Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

How can you tell when a Politician is lying?

Today's Tids Issue 2,365
Opening Stuff

There' no truth it the rumor that Anthony Wiener was twitting pics to Eliot Spitzer dressed in drag. Or, was that Spitzer to Wiener.

Is a "Bump in the road" anything like a "Tingle up the leg"?

Actually, Sarah Palin isn't any dumber than any other politician. The others just know how and when to keep their mouths shut. Except of course Harry Reid who makes Sarah look like a Mensa candidate. Actually everything in politics is relative. For example, Obama and Pelosi make Wiener look like Abe Lincoln.

The Question:
How many users of illicit drugs are there in the world? What percentage are dependent. Which country is the biggest market for illegal drugs?

The Headlines:
--Stocks Look To Rebound As Futures Brighten.
--Investment Community Awaits Bernanke; Is That Like "Waiting For Godot"?
--Arizona Fires Continue To Grow Uncontrolled; 350 Square Miles Now Ablaze.
--Wisconsin Supreme Court hearing Arguments On New Union Law.
--Levee Break Has Missouri River Residents Fleeing.
--Syrian Tensions Rise Dramatically After Rebel Attack On Army.
--New Clashes Kill 19 In Yemen.
--NATO Air Strikes Hit Libyan Capital.
--Scientists Trap Ephemeral Antimatter For Full16 Minutes; Breakthrough Could Lead To Breaking "Big Bank" Mystery.
--Ann Curry Takes Over Today Show.

Back to More Stuff:
I would have liked the Bruins to have saved a few of last night's 8 goals for tomorrow night. I liked their agressiveness, and really loved Tim Thomas's block on Sedin. Maybe Thomas could step in for Logan Mankins. I'm not going to say anything more, cause I don't want to jinx them.

Actually Wiener has done Americans a huge favor. We have always known that most of these lawmakers are lying to us. Now we know how good they are at doing it.

I see where Katie Couric has just announced a new program for her 3rd network. Now all she needs to complete the cycle is a gig at Fox. How about replacing J-Lo on American Idol? Check that ABC Contract for loopholes.

Did you know that the Original Pilgrim Charter for land in America was on the New Jersey side of NY Harbor. Snooki could have been a Puritan. There's no truth to the rumor that if the Pilgrims had indeed landed in they would have used an early version of the car horn to frighten away Indians.

An esteemed panel of important ex-international luminaries -- including Former Presidents of Mexico, Brazil, Switzerland and Columbia plus stars like Kofi Annan, Paul Volker and Richard Branson -- looking for something to do in their old age have decreed that we can't win the drug wars and that we should decriminalize drugs, at least marijuana. If some drugs were decriminalized, my first question would be...would businesses be forced to hire people they don't want because of some lame discrimination law?

Why do I feel that an investment in a FaceBook IPO would be like underwriting a Fad?

To borrow a phrase form GPS systems, rapturist Harold Clamping is recalculating. The End isn't quite near.

I have this image of Greece in my head that depicts this former cultural, political and military icon as a foreclosed home, with out of control grasses and weeds consuming the grandeur of the past. While the pampered government workers tell their leaders to walk away from the mortgage.

Santorum gets rapped by the left on a consistent basis because he is so firmly right. But many conservatives really like his conviction to the ideals they espouse. This is why the GOP race at this stage before the shakeout begins is so difficult to sort out. The Repubs have a candidate for just about any little cluster, and that includes clusters among the important independents and even Democrats.

Almost Near: Adapter 23 Continues. --"Did you get the gist of what we were talking about?" Audrey nodded. "It appears that Samantha is back..." He paused and looked out the window... "exactly as she had been when I first saw her arrive at Lobster Cove.
"There is something severely wrong with you friend. You created her world and she keeps returning to it. Where do you think she has been since she flew out of your house? And what happened to her while she was gone?"
Tucker punched in some more numbers. Both were silent. "I'm calling my home." Audrey glanced at him unemotionally, quizzically. She was now thinking like a real reporter. He could almost hear the gears in her mind. "Oh...Hi...Samantha? Yeah, Tucker." He switched it to speaker so Audrey could hear.
"Where did you go Tuck. One minute you're out for a walk, and the next I hear you had to leave town."
"Oh I was called away for an emergency meeting with my publisher. I'm sorry I didn't call earlier."
"No matter, it's only been a night. The house looks great. I've been cleaning all day."
"You sound terrific."
"That's because you are talking to me." He heard only silence as if she was sensing an image of him in her mind. "You do that to me you know. When will you be back?"
"In a day or two. Are you alright? You know I miss you too."
"I have never been better. It's so nice when your world is perfect, and having you in it makes it extra special. I'll be fine. Take your time and get your work done." Silence. "Bye Tuck. Love you."
"Love you too."
"I think you should get back to your place. She sounds very, almosrt eerily fragile. I'll go to New Orleans. And, then you can catch up. You can trust me."
"I know I can. he turned and smiled, but it was a vacant smile. Not the kind of smile he wanted to give her. "i know I can." She reached over and patted is thigh.

The Answer:
250 Million worldwide use illicit drugs. They estimate that about10% are dependent. The US of A is the biggest market for illegal drugs.

The Big Ending:
Their lips are moving! Bada Bing!

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