Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Looking in the eyes.


Today's Tids Issue 5,526 

Comfortably naive: 


Credibility is dependent on acknowledging obvious truths.  


My wife complains that I don't buy her flowers. In all honesty, I didn't know she sold flowers. 


The wide open door for tourists is being slammed shut in some of the more delightful get-away spots in the world. Residents are finding that living in an anything goes vacation community is not worth the money. Popular destinations will try to lure tourists who spend money in local shops, boost the local economy and most importantly behave respectfully. They will dissuade boozy travelers who behave badly, disrespect local traditions and negatively affect local lives and lifestyles.   


Speaking of credibility, it was just announced that Congressman James Comer (R) and Congress Woman Katie Porter (D) to join Forces in Overhauling Presidential Ethics Rules. How great could that be! 


The Question: 

What's a Planetary Parade? 


The Headlines: 

--Wall Street Today is all about AI Chip producer Nvidia's Earnings Tonight.  

--Big Guns in China’s Hot AI Market, ByteDance, Alibaba and Baldu, cutting Prices to Gain Competitive Edge. 

--Ireland, Spain and Norway set to Recognize the Palestinian State.  

--Biden to Release 1 million Barrels of Gas to Lower Pump Prices Before Election.  


It is just a trickle now, but athletes sung coaches, boosters and college Admins for NIL fraud could become rampaging flood. ie. The latest is Georgia QB Jaden Rashada suing the Florida U Coach and a big booster over a $14 million dollar NIL deal that fell through. Repeat that -- $14 mil for a college athlete. It is crazy kind of money and with it you get more hanger's on, more agents and more lawyers. And no loyalty. No wonder Caich K gort out. 


The invisible man and the invisible woman just had a son. He's not much to look at. 


How smart are Trumps Lawyers not to put their precious client on the stand where he could say something to assure his conviction. That said, the Judge seems a bit biased. 


Am I seeing a trend on TV where some newer programs are actually just designed to entertain instead of preaching some kind of cultural message?  


If somebody is incredible does that mean the are amazing or disingenuous? 


When you think about it, the giant rift in the country is really about people not wanting to accept the truth challenging their beliefs.  


Well, in case you are interested, the favorite on The Voice came in fourth out of five, and Reba's elegant singer Asher won it all. She also had second place which just goes to show that the Country folk are still the core audience for The Voice.  


Maybe last night's Celtics/Pacers game was the best the Celtics   could have had. No, big Green it won’t be a cakewalk.  


The video showing Sean Diddy Combs kicking his defenseless girlfriend and then dragging her down the hall is disgusting. But I expect even such evidence still won't dissuade his supporters. That is one reason why credibility is on the wane in the SA -- rabid supporters cannot just bring themselves to see the truth.  


Wall Street would be smart to eliminate future rate decrease hopes from their buy guidance folder. In fact, there are now serious rumblings within the Fed about increasing rates.  


Lack of creditability could be defined by Trump supporters and Biden supporters watching their guy and not seeing anything wrong. 


The Question: 

The Planetary parade is an astronomical phenomenon, and it next occurs June 3. when Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are aligned. Celestial awe always excites the senses.  


Since we’ve been touching on credibility today, here's Frankie Layne and the number one Billboard song for 1953. 





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