Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

If the water looks cloudy, stay out of the pool.

Today's Tids  (#2,382)
Originally written 7/1
Opening Stuff:

BooooooM-M-m-m-m-m...! Happy July everybody! Light up the sky and celebrate America! Of thee I sing, Sweet land of liberty. Hot dogs, hamburgers, corn on the cob! But no pasta salad thank you. It is a month where people seem to let down their hair and stop worrying for a while. Until the middle of the month when 2nd quarter earnings reports come in and the real fireworks begin. And the end of the month when moms are thinking, "Doesn't school start soon?" It is a month, indeed, of contradictions. Have fun, and don't eat too many lobsters.

Remember...Always scrub the paint off your hands after you put away the paint can.

There's still plenty of money in the world. It's just not getting around much any more.

It's pretty easy to see Rick Perry becoming the Republican nominee when the dust settles.

Daily Question:
Name five movies starring the charming Leslie Caron. Note: Even if she wasn't always the star, she always stole the show.

Today's Headlines:
--Three More US Soldiers Killed In Peaceful Iraq.
--Geithner Weighing Resignation.
--Minnesota Government Shuts Down In Budget Dispute between Dem Gov. And Rrepub Legislature.
--RI House Postpones Vote On Binding Arbitration; Will Sneak It Through Later When Citizens Aren't Paying Abstention.
--Syrian Government Continues To Kill Citizens.
--Hugo Chavez Still Fighting Cancer After Surgery Removes Tumor.
--Discrepancies Arising in Story of Strauss-Kahn Accuser.
--NBA Union Locked Out; Two Sides Are Light Years Apart.
--NFL Negotiations Still Look Promising.
--New Kansas Law Shuts Down Two Abortion Clinics.

In Rhode island the citizens have to hire lobbyists to protect them from their elected representatives!

These so-called government shut downs are a lot more hype than reality. Generally all essential tasks like police and critical needs, like for instance emergency road construction, are biz as usual. They padlock roadside rest areas, close state parks and stop selling things like fishing licenses. And blame each other for the shut down. And when it is over, it's usually business as usual.

Meanwhile, the musical group kept on overeating, creating more band-width!

I think of little babies and smile. Then I think of little babies who are killed before they are able to come out of the womb. And then I think cold blooded murder. And I cry.

Why are states even involved in passing laws that condone or ban gay marriage? Their only involvement should be decriminalizing anti-discrimination laws that may hinder a religious leader or priest, minister or rabbi who refuses to marry. And adjusting civil law to offer benefits to all couples who meet rational standards.

Just think how TSA agents would wield their arrogant power if they were to be unionized. Yes the AFL/CIO is targeting this fresh new group of government unwritten labor as third next bonanza for union management survival. Of course, it could be worse. The teamsters could be organizing them.

Reading Between the Lines Movie Reviews:
--I have to be honest. I thought Forest Gump was tedious. So I'm really wondering if I would want to wade through this new Hanks vehicle Larry Crowne. It is about a guy with a fair job who can't get promoted becasue he has no college degree. He gets fired and then divorced. Life is not good in this saccharine soap. Hanks goes to college and sure enough his professor is a dour Julia Roberts. The other 30 years younger students like this guy Larry Crowne and a lot of the film is about the interaction of the generations. But in the end, it all boils down to the Hanks-Roberts relationship. People will probably like it. I'm not putting it on my A list.
--The beginning of the Transformers: Dark of the Moon is excellent. It uses clips for the first walks on the moon and has a very nice,believable documentary feel. While exploring the dark side of the man in the moon they discover a dormant evil menace that wound bring war to the Earth that is so large that even the Transformers alone are unable to defeat. The problem is that after the wonderful set up, and the acting of a truly amazing cast, it enters into a war scene that is entirely too long. Probably a film I would watch if surfing through the USA, FX, AMC, TBS or TNT channels a couple of years from now.
--People who love Paris will surely love the beautiful opening of this film as the camera makes love to the City of Light by the Seine. And the good thing is that the story is also a wonderful tale of nice people in love and fulfilling dreams. I would go to this one. Woody Allen is back!

Our kinder, gentler President is out there playing his class warfare card again. It is not becoming to the office.

Pools where you don't want to swim Department:
A body of a woman was pulled form a public swimming pool in Fall River after lying in the body of the "cloudy" waters unnoticed by swimmers, Life guards and health inspectors. I'm thinking that cloudy waters might have been a clue for the health inspector! get me outta there! Ugh.

Almost Near: Chapter 27 Continues. --"So, how is she."
Tucker hesitated, maybe a little too long as he tried to come up with the perfect answer. "She had a few enigmatic moments, but overall she was quite normal." He paused thinking that maybe normal was not right word.
"Normal?" Audrey quickly glanced sideways at him, but immediately back to the road as a car cut her off trying to get to the passenger pick-up parking at a another terminal. "God, I hate driving through airports. People are always in a hurry and never are quite sure where they are going." She breathed in. "So, how normal was she." She said "normal" with a slightly sarcastic inflection.
"Well, she cooked dinner, was friendly and said she missed me."
"How much did she miss you?" The she slammed her hand on the steering wheel. "Forget I asked that. Of course the person you knew briefly would miss you. Was she the same as before? Did she say where she had been? Of, God, I'm sorry about all of the questions."
"Don't be sorry. You are part of my life now. Basically she implied that she never left. That she enjoyed all of the town's people while I was away on business. She was two different people while I was there. Actually she was two different people within the first hour! It was unnerving. Right now she is comfortable with me. It was like we had been together all of our lives." Tucker looked over at Audrey. She looked serious. Thoughtful. "More important, tell me what you have been up to?"
Now on the open road, Audrey seemed to settle into her seat. Her arms relaxed she turned to him. "I'm only here for a good story. Don't be uptight. If you think you still love her, that's how you should feel." Tucker noticed that her fingers tightened on the steering wheel.

Quiz Answer: Leslie Caron first captured the hearts of movie goers with her role opposite gen Kelley in the Oscar winning American in Paris. Nobody could ever forget hr in Academy Awrd for best actress as Lili. And the of course there is Gigi, one of the nicest musicals ever. She was in Daddy Longlegs with Fred Astaire and several others that included L Shaped Room, Fanny and Father Goose. She always said of wehrslef, "I'm just a hoofer."

The cloudiest pool of all is the Government. And we are all forced to swim in it.

But, don't let the clouds ruin the excitement of a great weekend. The sun is always up there.

Actually, I hate big weekends. If you don't feel like doing anything, society makes you feel guilty.

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