Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Wednesday, January 8, 2020


Today's Tids Issue 4,561
Cooler Heads:

I’ll be happy when they settled down on this Iran disruption so I can get back to devoting my full attention to guessing the cost of stuff on Price is Right. I have priorities.

I had been using Alexa to turn on lights, and then I rediscovered it was not so hard to turn lights on myself with a switch. And, it was less confusing.

It could become more confusing in the future when Amazon security tells me I need a password for each lamp.

Or when my “Turn-On” instructions go into spam.

I used to work for a fire hydrant factory. You couldn’t park anywhere near the plant. –SW

On closer look, it appears that the Iran missile attack might have been more about showing strength than killing Americans or destroying US facilities and equipment. It is also suspected that Iran gave the US an early warning though a leaked letter from the PM’s office. It is expected now that US will respond cautiously, if at all. Several observers are saying that both sides are looking for a way out of a potential useless war that would rage unsettled for years. Now, both sides know that they have the ability to attack each other directly, rapidly. It now seems that the threat is deescalating. Which is probably why Wall Street Has cooled off and oil prices have declined.

The Question:
Last year is gone, but TV enthusiasts are not and they are still remembering what shows that returned in 2019 were the best. Name the top ten.

The Headlines:
--Damage From Iran Missile Attack Was Negligible; Later Analysis Says Iran Was Mainly Exhibiting Strength Over Seeking Destruction And Deaths; Trump To Speak On Attack At 11:00.
--Stock Markets Rebound Sharply Following After Original Knee-Jerk Reaction To Missile Attack; New Jobs Added – 202,000 Exceeds Projection Of Just 160,000; Defense Stocks Surge; Boeing Stock Dow 2% After Crash.
--Ukraine Airlines Boeing 747-800-NG Disintegrates After Leaving Teheran Airport Bound For Kiev; 170 Killed, 82 Iranian and 63 Canadian; Authorities Unsure Of Cause.
--Nerves Edgy In Puerto Rico As Aftershocks Continue; Authorities Say Damage Is Worse Than That Of Hurricane Maria.
--Macy’s Reports Lackluster Fall And Christmas Season; Pier One Collapses Into The Bay.
--Avalanche Kills Two At Idaho Ski Resort.
--NY Football Giants Name Joe Judge Of Patriots Their New Coach; Baylor Coach Matt Ruhl Gets Top Spot For Carolina; Odds Ae Now That Pats Josh McDaniels May Go To Cleveland.

Of Course, a lot of moods about Iran could change after President Trump’s message at 11AM.

New England is in a panic over the possibility that Tom Brady may be going somewhere else to play out is career. It has been suggested that the region get together to name a major institution, event or land mass after him as an incentive to stay. Among the suggestions is naming the New England half of Connecticut – Brady, USA.

At the request of readers who may be traveling but have their DVR’s set to view Jeopardy Champions later, management has ordered the TD (Tidster Department) not to comment on the excitement going on in the match. If there was any.

The Dems are all for nobody is above the law except illegal immigrants.

It was quite surprise to hear that that good ole’ Elsie’s company Borden’s is going out of business. They say it is because cow milk consumption is on the decline, 6% in the past year. I don’t think I want almond milk ice cream.

I wonder if you can make Elmer’s glue out of almond milk?

Since the beginning of time politicians have needed foreign enemies to sustain their relevance as protectors.

There are Zombies among us, and it is low interest rates that are keeping them walking. No, not the living dead, but business who should be dead and buried are struggling on because the cost of existing is at an all-time low. Mall owners still like them because they fill up space whisk better for a malls image than empty shops. Most of these zombies are retail operations. Recent business estimates now say that the country has far too many stores than necessary, especially with more people buying on line. But mall builders got to build because that’s what they do.

Cross country skiing is great if you live in a small country.  -- SW

Colin Kaepernick said last week that bombing General Soleimani was racist. Hasn’t he learned that people aren’t listening to racist claims any more. He is one of the reasons why.

There seems to be a growing consensus among small Tech companies and startups that the lure of working with Big Tech maybe dangerous to their health. Real dangerous. Like, all Big Tech ideas don’t originate within… if you get my drift.

Tech companies got to invent something new continually to stay relevant. But, my object in life is not keeping tech companies’ relevant no matter how hard they work to convince me that giving away all my privacy is good for me.

The knitter did not say much but she shrugged a lot.

Look it up.

The Answer:
Number one show that returned in 2019 was Stranger Things. It was followed by Lucifer, Brooklyn Nine-Nine and then The Good Place, Ozark (My Favorite), Modern Family, Peaky Binders, The Crown, The Handmaids Tale and Westworld. Big Little lies came in at 11, and on the way to the top 25 we had Killing Eve, True Detective, Rick And Morty, Young Sheldon, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, This Is Us, Lost In Space, The Punisher, Legacies, American Horror Story, Orange is the New Back, The Good Doctor and Elementary.

The 56.7 K people who responded to the above probably didn’t realize that Ziva returned to NCIS, which gave it a nice bump in interest. She is one of the better all-time characters in a major series, to me at least.

I always feel I’ve had a good Tids day with I’m finished in time to watch The Price Is Right.

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