Romney is beginning to do what political observers always thought was his advantage over Santorum and Gingrich: He is winning over the independents, this huge block that is probably the key to the election. In fact, in the newest poll he is 13 % ahead of the 0-Man among Indies.

You're seeing more and more, headlines like "Pension deficit for taxpayers is up $836 Million" atop articles about city and towns walking the tightrope towards bankruptcy. I always say "wait a minute, we paid our taxes." The elected officials mismanaged those funds or got hoodwinked by union officials into over paying for labor. They have to negotiate with the hoodwinkers, not come back to us. If so, the Taxpayer would be effectively fined for elected official's antics -- suspect activities or negligence or dereliction of duty. Plain and simple.

There's something just plain special about Aaron Copeland music -- Rodeo, Pink Pony. And of course, is there better music to underscore the awakening of a new day than his Appalachian Spring? I don't think so!

The Question:
John Cusack has come a long way from his "Actor with promise" days. Name five of his best movies.

The Headlines:
--Stock Rally Stifled As GDP Comes In Lower Than Forecast; Business Spending Slowing.
--Spanish Economy In ICU; One Minister Says Economy "Faces Crisis Of Huge Proportions; Credit rating Downgraded.
--US On Guard For Bin Laden Revenge Attacks May 2.
--Romanian Center Right Government Toppled; Czechs Facing Similar Test.
--Zimmerman Raised In Black-White Household; Had Black Partners In Business.
--Consumer Sentiment Scale Barely Moves.
--Biden Tells Stupid, Poorly Timed Secret Service Joke.

So, did you hear about the dog who was paper trained? He could read the comics.

Don't laugh, people are humanizing their pets at an alarming rate. Many seem to have convinced themselves that dogs are people. I often hear people interviewed saying things like "I have a beautiful four legged daughter named ...". "We have a family of four, my husband and I and Rex and rover." I loved the dogs I owned, but I would never own one again. Too expensive, and no Medicaid. Have to walk them on leashes instead of letting them run free to steal eggs from a neighbor's chicken coop. And of course, there is that dreaded plastic bag. Frankly, I'd have to teach them to read the comics so they wouldn't get bored staying inside at home.

I am really bothered at these small groups who seem to have a plan to pick off one religious appearing monument/remembrance one by one by one. They make a fuss, raise money and then essentially extort cities, towns and states to take down a local institution, "Or else".

How come when the ACLU sues to protect somebody's Civil Liberties they take away everything cherished by another group? How fair is that, Mr. President.

There is no way in my mind that three across the country trips by the President to Universities was a"Official Business" as stipulated by the White House Admin. I was happy to see the RNC finally wake up and challenge one of these transparent campaign trips.

So basically what I'm seeing in commercials for smart phones and the like, is that they new technology is hand writing! Do you think Apple and Samsung our working off of grants form the NEA? Cursive lives.

Last night's "Missing" was a good example of why it is becoming my favorite TV hour. I'm hooked, addicted. Actually, at one point I was thinking this is kind of slow tonight. Then ...Bam!...two totally unimagined surprises in a row. Now I can hardly wait for next Thursday.

American Idol: I've said it before, Holly has surprising staying power because she sings songs with melodies...and her voice is very powerful. Sure she's a little bit unpolished, but her biggest negative is the Judges. I think Phillip is getting a little ordinary, although he is talented and draws a lot of young girl votes. Sanchez is excellent, but doesn't always connect. Joshua is a talent. Skylar needs a couple of better tunes next week.

About today's music... Last night on Idol Katy Perry and last year's Stefano Lagano performed. Aside form the lavish sets, the words and techno-activity, the songs sounded exactly the same to me. We're are living in this hear-one,-you've-heard-em'-all-world. I guess it's all about the dancin' beat. Oh, and Stefano, who I didn't like last year, was far better than the highly regaled Perry. That's just the opinion of one tin ear.

A day or so ago the National Plagiarist Laureate described Romney as "Uniformed". Oh, that holds a lot of weight -- opinions of Joe Biden, the Veep that WH handlers would love to send out with a gag in his mouth. Save me.

Reading between the Lines Movie Reviews:
--In Five Year Engagement we have a pretty predictable romantic comedy starring Jason Segal and Emily Blunt (Great In Salmon Fishing) as a couple who have fallen in love and are engaged. But incidents keep putting off the marriage, and it goes on and on. Some observers are saying "Break up already", "I can't take it any more". My guess is that it will be entertaining with a pleasant ending.
--John Cusack stars as Edgar Allen Poe in The Raven. Poe helps a detective solve a series of murders that are similar to his stories -- the Pit and the Pendulum et. al. It is pretty good and draws a realistic picture of Poe, the drunk and always out of cash writer. I'd go.
--Safe is a "B" movie about a second-rate Cage Fighter who leads a life of beatings for chump change. It changes when the Russian Mafia kills his family after he blows a rigged fight. The mob banishes him to the Streets of NYC. He is aimless until he witnesses a frightened 12 year old Chinese girl being pursued by the gangsters who killed his wife. His life changes as he gets involved in a giant conspiracy. It will be great some evening on FX.

The Answer:
I first remember Cusack  in a movie with Angelica Houston called the Grifter. He was in plenty of others like True Colors, City Hall, Grosse Point Blank, Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, Pushing Tin, America's Sweethearts, Runaway Jury and Grace is Gone. You probably have your own faves.

Well, it is Friday. For retired people it means it's Saturday tomorrow, which will be pretty much like Friday except for the date on the newspaper. For every body else it will be a welcome and wonderful repsite from the weekday pressures. Enjoy every minute of it. That's an order.
