Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Speak to me


Today's Tids Issue 5,511 

I really don't care about pretests: 


So, will spring break hijinks be replaced by the herding of the puppets as Left-wing provocateurs invade campuses to use students as props in their causes. And the media presence doesn't help at either “kids just being kids” activity. 


Being a guy driven by the bible, I don't eat any fruit just in case one might be forbidden. You can never be too safe. (Thanks for that excuse from FC) 


I have seven pairs of one earpiece glasses. Is my head too big or am I just accident prone. 


World peace or all of Bill Gates' money, Department: 

If you had a choice between world peace or Bill Gates' money, what color would your Lamborghini be? 


The Question: 

Number one on a list of the top ten mouthwatering desserts was called “Sex in a Pan.” What is in it.  


The Headlines: 

--Stocks Open Higher; Street Awaits Apple Q2 Earnings/Rev Reports 

--Powell remains Steadfast to Promise of Waiting for Inflation to diminish before Lowering Rates. 

--House Passes Stronger Antisemitism Bill.  

--Trump Continues to Attempt at Maneuvering Around Gag Order.  




A new RomCom is premiering on Prime called “The idea of You” starring Anne Hathaway as a 40-year-old single Mom and Nicholas Gallitzin as a famed 24-year-old Boy Band member. I think you can figure out this plot. Can a single mom live happily with a rock star. That’s it, right?  


I’m going to try to do more swimming this year.  


Antisemitism is antisemitism. But now the US House has passed a stronger antisemitism bill. That's why we have so many laws clogging our legal system. Congress wat people to know they are dead.  


Trump says he's thinking that if he is prez he will dump Powell and run the Fed himself. Or something like that. How do you think that would work for the economy. Actually, I’m all for a government hands-off economy. All it would take is financial people who are honest and act responsibly with a keen eye to risk control. And understanding there is no bailout coming for stupidity. 


Apple may show a profit, but my hunch is that the Street is most concerned about revenue this time around.  


Scientists revealed a photo of a recreated face of a 75,000-year-old neanderthal woman who doesn't look too bad, and similar to photos I have seen of indigenous American women. The shattered skull used to recreate facial features was found in Iraqi Kurdistan. Our “Evolutionary Cousins” became extinct 40,000 years ago. That gave them plenty of time to negotiate several continents which millennials ago were in more advantageous juxtapositions to each other. BTW, rebuilding that Facial structure was quite the feat.  


Boeing 737 Max Whistleblower Jeshua Dean died unexpectedly yesterday of a sudden illness. Can you say Netflix Series. 


Apparently, man's best friend is getting dangerously high on carelessly strewn household “gummies”. There is nothing funny about it.  


I told my psychiatrist that I can only get high if I take THC gummies with my mom. Apparently, I have an edible complex. 


TV commercials lately will lead some people to believe it is bad to become like your dad. Tell commercial makers that dad will take away kid's ability to fund their purchases 


The Answer: 

Remember way back when The Tids Food Editor (TTFE) had some pretty good recipes. Try this, “Sex in a Pan”: Start by making a buttery graham cracker crust and pressing it into a baking dish. Next, whip up your favorite pudding or custard—chocolate and vanilla are popular choices—and spread it over the crust. Then, layer on a generous helping of freshly whipped cream and finish it with a sprinkle of chopped nuts or grated chocolate. Pop it in the fridge to chill for a few hours.   


Actually, I figured if I threw in the word “Sex”, you'd read all the way to the end. Feeling excited yet? 


Gotta run. Responsibilities call. And you all thought I was just a happy-go-lucky old Tid’s Writer. But I'll check for Typos first. That doesn’t mean I'll find any. See you all tomorrow! 







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