Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

What’s there that I cannot see?

Today's Tids Issue 4,012
For Clarity:

My mind seems a bit out of sync.
The harder I try to rationally think,
The more I see a brain on the blink.
Today’s Tids could lead me to drink.

Why is the news all about politics? I’d really like being able to comment on other stories of the world. Why do I hear more about negativity; about the inconceivable acts of humans against humans? Why are people who make sense for all, condemned for not making the right kind of sense for some. Nobody watches the news if there isn’t a fire, or unless about someone who is a liar. Maybe this is why my head is like mush. Some days I just give up.

The way apparently biased, anti-Trump FBI agents keep popping up on the Mueller team, it looks like the White House sleuths are outperforming the investigators.

Last night, a HS girls’ basketball team in Montana beat another HS team 102-0. Something about that does not seem right.

Giannis Antetokounmpo of the Milwaukee Bucks could be the next most dominant player in the NBA.

One of the great things about this time of year are the many stories of people helping people. With all of the daily reports of nasty stuff promulgated by national icons, it’s nice to see that so many real Americans still have so much love for others in their hearts. And, respect.

Trump and the admin are thinking of creating an inhouse spy network to counter the “Deep State.” Christopher Hitchens expected to be chief advisor. Ooooo-Weeee-Oooooo.

The Question:
What do you think are considered the ten best books on conspiracies?  

The Headlines.
--Markets Meandering; New Jobs Reported At 190,000.
--Netanyahu Mum On US Jerusalem Move.
--Time Person Of Year “Silence Breakers” Who Formed “Me Too” Against Sexual Harassment
--British MI5 Thwart Plot To Assassinate PM May.
--Senate Ok’s Kirstjen Nielson To Head Homeland Security.
--United HealthCare To Buy DaVita’s Medical Unit.
--Aetna Chief To Get $500 Million After Deal Is Completed.

Somethings actually do pass the test of time. One, for instance, is throwing a handful of cheerios onto kid’s height chair and stroller trays.

Let’s hope the Feds, in an attempt to paydown the deficit, don’t institute the Virginia model of criminal tolling on the interstate system. In case you missed it, the new Va state tolling system is controlled by algorithms that automatically increase the toll as the traffic becomes more congested. Say what? It can be as high as $40 for a few short miles. I’d be designing a back roads App right now.

Politician Speak, Department:
Upon Exiting, John Conyers said, “The accusations against me are not accurate, and I don’t know where they came from”. I read that as “What I did was much worse than described, and I thought we paid off everybody who knew about it”.

It is pretty much agreed that the current adjustments in the stock markets are more about seeking new investment avenues for all the money made in Tech stocks. It is not a sign of the weakening of the technology companies, but one of reevaluation and strategizing for the future. It will basically be a few months of heartburn for tach stock holders.

The Voice got it right last night eliminating Ashland and Shi’Ann.. The singing competition is down to 8 and next week, to 4. Judge Blake has 3 remaining; Hudson and Levine 2; Miley just one. The final three right now look like Chloe, Addison and Brook with perhaps Davon or Red, but probably Noah sneaking in as the other. I was rooting quietly for Ashland, but knew she had to go. Now I’m rooting quietly for Red, knowing that he won’t be there.

United Healthcare is huge, but now must sit back and watch CVS get bigger with the Aetna purchase. The reshaping of healthcare may offer the next big growth opportunity for redisposing tech stock profits.

I like Sarah Huckabee Saunders.

The top conspiracy theories are: Secret Group Controlling the World; Obama is a Foreign-Born Secret Muslim; The 911 Attacks Were an Inside Job; Lizard People “Reptilians” are Running the World; JFK Assassination theories; Aliens are Contacting us; Moon Landing was faked; FDA Is withholding a cure for cancer; “Chemtrails” – Trails behind planes are government sprayed to control population; Holocaust didn’t Happen; The Tids is a Chinese media ploy to destroy the minds of America.

Actually, the above list in itself is a conspiracy, exaggerated to make appear outlandish and by inference tarnish some conspiracies sacred to me.

From what I’ve seen and read, the wedding cake baker never said he wouldn’t bake LGBT’s a birthday cake. He’s apparently more an artist than a baker who has feelings about his art, just like any other artist. Say like all of those who say they don’t want their art near Trump’s White House. In fact, artists who refused the Inauguration like Elton John said, “it would appear they were endorsing something they didn’t believe in”. I believe that’s what the baker said about same sex weddings. The plaintiffs say the confrontation is not about a cake, but only about a group being rejected because of who they are. But, the baker never said he wouldn’t bake them a birthday cake.

A real conspiracy blossoming in the news is that Tesla’s Gigafactory was designed to create a global battery shortage.

The Answer:
We have enjoyed Ludlum and LeCarre who are way down the list. The Manchurian Candidate is one of the most memorable and only at # 28. But the Top Ten are “No one Left to Lie To” – Hitchens; “State of War: Secret history of the CIA and Bush Administration” – Risen & Perry; “Fault Line” – Eisner; “The Ballad of Abu Graib” – Gourevitch; “The Clerkenwell Tales” – Ackroyd; “The Condor Years” – Dinges; “Singing into the Piano” – Mooney; “A Conspiracy of Paper” – Liss; “Wag the Dog” – Beinhart; The Last Thing he Wanted” – Didion.

So, did you hear that the comedian couldn’t finish the joke about infinity because there was no ending.

You probably wish you hadn’t.

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