Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

It's always there, regardless.

Today's Tids Issue 2,380
Originally written 6/29
Opening Stuff:

Some days, despite all of the delicious political stories that tumble out of a giving heaven each day, you got to bite your tongue and go the other way. You have to think about the sun that brightens the blue sky. Even when hidden by gray clouds, it is always there, never wavering. Like love in the heart that is always strong no matter the minor dilemma or anxious tragedy.

More cats would attend Mass if it wasn't for the Dogma.

You have to love the Providence City council which in an attempt to do something about the rowdiness epidemic after the nightly closings of the many downtown clubs (Some times death and serious injury) decided to vote for a 3:00 AM closing instead of the current 2 AM. Their logic..."It will give them another hour to mellow out."! yeah sure. many club owners are cousin's of City Council members?

Daily Question: Name five celebs who after very successful TV show careers became even bigger starts in the movies.

Today's Headlines:
--3/4's Of a million British Civil Servants To Go On Strike Against Attempts By Governess To becoem Fiscally Responsible; Union Leaders Promise Summer Of Discontent Until Government Begins Spending Irresponsibly Again.
--Stock futures Brighter.
--Diabetics get New Blood Vessels From Donors.
--Wild Fires Continue To Threaten Los Alamos; Floods Still raging In Upper Midwest.
--Bank Of america To Spend $85 Billion Settling Claims By Lenders Over Poor Quality Mortgage Backed Securities.
--Tom Petty Nixes Bachman's Use Of His Ditty "American Girl" For Her Campaign; Same Song Was Hillary Staple In 2008.
--Tiger Woods Says he Will be Slow To return To Tournamnets.

Governor Christie pushed through his new Worker Benefits program which greatly reduces the cost to taxpayers for civil servants. He did it with an enlightened bi-partisan group who know that for the good of all something had to be done. It is no longer a matter of winning and losing debates; It is now quite simply, survival! Christie like almost all governors has to fight the professional union backed candidates who now cram most state legislatures with one objective in mind: Damn the ability to pay. Full speed ahead for luxurious contracts.

Go Green -- Recycle the Government.

While you weren't looking, Barnes Noble's "Nook" caught up to and passed Amazon's "Kindle" as the best, most usable book reader, according to Consumer reports. The moral. neer sit back and rest on the laurels of your past, cause somebody is just dying to pass you by.

Did you read where last night Glen Beck's family was abused while at a Hitchcock movie being shown in NYC's Bryant Park. One angry mob-ster shouted "We don't like Conservatives here." You see, mn ay of these kinder and gentler libs have the dis-illusion that society has set aside little venues where only they can be acceptable inhabitants. Like a story I heard about Rhode Island College, a fine little college in RI, . Apparently a moderate republican enrolled in a Socialolgy class. He was rebuffed by the professor whoi said (Paraphrasing) "Only democrats can be in social services jobs.

Maybe it's just my warped mind, but I wondering if maybe it was bedroom antics that had something to do with Tiger's injured leg. It's like when I look at a politician and think, "I wonder what he is lying about now."

Illegal Immigrants protesting for better free educational opportunities waved a sign during an Atlanta Ga. sit-in yesterday: Will No Longer Remain In the Shadows". Solution: Sun drenched Jail Cell with a view.

The RI state legislature is on the verge of passing a bill approving "Binding Arbitration" for teacher disputes involving financial matters. First, the fact that the Union leadership is all for it makes very suspect to me. And then there is the comment from a more reasoned Chairman of the East Prov School Committee when asked what he knows about Binding arbitration: "Shut the lights. Lock the door. See ya later." He went on to say Binding Arbitration would be the end of RI.

Almost Near: Chapter 26 continues. --"Isn't interesting how we were both so entranced by Samantha?"
"For me, it was seeing my bestest firend in the whole world after 18 years. For you, it must have been something else." Martha looked at dante and thought she saw a tinge of blush. But, in my enthusiasm. I know now I missed a lot. For instance, she asked a lot of questions. Mandy," she looked down at her daughter who was taking this all in, "told me that Sam asked her what my name was in a round about way. In fact, now that I look abck on the scene I realize that she is quite the actress.
"Or maybe she was desperate. Think about it. She didn't know anything about her life. And maybe not about herself either. Yet, she came to this house. her house. We have learned tis past hour or so that she knew practically nothing about this town and the people init, yet she came to this house."
"Maybe we should look for Tommy Lambert." Martha looked at him like a scientist making a discovery. "If anybody knew moere about her past than me, it is Tommy."

Quiz Answer: The first two how entered my mind were Tom Hanks and John Travolta. But then, how about George Clooney, Bruce Willis and Jennifer Aniston. And how could I forget Will Smith and the adorable Flying Nun Sally Field. Oh yeah, and Mork. Some might say Meg Ryan, Kevin bacon and Demi Moore came to H-Wood via the tube, but they did it in the daytime soaps and were never night time living room sensations. Your turn.

What you need is always nearby.

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