Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Double Yikes!


Today's Tids Issue 5,533 

How do you spell A-p-p-e-a-l: 


Sometimes what you need is right in front of you and for some odd reason your mind tries to find a more complex way to get to the same place. 


I'm not surprised at all that consumers are now balking about paying more and more. But Wall Street will be chicked when retail behemoths come in below forecasts.  


Ever since Bill Clinton played the sax on the Tonight Show, voters seem  lsot the condpt if watmakes agood presdient 


Vegetables taste best when they are in season. That ls, if you like vegetables. 


The Question: 

What are the Ten Best Ever Dystopian Novels? 


The Headlines: 

--Just In: Trump Found Guilty on All Counts.  

--New Data Puts Q1 GDP Growth at Slower Rate; 

--Markets Continue Yesterday's Slide.  

--Billionaires from Silicon Valley to Wall Street Looking more Favorably on Donald Trump. 

--Ford Pushing Hybrid Sales; CEO Says, "Don't Classify them as Interim”. 

--German Catholic Leaders Say There will be Ordained Women in nt too Distant Future. 

--Iceland Lava Still Flowing But Showing Signs of Slowing. 

--Over $30 Billion in Gold Smuggled Out of Africa, mainly Going to UAE; Switzerland and Turkey also big in Resale business.  


Here's a piece of news that reads odd at best. It appears tailors in Gaza are making a good living now taking in clothes of people who are starving. Huh?  

Paddy O’Toole stood awaiting the verdict of his trial. The judge proclaimed: Patrick O’Toole, there is sufficient evidence to acquit you on all charges. This court finds you innocent of all crimes related to this bank robbery. Paddy replied: You mean I am free to goJudge: Yes. You are free to go. Paddy: Does this mean I get to keep the money? 


Today's the day for a little verdict humor. 


Did you hear about the guy in Russia who was sentenced 21 years for calling Khruschev an idiot, Liar and corrupt? Yeah, he got one year for insulting the leader and 20 years for revealing state secrets.  


Sorry for one sloppy typo paragraph yesterday. Microsoft made me do it. 


If I installed AI to help me with the Tids, I'd never get finished. I’d be arguing with it all day long. AI never met old people. 


Just to add to yesterday’s Tidlet on the fluctuating Africa, it appears this morning that the 30-year reign of ANA of South Africa is over. People have voted and it looks like it is over for those in charge. The primary reason: Corruption. It seems the liberators are just as bad as the rascals replaced.   


Is there anything more tedious than trying to pick carpeting  


Don't you think that the concept of war seems old fashioned in today's technological world.  


The Answer: 
Number 1 is “1984”. The rest are Hunger Games, Brave New World, Fahrenheit 451, Divergent, The Giver, The Maze Runner, Lord of the Flies, V for Vendetta and #10, A clockwork Orange. Just in case you are interested, Jonathon Swift’s Gulliver's Travels is #20. 


Happy dancing, everybody: 




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