Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Thursday, July 26, 2018

How can I be so out of step?

Today's Tids Issue 4,182
For Impewvement:

One of the tragedies of modern America is empty churches.

I read with interest yesterday the possible discovery of a body of salt water beneath the surface of Mars. My mind began thinking that perhaps we have it all wrong. Perhaps it was Mars that was the ideal planet for human life and over time the sun cooled to the point where life better adapted to a then more moderate Earth. So, that would mean that all of those with reservations for a new Mars home land should really start thinking about a cooled down Venus as theoretically the sun could be shrinking and cooling. That’s my theory and I’m sticking to it.

People are missing out on the real flavor of foods. For instance, the once delicious bare Hamburger is now overloaded the spices, condiments vegetables and just about anything one chef can discover to separate himself from the pack of chefs. I like vanilla ice cream because I like the taste of vanilla, not necessarily myriad additives. I like plain potato chips because I like the taste of potatoes, not imitation sour cream or now even pickle flavors. I like bare boned pizza as opposed to the overloaded choices today. And the beat goes on as more basic foods are disguised in for the sake of creativity and marketing differentiation.

The Question:
What TV show launched Helen Mirren’s fame in the US? Bonus: Who founded the African country of Liberia?

The Headlines:
--Markets Surged After News Of Positive Meeting Between EU’s Junker And President.
--In After Hours Trading, Facebook plunged 20% Due To Poor Earnings Results; Amazon To Report Today.
--NK Poised To return Remains Of 55 US Soldiers On Friday.
--Republicans in Congress Move To Impeach Assistant AG Rosenstein.
--Slumping Nissan Sales Drive Profits Down; Astra Zeneca Delivers More Bad News To Markets As Profits Sag 27%.
--Dems Waters And Warren Jump To Microphones To Declare They Are Capitalists.
--Trump Moves Next Putin Meeting To 2019.
--New ISIS Attacks Kill Over 200 In Southern Syria.
--Mattel Cutting 2,200 Jobs As Sales Continue To Fall Due To Absence Of Toys r’ Us.

There are numerous news photos treated lightly and honorably by the press, like those showing a smiling Putin with a smiling Obama, smiling Bill Clinton, smiling Hillary, Smiling GW, Smiling GHWB or smiling Schumer. But somehow when in a pic with a smiling Trump, it is the end of the world.

There seems to be a growing number of stories coming from unnamed sources in England implying that we are supposed to feel sorry for Meghan Markel and her new duties as royal.

Critics of Uber who say the ride sharing idea is unfair to established cab companies who must play by a different set of government regulations are answered with, The cab companies should have recognized opportunities offered by new technology. On the other hand, there are also numerous complaints about the popular Airbnb. The answer is different here, because there is no competitor being dramatically injured by their presence. In this case the harassed are people in homes in quiet neighborhoods. More importantly though is the impact on housing and rental costs as off-premises owners up purchase prices to make big money on short term stays versus long time rentals.  People who rent and first-time homebuyers are having real problems finding affordable housing.  

I like this guy Pompeo.

Some times I’m reluctant to uninstall apps as there may be some interlocking relationship between apps and operating systems. It is similar to over taxing China which is a key component in the success of many American super businesses, like for instance Apple, which gets 25% of its revenue from that hugs country. Collateral consequences should always be major concern in a complex interconnected global marketplace.

That Stanford U swimmer, Brock Turner, branded a “Sex offender for life” after being convicted of raping an unconscious inebriated women, entered a new plea to rid himself of the label for life:  H was practicing “Outercourse”, a form of safe sex, so says his lawyer. “Outercourse.” There’s always something.

I don’t really know the retails of that case above, but in general I believe that some of these “sex offender for life” punishments should be reviewable.

When I mistype an “n” for and “h”, I’m wondering why Spell-Check can’t figure out that “n” actually looks like a squat “h”, and besides, “h” works better with the letters that follow. How hard could that be for AI systems predicted to be driving our cars. Even junior AI Systems like Spell-Check.

Tomorrow begins “Folk Festival” time here in Newport. It was sold out in one hour or so last February. Aging hippies will be wandering about the town with greying pony tails and sagging tattoos. The locals will wonder why the sea air has a funny aroma for the next couple of days.

I wish there was more going on that struck my funny bone today. I bet you wish that too.

I read this morning where Rhode Island is seeking to become the Crypto currency, blockchain capital of the world. RI politicians will like that as barely any citizen here will understand what it does.

I had the pleasant experience of talking to three 16-year-old kids yesterday. I find they ae looking at the world similarly to many who have gone before, but with the assistance of instant communication and information.  

This one of those Tids where I tried and I tried and then finally decided, it just isn’t going to get any better than this, so I may as well send it out and see how it lands. There are those days when I walk away thinking that I must have missed a lot, because it seems there should be more.

The Answer:
Prime Suspect, the London police TV Series made Mirren a US household name, at least for those who watched public TV. Bonus: Liberia was founded by freed American slaves with the cooperation of the US American Colonization Society who saw a need for a place where, “black people would face a better chance for freedom and prosperity”, than in the US. A wealthy American form Virginia, Joseph Jenkins Roberts was elected the first President. Their constitution and flag are modelled after the United States.

I walk along a simple path through a wildflower field and I see a white steeple looming, a welcoming spire, where the peeling of bells draws me closer. The blended voices of a choir majestically rise to my ears. Yet, as I near it all fades softly away. Inside I see nobody there. But I feel the love that never leaves.

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