Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Wednesday, May 8, 2024



Today's Tids Issue 5,515 

Back to Reason: 


With all of the things that have changed so completely over time, the interaction between people doesn't seem to have changed much at all.  


Ok so, bear with me here. That isn’t a misspelling, call animal control! Fast! 


How do you get a philosophy student off your porch? Thank him for the pizza. That is one variation of an old series of jokes that explains why more and more kids are joining the Toolbelt Generation mentioned here yesterday. The cost of higher ed is finally beginning to make parents and kids think twice before committing to debt with often too little return on investment. Opting for hands on training could be the new future for so many – accountants who would rather be mechanics, businesspeople who would rather be plumbers. A new generation of people waking each morning and looking forward to going to jobs they love. 


I was caught in three serious traffic jams yesterday. And it appears that reckless driving may have been the culprit for all. You don't have to be a DUI to be stupid on the highways anymore.  


Do you realize that people ask for raises so they can keep up with higher costs of products that have risen primarily because people demand raises.  


The Question: 

What is meaningful about Jacob’s Pharmacy Atlanta Georgia? Bonus: What is Reddit? 


The Headlines: 

--Markets Open Sluggish; Stock Buybacks are up 30% Over the Year Indicating Strong Confidence levels in the Economy.  

--US Halts Bomb Shipment After Overzealous Rafah Incursion.  

--Midwest and Trump Continue to suffer though Stormy Days. 

--MT Green and Speaker Johnson meet for Second Day. 


Hey what could be a better nick name for Majorie Taylor than her phonetic initials “Empty” Greene.There is some discussion going around that perhaps in our national effort to ease the burdens on mental health by focusing on the reality of it, we are now talking about it too much and perhaps adding to a problem. Humans have a bad habit of overdoing a good thing.  


Apple is trying to get America excited about its new iPad, and as great as it is, it is not the answer Apple needs to become again the, oh no, I can't say it, but I will, the apple of America's eye. No, it is entering the increasingly competitive world of AI, and that is still a crap shoot, in my estimation.  


Swifties, the Taylor Swift crazies are finding it is cheaper to travel to Europe to watch her shows. Maybe I should be looking for a house there.  

Salaries in sports aren't related to the skill of the player and the competitiveness of the games they play but to the size of the TV contracts that pay for it all. Salaries in general are driven directly by contributions to income produced. And because of that there will always be inequities in a capitalistic economy.  


The Earth is 71% non-carbonated water so technically it is flat.  


Poets can make your heart flutter, and they should be making the most money of all. There's just not enough people sitting around reading poetry.  


There is just too much money around and too many people who don't care how they spend it to realistically expect inflation to collapse. Many stocks are flying because inflation has pumped up revenue.  


Did you realize that Reddit had stong profits yesterday. Reddit? Reddit makes money? I should have been smarter.  


The Answer: 

In 1886 Jacobs' Pharmacy was first to serve a glass of the new drink Coca Cola. Jacobs sold his interest in the building housing the pharmacy to Asa Chandler who brought the drink Nationwide after purchasing the rights from Coke inventor John Pemberton. Bonus: The name Reddit comes from I Read It. Basically it is another social media forum infecting Americans. Reddit is an American social news aggregationcontent rating, and forum social network. Registered users (commonly referred to as "Redditors") submit content to the site such as links, text posts, images, and videos, which are then voted up or down by other members. Excuse me for not joining. 


Generations change and dances styles evolve, but the beat always goes on.  




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