Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Friday, May 17, 2024

Up a lazy river.



Today's Tids Issue 5,522 

Sometimes it just doesn't matter: 


Well, here we are again waiting for a weekend with nothing to do. A time to create our own pace. A couple of days when you have a chance to be in control of your life. But the big philosophical question is: When I don't do anything all week long why does it feel I'm doing nothing better on weekends. 


Walking upon moist, fallen, cherry blossom petals seems quite romantic, but it is still as slippery as ice. 


There is no question that we have much too much information within our grasp which tends to make information as a whole bland. Especially when you are older and hysterical news is just old news redesigned for a new culture. 


The Latest RCP Average (Real Clear Politics) has it Trump 46.3 to Bidem 45. If you put Kennedy, West and Stein in the mix it is Trump 41.5 and Biden 38.8. Not a ringing endorsement for the leader of the free world. RCP averages 12 well regarded polls. Trump wins 7, Biden wins 2 and there are 3 ties. Most of them are very close except for CNN where Trump wins 49-43. Bidens biggest win by two points is in the NPR/B PBS poll. In other words, it is a toss-up and anything can change the game.  


The Question: 

What do Americans think are the top tropical fruits.  


The Headlines: 

--Stocks make Little Headway Swimming Against Rate Break Concerns; Dow Powers over 40,000 to End Week on Up Note. 

--Interest on National Debt Just Eclipsed Spending on Defense and Medicare.  

--Number One World Golfer Scheffler Arrested After Fracas at Entry Gate to PGA Championship Course. Scheffler is up to 3rd Place, -5 under today Today after Ten Holes.  

--61 House Dems Vite Against Resolution Condemning Attacks on Police. 


I remember standing in a Wall Street brokerage where I worked for the summer the day US Steel went over 100. The cheers were heard worldwide. But some doubters said we’re doomed; it is much too high. That was 1959. The Dow closed at 40K. There are no more limits.  


The tourists are back, and they are all lost in detours. I’ll be laughing if I don’t get killed. 


What pressure... eh Scottie! 


One bird can't finish an entire bowl of Fruit Loops...but Toucan. 


That was an odd one last nightt in the Red Sox-TB game. All of a sudden, the Sox manager Cora was out there arguing in the bottom of the nineth, Sox losing 7-5 but with two men on. What? IT turns out the Sox counted Tampa’s Manager visits to the mound, and they were one over the limit, even with the extra one allowed in the Nineth. The Sox won the argument but not the game. The new pitcher was fast and stringing getting the last out easily. That’s a classic win the battlebut lose the war.  


MB's smart car certainly wasn't as smart as the Mini-Cooper.  


Condemning police is not good for this country in any way. There are bad actors everywhere, but painting all the blue black is just plain lunacy. And foolish to boot. 


 Guy walks into a bar and orders a fruit punch. Bartender says "Pal, if you want a punch you'll have to stand in line" Guy looks around, but there is no punch line. 


I can turn on TV baseball game and mute it and enjoy the hell out of it. So, when the news is that some baseball announcer legend returning to the mike, it really doesn't mean much. Just hit the ball. 


I read of a court judgement this morning that resulted in a life term as child molester. And in the same paragraph they added that he would have to register as a sex offender when he was released. Huh?” 


The Answer: 

I’ll take chicken gravy, but a lot of people like the idea of lolling in a hammock sucking down tropical fruit and feeling the juices trickling down their necks. Number one is Pineapple followed by Mango, Watermelon, Banana, Kiwi, Coconut, Avocado, Passion Fruit, Cashew, Black Plum, Lychee, Guava, Papaya, Acar, Plantain, Rambutan, Pitaya, Date Palm, Carambola, Jackfruit, Eggplant, Lofquist, Longan, Cherimoya, Tamarind, and White Sapote. It’s obvious that some people don't know what a tropical fruit is. I'm just the messenger.  


If the tomato is technically a fruit. Does that mean ketchup is a smoothie? 

Have a great weekend, E-v-e-r-y-b-o-d-y!! 




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