Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Without Pyrotechnics.


Today's Tids Issue 5,520 

Immovable forces: 


I love an old stone wall, meandering across a greening field, yellow flowers smiling here and there I love the grey of stone walls, an old stone foundation nearby; calming memories past. Calming, today yet reminders of yesterday; what it took to live day to day; farming fields more of rock than soil. A foundation for a home where everybody had their chores. Making do in winter’s cold and summer’s hot. Many today forget about all the roads traveled to be where we are today. All the paths near great stonewalls, and daylilies blooming below.  


A colonial man is walking through town on a very clear and sunny day. Just as he approached the town center he starts falling until he is suddenly stunned by ice cold water. When asked by the town reporter what had happed the man said simply that he couldn’t see that well. 


Today, the government budget is just a gigantic fund of dollars used to bribe voters. 


The Question: 

What do Americans consider to be the most delicious pies? 


The Headlines: 

--New Inflation Reports Shows Consumer Price Inflation Easing; April Prices Rise at Slowest Rate in Three Months; Stocks Look to have Good day; Retail Sales Flat in April. 

--US to Send New $1 Billion Package of Arms and Ammo to Israel. 

--Trump Accepts Biden Offer of Debates in June and September. 


Give people a camera and be prepared for the lowest common denominator. An artist thought it would be cool to place a “Portal’ on a New York street and one on a Dublin street so the two sociétés could feel the natural day-to-day humanity of two vibrant cities. But vibrancy quickly became Boorishness... and worse The Installation came alive on May 8 and was to run into the Fall. It was taken down yesterday. Yes, beware of people with a camera and a digital outlet. 


Just think about what parents made their kids do, or some hapless uncle, just to get on America's Funniest Home Videos. It turns out now that with the parents' ability to Vlog and monetize the goofiness of their children, legislators here and in a couple of other states are writing laws to force compensating children, similarly to the LIN laws for athletes. Not only are some parents making money off their kids, forced child starring is also potentially mentally invasive for children.   Laws existing and proposed will compensate children by requiring up to fifty percent of earnings (% Based on level of child's involvement in Vlog. The money will be put into a trust for kids. The kids get the money at 18, and more important, they get the option of deleting all videos if they want.  


The Voice is down to the top 5, and the winner will be chosen next Tuesday after a Big Monday Night sing-off. I have no personal favorites, though I'm liking Asher HaVon. I could also go for Karen Waldrup. It now seems the favorite is Neslon Chester. He is good, and a fun, lively performer .  


Rebecca Tinucci learned the hard way about the power of a singularly minded billionaire. Tinucci was the Chief of the Telsa charging Division, surely a major success story for the company. And frankly, essential to the growth of EV. After Tinucci had cut between 15% and 20% of staffers two weeks earlier, part a of a wider Tesla layoff, the charging division believed Musk would affirm plans for a massive charging-network expansion. Tinucci created an in-depth impressive presentation for a private meeting with Musk about the division's future. The meeting could not have gone worse. Musk, the employees said, was not pleased with Tinucci’s presentation and wanted more layoffs. When she balked, saying deeper cuts would undermine charging-business fundamentals, he responded by firing her and her entire 500-member teami think that little tale says a lot about a lot of things. 


That consumer inflation index report is positive, but the report on wholesale prices for April was highly inflationary. How will increased April wholesale prices affect consumer prices in May. There’s always something.  


The Trump/Biden debates could conceivably get higher ratings than the Tom Brady Netflix Roast or a Caitlin Clark Game WNBA game.  


After counting the millions he made, Tom Brady is considering his Roast was a mistake. Yeah, I'd say bitterly insulting the mother of his kids was a huge mistake. His kids see her as mom, not as a barb cushion. Personally, I thought teh mess of a roast made Brady look bad. Anything for money, right Tim? 


Portugal was the best colonial power? Spain had thousands of colonists, Britain had millions, but Portugal had Brazilians. 


The Answer: 

Apple Pie is number 1 followed by Apple Crisp. Next is my favorite Choclate Silk Pie. The Rest are Chocolate Cream Pie, Key Lime Pie, Pumpkin Pie, Cookies and Cream Pie, Apple Crumble, Blueberry Pie at #10. Going up to #25 we have Mud Pie, Peach, Pecan, Cherry, Banana Cream, Lemon Marange, Turtle, Strawberry, Cocoanut Cream, Blackberry, Raspberry, Cheese, Custard Tart, Peanut Butter and at 25 Caramel Tart. A favorite Around here is # 26 – Strawberry-Rhubarb Pie. 


Watching The Voice last night I noticed how glitz got in the wayof singers. It seems that over-the-top staging is more important than the melody these days. I remember how much liked the beginning of the latest version of A Star is Born and how disappointed I was at teh end when they glitzified and over choreographed Gaga. 



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