she quickly dressed.
   “Mmmffmmmshe mmmmfff.”
   “Ok, I’ll get one with sugar.” Now she really smiled to herself! I’m beginning to understand him.” Her mood changed rapidly back to concern. Why is he calling me? Coincidence? Friend or foe? That’s why she was going out for coffee, to get the cell phone away from their safe place.

The Answer:
Julius Caesar’s great nephew and adoptive son Augustus was numero uno on the Tiber while Tiberius followed him. The rest of the first five are Caligula, Claudius and Nero. Bonus: Of course there was Mary Tyler Moore. Other’s were Mory Amsterdam, Rosemarie, Richard Deacon and Carl Reiner  Super Bonus: Actually the USA got a long quite nicely without an Income tax because there were so few expenses! The Three main sources of income were Excise taxes (Alcohol, Tobacco, Sugar etc.), Import Tariffs and Land Sales. It is said that the Custom House in NYC accounted for 75% of the USA’s income up to the 1870’s- 90’s. Several Presidents worked there -- Rutherford B. Hayes and Cheater A. Arthur. The huge institution was political appointment mess where everybody working there was connected. At one time, it is said, 25,000 people applied for 700 jobs. Because employees there could get percentages of cargo seized, many of them were wealthier than business and high ranking political people including the President.

Little things in life that are special: Dawn dishwashing soap. I hope that millennials like it.

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