Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Leave my world alone.

Today's Tids Issue 2,581
Opening Stuff:

You may have noticed how, from time to time, we rant a bit here over the sacrileges against time-honored US and world wide institutions. Like when people put chocolate into gin and call it a Martini! That is not a martini! The last thing I would want to hear going into a bar and ordering a Martini, is a bartender asking, "What kind?" Yikes. Well the other day at a meeting a women brought in a fresh baked batch of Chocolate chip cookies. Even I, who refrains from sweets and non-nutritional dalliances, took one. Ouch! What is that flavor, I thought. The baker proudly asks, "Did you like my secret ingredient?" I said nothing but other lemmings said things like "Yum". "Wonderful." "Marvelous." She looked over at us, and proudly said she replaces Vanilla with Almond when she bakes chocolate chip cookies! Those-are-not-chocolate-chip-cookies!

That Egyptian revolution is turning into a real mess isn't it? Yesterday the Election Board there, which had been named by the Ruling Military, rejected the "Three Most Popular" candidates (And 7 others) from the election! How's that for an Arab Spring? That leaves 13 mundane candidates who most Egyptians barely know at all. Other countries are thinking this no-name group may produce a better candidate for them; A candidate who will "work with" outsiders. But, that is unlikely. Among the three tossed was the powerful Muslim Brotherhood candidate Khairat al Shater. It is now expected that this most significant of all Egyptian groups will back Mohammed Morsi and propel this unknown into the lead. Muslim brotherhood will not go away, regardless of the Military Panel wants. If Morsi is rejected, expect new riots.

You have to wonder about FaceBook's future. Will it be like that of an athlete superstar with too much money, buying cars he doesn't need. Linkedin thinks that could be the case. And have stated that they expect to outlast the Zuckerberg giant becasue they are more fiscally responsible and won't delve into expensive whims. Another thing, Zuckerberg, made the Insta deal all by himself without bankers and lawyers, three days before he told his Board of Directors. Just tuck that away as the IPO approaches.

The Question:
I'm sure there are many lists for this Question, but I have a feeling that many of the "Top Ten Child Stars Gone Bad" are on all of them. Name your top ten.

The Headlines:
--Stocks Down On Lower Earnings From IBM And Intel.
--Spain Bailout Now A Certainty.
--Spain Incensed As Argentina Announces Nationalization Of YPF, The Country's Largest Oil Company Which Is Controlled BY Spain Repsol Corp; Spanish Industry Minister Promises Consequences.

Have you noticed lately that some of the more elite-in-their-own-mind restaurants are offering Pork bellies on the menu. People look at the menu and the initial reaction is often -- Eew, pork bellies. That's bacon folks, pure fatty bacon. That's all it is. Interestingly, bacon from countries other than the US comes from the side, mostly lean, or from the back cut which can be either all fat or mostly all lean. US bacon is from the fatty streaked pork belly. So, that's about it. McDonald's gets all the blame for calories, but where is Michelle when the "Gourmet" joints start sneaking in heart stopping fatty bacon? Huh?

By the way, 40% of McDonald's sales come from Europe versus 30% from the US. That means that when Obama moves on to Emperor of the world, the Empress will have plenty to do. And I'm happy for her.

If the Dems are as they say for jobs, how come they are trying to turn the country's economic engines into soulless monsters.

I've got to drop politics for a while. It's turning me into a monster.

And, never put walnuts in Chocolate Chip cookies.

It's no wonder child stars full of fame and money living in a world far from reality, grow up with problems . But, you don't have to be a child star to find the road to ruin as a teen. For instance, the new fad among teens is eating cinnamon. Yup, the kids take a spoon full of pure cinnamon with out liquid and just wait til their throat burns, their stomach gets queasy and they eventually throw-up. Sure sounds like fun. Like wearing felt skirts with poodles or singing Meersy-dotes.

The Prez is using his bully pulpit to come out against Oil "Speculators" as the culprits in the rising gas prices dilemma. Of course, as part of this political posturing, he asks Congress to act to add more people to oversee Wall Street activities. The congress responds, "We already have the the FTC, FCC, SEC et. al.. You are Executive Branch. Use them." Most neutral observers see the Prez Proposal as political rhetoric that in effect increases the size of government with little chance of affecting the increase in oil prices.

Almost Near: The Epilogue. --
Tommy Lambert had been locked securely away in the New Hampshire state facility for the insane for about a year now. He was a model inmate. Why wouldn't he be. He was a creative, bright, good looking and quite a charming man. Always had been. Even on that day 29 years ago, the first day Samantha Wilcox slid into second base and he slapped the tag on her. Then helped her up, and smiled that perfect radiant smile. She would never forget that special moment. The people in the facility had warmed to that same smile since the day he walked into his sterile room with nothing but his state issued clothes. Now he had pens and paper and even at times use of a computer. He had all of the weapons a good writer would ever need.
He put down his pen, read over what he had written, sat admiring his work; Then he folded the paper and placed it in an envelope and addressed to Samantha Wilcox. He moved to the small window at his door. "Carolyn. Carolyn. Are you there." In a few seconds he heard the click, click, click of her shoes against the hard flooring.
"What do you need, Tommy?" The orderly looked at him with eyes wishing he could come from beyond the door."
He handed her the envelope. "Would you please mail this on your way home. You can charge the stamp to my account."
She laughed. Of course he had no account. And, he wasn't allowed to mail anything without inspection. Her fingers lingered on his as she took the letter. "No problem, Tommy."
"Thank you Carolyn. You are quite beautiful today."
He turned as he heard the sound of her heels disappearing. He went over to the small barred window and looked at the beauty of New Hampshire hills and trees. And thought of his words.

(One more Day!)

The Answer:
All of the Top Ten Gone Bad aren't recent. Here is one list starting at Ten: Paris Hilton (Child Star?), Brad Renfro, Todd Bridges, Drew Barrymore, Haley Osment, Gary Coleman, Britanny Spears, Lindsay Lohan, Macaulay Caulkins and Michael Jackson. But, there are many others like Judy Garland, Dana Plato, Bobby Driscoll (Song of the South) and Danny Bonaduce. Or, you may remember Corey Haim, David Faustino, Dustin Diamond, Taran Noah Smith and the ever adorable (You should see him now) Wille Aames.

I'll take Shirley Temple, thank you.

"On the good ship Lollypop, da-da da...da da da da da, da.. Do I have you humming today? enjoy it.

Thre were actually a lot of headlines today, but I didn't think much of it was news.

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