Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Monday, November 7, 2016

Julian? Julian? Are you there?

Today's Tids Issue 3,722
For Conclusion:

On Tuesday, I will search my ballot for every possible local and statewide Republican I can find, and my vote will be but a whisper. Democracy died in Rhode Island before much of the population was born.

Why is the world so confusing to some, so overburdening? Why is what is simple for most, complex to others. Why can striving for ideals be so onerous when only goodness is sought. Why in a world with so many opinions, so many scientific studies and so much knowledge, can’t simple mysteries of life be easily solved. Where is the App for living?

This just in: Psychics are officially split evenly on who will win the election.

The Question:
Who was the first woman ever elected to be Governor of a state who didn’t follow, of fill the post vacated by her husband? Bonus: Who is said to have invented the Potato Chip? Big Bonus: You can tell whether or not little pesky things crawling around are insects by the number of legs. How many legs does a non-human insect have? No political jokes please.

The Headlines:
--Dow Opens Over 270 After Comey Remarks.
--Earthquake Rattles Oklahoma Near Big Oilfields; Damage Said To be Widespread..
--Comey Says What He Said Is Still What He Said.
--US Signals Start Of Campaign To Retake ISIS Capital Raqqa
--Janet Reno Dies.
--California Investigators Find New Software In VWs’ That Could Lead To New Scandal; Wall Street Cautious.
--Merkel Expected To Run And Win German Election.
--US Elections Cloud View of Big Climate Change Conference Beginning In Morocco

It is amazing how many newspapers and news organizations misrepresented the latest Jobs Added report. By Economist standards the 161K is mediocre for a vital economy, and that October number was 17,000, 9.5% below estimates. Wages were reported up, but that is most likely because many who were forced to accept low paying, inadequate jobs left the defined jobs market, necessarily raising the average. How will Americans ever make honest decisions about dishonest politicians when their main source of ready information allows incorrect or misleading data to be published?

Maybe robots should be running the news media, too.

One of my favorite Sunday morning CD’s is the Mormon Tabernacle Choir’s “Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring”. It features the beautiful, spiritual, melodic moments of two composers, Johanne Sebastian Bach and George Frederic Handel. Interestingly, both of these giants were born in 1685, and they both changed the way people heard music.

On well traveled road down in South County yesterday a car suddenly began to swerve erratically. A 4 year old in a back seat car seat screamed after the sudden lurch. The woman in the passenger seat looked at her glassy eyed friend driving, reached over, yanked the driver’s hands off the steering wheel and pulled the emergency break. The driver didn’t appear to be breathing. At the same time a nurse passing by saw immediately a problem arising, stopped her car and ran. She noticed the stricken driver was in opioid shock, and took action, which saved her life. Around the country Politicians are running on platforms that would rid the country of this latest scourge against the people. In Washington DC yesterday the President pardoned 73 Drug traffickers. Who says drug traffickers aren’t violent threats to society? Ask the four-year-old in the car seat.

In last minute ploy Trump tells nation that Hillary will ban glue guns for scrap bookers. This presents sticky situation for Hillary adherents.

Panhandling has always been an annoyance, and it is growing even more so. What has become particularly irritating to many are people begging drivers for dough at intersections. Some say it is dangerous. Of course, efforts to bar them even as a safety risk have been squelched by ACLU type operations who win by protecting some perceived right to hassle car drivers. Now, a genius up at the Rhode Island State house is proposing that the police Ticket drivers who contribute to the propagation of pan handling. Are they nuts! Ticketing good hearted drivers? Disrupting traffic to ticket them. Diverting police away from solving real crimes. All this because of god dammed Political correctness…and progressive court interpretations. Wait until Hill gets her court going.

If Bill Clinton becomes First Mate, there will be a lot of post- “Erection” jokes.

Speaking of locker room talk, how about that Harvard men’s soccer team.

Snack, Department:
A lot of foods we eat don’t taste salty, like cereals, but they contain as much salt or more than potato chips. Chips just get a bad rap because they don’t hide the truth. I’ll go with the honest snack. –In a response to my packing tips for Potato chips on Friday’s Tids, a smart guy says he avoids crushing by eating the chips on the way home. And asks, “Just what is Kale anyhow?” –The war on cheese flavored mixed snack packages is heating up. After touting Cheez-It Dream Snacks, a snack shelf observers sent in another temptation: “Cheeto’s Bag of Bones.”, a holiday treat that lives after under Cheeto’s Big Bag --Another reliable contributor to the Tids says to remember this week end to set your scales back 10 pounds. Everything is good in Snackland, when good  friends let good friends love cheezy snacks.

Joanna Gaines for President. We need a little goodness in this land of ours…and less litter.

I pay less than minimum wage to walk nine holes playing golf on as pretty a course as there is in this nation. You can get a lot for $9.50/ hour!

I always can hardly wait for prime-time NFL games so I can fall asleep gently.

The Answer:
Ella Grasso of Connecticut was the first woman who became Governor without the way being paved for her by her husband. She made it big when she performed admirably during the giant late 70’s snow storm. Bonus: Lore says that George looking for a better French fry up in Saratoga Springs, NY, sliced potatoes really, really thin and fried them “Saratoga Chips” became an overnight hit…even without Twitter. Big Bonus: It is generally accepted that insects have six legs. If it is eight legs, then it is a spider.

Well, tomorrow is the end of the drone. The anger, the accusations. A woman who took the high road into the gutter and a man who never found the high road. One man promises to fix a nation that 62.3% of Americans thinks is on the wrong track (31.1 % right track RCP Average Today). One woman promises to increase the speed of the train running on the wrong track, and perhaps take to tracks that Americans never knew were there. But, you have wonder what most Americans really think they are voting for – the exaggerations of candidates, the misinformation of the press or what they know in their hearts?

How close will it really be? Is this election too weird for the polls?

Vote for your favorite Republican congressperson – Senate and House.

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