Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Orange still has it.



Today's Tids Issue 5,531

A good day for a smile:  


You know, life changes are tough. I've seen a lot but I know I'm not fully prepared to survive the retirement of Pat Sajak On June 7. Such a void in the current culture may be more than any human can adjust toi without months of therapy.  It was one half hour each day when I knew I could relax and laugh and use my brain but not strain it.  No matter how much they tell us it will be the same, it just can’t be without Pat.  


Ukraine kind of disappeared off the news map. Russia is still there, Russia is still bombing, Russia is still killing the innocent. Just people and families doing what all families and people do, live, provide and love from day to day. And somehow that media is more concerned about children being out of control on college campuses.  

Two chromosomes walking down the street. One turns to the other and asks, "Do these genes make me look fat?" 



The Question: 

What is the largest and smallest cell in a human BodyBonus: What is the strongest muscle in the human body? Extra Bonus: Richard M. Sherman died. What did he do? 



The Headlines: 

--Markets Open Lethargic and Drift Through day; WS Eyes Looking Further toward Friday's PCE Report; Consumer Confidence Levels Goes Positive for May After Three Consecutive Down Months, Beats Estimates of 95 Economists.  

--Netanyahu Apologizes for Bomb Raid That Demolished Tent Citty in Rafah killing at Least 45 

--Apple iPhone Sales up 52% in China After Price Cutting Kicks in.  

--New California Program to Charge Driver for Miles Driven. 

--Boston Celtics Win Eastern Title; Dallas Could Move on to Meet them By Winning over Minn Tonight.  

--Prosecution In Middle of Closing Arguments; Judge Reprimands Defense Attorney Blanche for Jail Time Remarks; Defense Characterizes Cohen as GLOAT.  



I loved watching Bill Walton play basketball.  


I’m going on a health food diet. I'm switching fomm Cheetos to Cheez=its? I think it will work.  


Have you noticed the proliferation of brand synergizing in the grocery stores It is especially prevalent in the cracker aisles where one solid long-timebrand, let’s say like Ritz, has morphed into five or six varieties. Marketers have gone crackers. The problem for consumers is remembering which of the new iterations you rtied the previous time. 


Doctor: Nurse, how is that little girl who swallowed ten quarters last night? Nurse: No change yet. 



Baseball still feels like the season is just beginning, with many ups and downs to come. Yet, sports fans suddenly got excited after teh NFL announced, just f00 days to kickoff. America's pastime may have passed us by, 


Underneath the bravado, “Freakout” is the operative word describing panic in the inner circles of the Democrat powerbrokersFrom Politico: “A pervasive sense of fear has settled in at the highest levels of the Democratic Party over President Joe Biden’s reelection prospects, even among officeholders and strategists who had previously expressed confidence about the coming battle with Donald Trump.” It’s teh poll numbers that never seem to rise. But it is really about a voter malaise, the Americans who are not satisfied with either candidate. People will vote for somebody, eventually. But now they seem afraid to admit it to pollsters.  


Supermarkets are looking spiffier than ever.  


The Answer: 

The female egg is the largest cell in a human body, The smallest cell is the male spermBonus: The tongue is the strongest muscleAnd Politicians must have the strongest tongues of all, always having to retract something. Extra Bonus: Well for starters, Richard M. Sherman and his brother Robert made you smiel and and dance and just feel happy all over. I know you have all hummed over and over “It’s a small world Afterall. And so many more from movies like Mary Poppins and Chitty Bang Bang. 


One of the songs by Sherman that always makes me smile is this: 





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