Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Monday, May 27, 2024

Mine eyes have seen.


Today's Tids Issue 5,530 

The Boots that Trod: 


My town is overrun with tourists this weekend and I wonder how many stop to think about why they have tis day off. I see churches, old beautiful churches on corners, and they are empty, or closing or condominiums. You here people saying the digital world will change us and that climate change will annihilate us. But it seems to me we are losing more than that. Human values are diminishing too. What we have held sacred has changed. Today we are celebrating America because a lot if people we never knew made it possible. Don't throw out America with the commercialism. Remember before anything else that the essence of sacrifice is what makes today a special day. 


All these visions of tornado damage are heartbreaking.  


In case you missed theU-Turn, the investment markets have switched from buying for growth to buying for profit. And many of the highflyers who made it big in the 0-Inteest days have lost billings of investors wealth. In the stick market, hope doesn't last forever. There comes a time when only substance counts. 


How many people know that the USA is a Republic and that us being aa Democracy is a mischaracterization. We are in fact a democratic Republic. Here s a quickie course on why we exist the way we are: In a pure democracy, laws are made directly by the voting majority, leaving the rights of the minority largely unprotected. In a republic, laws are made by representatives chosen by the people and must comply with a constitution that protects the rights of the minority from the will of the majority. The United States, while basically a republic, is best described as a “representative democracy.”   


There are some who think that with the availability of the internet we should all vote directly for everything electronically. Think about how many people would lose out on something like that without boundaries. 


The Question: 

Super Satr Cathy Wood's Ark Invesment lost$14 billion in wealth. What five other funds have been big destroyers of wealth? 


The Headlines: 

--Markets Closed; Brokers Not Playing Inflation Game Today. 

--Severe Weather Continues to Punish Central USA; 19 Pepel Now  Have been Killed in Latest Storm Flurry.  

--Toyota To End Massive Sponsorship of Olympics After Paris. 

--Parents of Troubled PGA Golfer Grayson Murray Who Died at Colonial Tourney Say it was Suicide; He had been Battling Mental Issues for Years.  

--Eric Trump Slammed for Memorial Day Comments About Family “Sacrificing Everything for America”. 

--General Hospital Actor Jeremy Wactor Killed When Interrupting Catalitic Converter Theft Gang at His Car in LA.  

--Libertarians Nominate Chase Oliver as their Prez candidate on 7th Round; Chase calls Trump War Criminal; RFK Jr gets 19 votes while DT gets 6; Trump Booed and Heckled at Libertarian n Convention. 


While we sit comfy in the US of A, Brazil has beaten out Belgium as the top market for Chinese EV’s and Hybrids. Who knew.  


If you are an internet deal seeker, the best deals for today are Apple AirPods Pro and Bissell Little Green Carpet and upholstery Cleaner. And if you really want to go crazy check out CeraVe Eye Repair Cream. Imagine that -- a cream that can repair your eyes.  So, there’s another reason I;m out of touch, missing out on following deals on the Internet. 


I'm hearing that it isn’t AI that will replace workers but somebody who uses AI better in their jobs. Better run off to night school. 


I will never understand why people insist n traveling on all the weekends where it will be most uncomfortable. And you wonder why people follow dangerous politicians off cliffs.  


Time to move on, folks. Hey, it's a holiday. Time to loaf 


The Answer: 

 In adition to two funds of ARK, the others are ProShares, Krane SharesCSI, Pimco, iShares China, Derexion Daily, Cromwell Marketfield and  VanEck Russian. Morningstar provided the data on funds that were lost. Their recommendation key words for investment is “Plain Vanilla”. It’s the Charlie Munger way.  


Happy Memorial Day, E-v-e-r-y-b-o-d-y!! 






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