Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Tuesday, May 14, 2024



Today's Tids Issue 5,519 

Pork chops with Merlot sauce: 


Somebody sent me an email with an attachment loaded with pictures of puppies. It took me a while to get started on Tids this morning. 


So far none of the big horses are showing up for the Preakness scheduled for this Saturday. The owners and trainers are saying it is too close to the Derby and the mere two-week layoff is too hard on the horses. Hmm. The Triple Crown is the greatest horseracing achievement, and it goes to the most courageous, strongest toughest horses. Thats what makes the three wins great. Is horse racing succumbing to the trpohies for all mentality. 


When Neanderthals go out on the town it is called clubbing. 


My wife asked me why I spoke so softly in the house. I said I was afraid Mark Zuckerberg was listening. She Laughed, I laughed, Alexa Laughed. Siri laughed. 


The Question: 

Name ten very simple inventions or innovation that changed the world. 


The Headlines: 

--Stocks Drifting; Powell Comments That his Confidence in Achieving Lower Inflation is not as High as it was at the Beginning of the Year. 

--Biden Expects China to retaliate When Americ Raises Tariffs on Chinese Goods. 

--Americans Taking on More Debt than Ever Before; Many Lower Income Americans falling Behind on Credit cards and Auto Loans, 

--Cross Examination of Cohen Begins in Today’s Afternoon Section of the Trump Trial. 

--AI Fight between OpenAI, Microsoft, Apple and Google Heats Up. Google Announces Super Generative AI Search engine. 


The media has been characterizing Michael Cohen as being breathtaking, cool, smart. Nice. But the legal experts re saying he has not produced evidence of a crime being committed. 


Some days I just sit around and dream of meat with a nice sauce or gravy. It's forthcoming. 


As a kid I used to watch the Wizard of Oz and wondered how someone could talk if they didn’t have a brain. Then I got Facebook. 


Have you noticed these little bunches of rulings that have the nose of the Government sneaking under the Big Corporate Tent. They are just little squibs in news reports, but they are of one Agency or another ruling on business operations. The airline industry has launched a suit against the DOT's new Fee disclosure rule. This may be a suit that is watched closely by all American businesses. How far can the government go into private enterprise operations.  


Great, just what we need – a tariff war with China. 


Caitland Clarke plays her first game as a Pro for Indiana against the Connecticut Sun tonight just down the road from here at the Mohegan Sun Casino. I hear it is crazy down year and it will be the first sellout in teh history of the Sun franchise. How good will Clark be against the bigger bodies, the seasoned pros.  


What do you call a Jamaican Neanderthal? Cavemon. 


One reason that mortgage rates may not be hurting home sales is because teh huge boomer generation is suddenly downsizing and they have a lot of cash. 


That said, the cost of housing is sinful now.  


The Answer: 

Number ten is the creation of the concept of “Zero" in Babylon; it changed mathematics. #9 And #8 were The Decimal System and the Compass, which changed navigation. Number 7 was the acceptance of the “Scientific Method”. Greeks were the first to formalize scientific method, best explained by Aristotle – He emphasized empirical measurement, understanding that abstract reasoning must be supported by real-world findings. Number 6 is the Alphabet which gave us writing. #5 is Fire followed by The Wheel at #4. Hygiene is number Three. It appears that Humans are naturally disgusted at dirtiness, even in caves. Communities found ways to introduce hygiene and general cleanliness into society. #2 was the invention of Soap. And # one is the, “Chewstick" which gave birth to the Toothbrush. Ancient citizens would chew on wooden twigs which tended ot clean their teeth and freshen their mouths. 


Lots of things happen in May but the best one is that it is pleasant.  


We thought it was our ability to love that made us human, but it turns out it was actually our ability to select each image containing a truck or stoplight. 


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