Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Friday, May 24, 2024



Today's Tids Issue 5,529 

In our own hands: 


It feels lonely standing here. Looking out over the graves of hero's past. To know the agony and angst in their bravery; the courage of their success. How do you see the graves endless over so many horizons and tell them they are not forgotten when they are not here. How many Americans stand in awe loving so many they never knew. 


I read the headline this morning, “Memorial Day travel could be highest in history,” and I'm thinking that I'm not moving one God damned inch. 


Unless, of course, a traveling tourist comes down my street the wrong way and then I'm diving for the bushes... Where I will find myself immersed in litter. 


Seriously though, I’m happy people enjoy themselves. I just prefer living outside the matrix.  


The Question: 

What was the first billion dollar company, 10 billion? 100 billion? 500 billion? One Trillion? Bonus: These are the current trillion-dollar companies: Apple Nvidia, Microsoft, Alphabet, Meta, Tesla and Amazon. Another couple of companies are on the way to joining the club. Name Three. 


The Headlines: 

--Markets Look to rebound; Boeing Drag on Dow and Downside Outlook to Continue There. 

--Russia Building Retaliation System to Compensate for Assets Seized by the West After Ukraine Invasion; Could Go after Private Investors. 

--AAA Predicts Biggest Travel Weekend in 20 Years. 

--NCAA and Major Power Conferences Vote to Destroy Amateur Athletics Model and Create $2-6 Billion Revenue sharing System Athletes. 

--Massive Landslide in Papua New H Guinia Rolls Over 100 Houses. 


In response to my comment yesterday about playing golf in a lightning storm, a reader reminds us of what the great Lee Travino once said while waving a one iron in a thunderstorm, “I'm not afraid of lightning. Even God can't hit a one iron!" 


FOMO, Department: 

The reason ticket prices are so high is because people find a way to pay for them. If the people don't pony up for a hamburger or a super star, prices go down. Economic intelligence is dead. 


BTW, many companies are reducing prices because people aren't buying. That is always better than government edicts. 


You think sports parents are annoying now, wait til they get a sniff of the $2.8 bil awaiting their athletics kids now. Think of the lawsuits against game officials and school coaches and admin people perceived of standing in the way of kids million-dollar payouts. Where there is a  pile of money, there is anger. 


There aren't too many boats in the harbor yet, but this is the time they start multiplying like rabbits in the field 


Speaking of inflated prices, a hotel here has a $65K package designed for those who want to enjoy the Newport Bermuda race in style. To me It reads like $5-7 K worth of stuff. And personally, I don't like their restaurant which is part of the package. But they will get their dough because people will pay not ot be left out..  


Anybody who disparages the US Military or even one single soldier or sailor or Airforce pilot, should lose citizenship in the USA. 


Some things are never a laughing matter. 


Everyone mourns our fallen heroes... But I'm the only one who cried when I dropped my deli sandwich 


The Answer: 

US Steel became a $1 Billion company in 1901. Genral Motors a $10 Billion company in 1955, GE a $100 Billion in 1995, Microsoft $500 B in 1999 and Apple a Trillion-dollar company in 2018. Bonus: It appears according to company watchers that the next companies joining the club are Berkshire Hathaway, Exxon Mobil Eli Lilly, Taiwan Semiconductor, Broadcom, Novo Norsk, Visa. Some say Tesla should be reclassified as rejoining.  


Have a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend, E-v-e-r-y-b-o-d-y!! 




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