Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Thursday, May 30, 2024

While we were in a podcast.


Today's Tids Issue 5,532 

Out of Darkness: 


There is a big picture out there beyond what US entertainment industry tells us is important. Maybe about 8 plus billion of them. The USA is about 4.4% of the people in this world and through mass digital communications, formerly isolated segments of te population are in our back yard. Wars and hunger and disasters become local. Many see that people the world over are more like us than not, living in places most of us never knew existed. Because, even with data flowing in from everywhere, most of us are pretty myopic. 


One of the biggest problems in human nature is worrying about things that never happen. 


But what did happen last week that really bothered me, and I’m sorry I forgot to mention that brutal murder of the two young, married missionaries in Haiti. What a horrific act that was. But in addition to the slaughter of two innocents it bothers me how some people don't understand the importance of the rule of law. How some believe that overlooking chaos is good for society. That two there for love and caring would meet such violence. I see their images and fright in their eyes. And now I feel the grief of their parents, And now also the grief of their parents,. 


The world seems like a better place when China sends pandas.  


The Question: 

Which five states have the safest hospitals? Bonus: What are the ten largest countries in Africa? 


The Headlines: 

--Wall Street Focus on Divided Economy, good for wealthy, Awful for Lower income D ]]families.  

--China Sending Pandas ot DC Zoo, 

--MLB Officially Integrates Negro Stats into Baseball History; Josh Gibson now Tops Ty Cobb with the Highest Lifetime Average.  

--Trump Cae goes to Jury. Day Ends Without a Decisions. 


It is hard to get a handle on Africa. The total population is about the size of China, and projected to be about 2.5 billion 2050. There are 55 countries, many with less than stable governments. The number of countries seems to always be in flux as revolutions, coups and dictator whims unite or divide countries. For instance, South Africa, one of the historically more powerful countries may be come 3 separate countries in ten years. The Continent is about 14 % white and stagnating there, almost all of that being ancestors of French, Dutch, German, Portuguese and British colonists or explorers. They are tic typically mainly in South Africa, with pockets in several s central states, or as a result of Mediterranean trade routes between southern n Europe and Northern Africa. The point of is Tidlet is that this large complex often unstable large continent, which is full of resources, andit just can’t seem to get out of its own way. That makes it ripe for China and Russia, the new “colonists” looking to support various leaders in the continent of the future. and the USA is on the outside looking in, and losing ground it seems. Africa watching should be an important focus in the decades. to come. It is not the hidden continent anymore. The fact is probably, we'll notice it when Taylor Swift has a concert there. 


I don't think Trump will be convicted... and there is a good chance we will see a hung jury, which seems apropos in a Stormy Daniels case. 


I think one of the problems with humans is that they forget too much. That they have become inured by the repetition of negative events. To so many of the world's human tragedies that affect so many across the sea. 


Remember when RomComs were musicals too, and the only message was romance and love.  


Wall Street has been playing the up and down game over interest rates, saying the high rates are killing us, while their portfolios continue to grow. The high interest rates are really killing lower income people whose abilty to provide basic necessities for living gets tougher each year.  


Oh, while I believe Wall Steet financial geniuses are really smart, they seem to have a tough time remembering that all indications for the last several weeks ace that there will be no rate decreases. And yet today just about an hour ago it was reported that analysts are saying the market is down because they are “starting to see signs that there will be no rate cuts this year”. What a crock. Idiots.  


I’ll tell you what looks embarrassing to me as an American – the Naval landing crafts stranded on the beaches of Israel and the dock floating away.  


What looks even more embarrassing to the human race is Robert DeNiro. Robert was probably a decent acrotr to but to me he always looked like he was playing Robert DeNiro. Whatever character he's playing now, isn't working.  


The big news today is that PwC will become the biggest customer and reseller of Open AI. Hmm. Did you ver hear of PwC? PwC has 75,000 US employees and 26,000 UK employees, PwC is teh name of a reimagined accounting company Price Waterhouse Coopers.  


You haveot wonder if AI will produce some more creative accounting procedures, if you get my drift. 


Americas Got Talent premiered last night. But when I tuned in some guy was trying stick toilet plungers on the bare backs of about 12 men. I couldn't take it. I went to the NBA. But there were some golden buzzers. One was for a comedian from Africa. I have never heard a funny comedian on AGT despite the exclamaitons of the judges.  


I guess the point of this Tids is that stuff of a significant magnitude happens around us all the time and so many of us are just so comfortable in our ignorance. 


The Answer: 

The five states with the safest hospitals are #1 Utah followed by Virginia, New Jesey and a tie between Rhode Island and Colorado. Bonus: Nigeria with 223M is the biggest., It is followed by Ethiopia (126) Egypt (114), DR Congo, Tanzania, South Africa, Kenya, Sudan Uganda, Algeria, Morocco, Angola and Ghana. 


If you feel sick, come ot Rhode Island. Actually, the reason our hospitals are so safe is because there aren't any docs left to do anything bad. Many are running to Conn and Mass where they can get paid a living wage. 


Love your evening everybody. I wish this was funnier. 

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