Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Toothpaste back in tube?

Today's Tids Issue #2,425
Opening Stuff:

In case you never noticed, Jane Lynch can sing.

There's an old biblical based expression, "Good things come to those who wait." I think God was thinking of those who don't rush out to buy the first run of the latest digital gadget, but hang around for for glitch removal and lower prices

Great Man Department:
Dave Gavitt died on the eve of the impending destruction of his greatest achievement. This wonderful human being, former PC Coach, Former NCAA B-Ball Tournament Chairman, Olympic Team coach and President of the Boston Celtics died the day before Pitt and Syracuse decided to move into the ACC. A death knoll to Dave's creation that changed the world of College Basketball, The Big East. But maybe, just maybe the Big East to be will now emulate the purity of Dave's original dream...good schools playing great basketball. Without the associated greed of NCAA football.

Let's see, Social Security is on the verge of bankruptcy, but one of the parts of the 0-Man's jobs plan is to reduce the employee and company contributions to the collapsing "Trust" fund. Government logic at its best!

I want to be a Rhode Island Judge!

The Question:
One of my favorite movie musical moments ever was Kermit the Frog singing "The Rainbow Connection". In fact the Muppets were one of the all time great entertainment ensembles, at least to this dreamer. Name 5 other Muppets.

The Headlines:
--0-Man To Propose $1.5 Trillion In New Taxes; Prez To Reverse Himself On Supporting Improving Efficiency Of SS And Medicare Behemoths.
--Moody's Says Its Outlook On States And Local Governments Remains Negative.
--50's/60's Drama Mad Men And Modern Family take Drama/Comedy Best Show Awards; Drama Acting To Kyle Chandler, Julianna Magulies, Comedy Acting
--Bernanke: EuroZone Instability Driving US Markets.
--Germany's Merkel Faced With Sixth Defeat In A Year To her Conservative Party As Euro-Skeptics Gain Support.
--Libyans Can't Agree On New Government.
--UN Members Scrambling For Position On Palestine Statehood.

Back to More Stuff:
I see where Hillary is the most popular Politician in the US. It's not surprising. She's standing tall in a tough, visible job and she is not tainted by the bad stuff in the economy. She even rates quite well with republicans including a high percentages of the tea Party folks. But, as popular as she is, and as much buyers remorse as 0-Man voters have, nearly 60% say the economy would not be better with her as Prez and 13% say it would be worse. So there you go.

I have had a "Vigorous Localism" plan for years. Way before Tidsland became a speck on the USA landscape. I would pose it at various gatherings and even some of my liberal friends would see the advantages, although wondering how anything could be possible without a gigantic smothering Government. Th basics of my plan for a better America is that all taxes go first to the Village Town or City. The city or town would establish funds for the basic services, safeguards for their needy and then allocate money''s to the states and upward to the feds for the things that they do best which require inter town/city and interstate or international coordination. But the money pool would be under the close watch of the tax payer at the local level. I figure that the government employee base, not including military, could be cut from 16 million to 250,000 or better. Lobbyists at state and fed levels would virtually disappear. private enterprise would grow.

You hear a lot of talk these days about the $2 Trillion in cash sitting in Corporate bank accounts waiting for the reaffirmation of economic confidence. So, I decided look around to see how much that represents per corporation. According to the latest available census data, there are about 27.8 million firms doing about $31 Trillion. Nearly 21.8 million of those firms are sole proprietors with no employees. That leaves about 6 million organized firms. Reducing it further to companies with 20 or more employees, 655,500, that would mean on average $3.060 Million/firm. For the 20,500 firms with over 500 employees the cash on hand average would be $97.5 million. The polls speak as though one person in the sky can push the button that releases that $2 Trillion. You can see it is a bit more complicated than that.

So now, it looks like the Dems are down to saying, well at least we elected a great vice president. Really?

Dolphins are so smart that within a couple of weeks in captivity they can teach humans ot stand at the edge of their pool and throw them fish.

The Answer:
In addition to the Green one, there is of course the adorable Miss Piggy. And then there was Fozzie Bear, Rizzo the Rat, Gonzo the Great, Rowf the Dog, Dr. Benson Honeydew and Beaker and The Swedish Chef.

Paul Ryan said over the weekend: "Class warfare may make for really good politics, but it makes for rotten economics."

If you don't think big money is driving college football, just consider the fact that NBC asked the PGA to complete the third leg of their FedEx championship tourney by 3:00 so the Notre Dame/Mich State Game could start as scheduled.

Finally, an honest quarterback. I have always thought QB's get too much yardage accrued to their stats from short passes where the receiver does all the work. Often the pass is just another means, after handoffs and laterals, to get the ball into a runner's hands. Yesterday Tom Brady said of his so-called 99 1/2 record setting TD: "I only threw he ball 25 Yards. Welk did all the work."
Reply to: Reply to RICHARD W HUNT

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