Today's Tids Issue 2,943
Opening Stuff:There are challenges you eagerly take on willingly, and then there are those come whacking you behind the ears with a two-by-four when you least expect it. But, if you always exercise the power in your heart and the courage in your soul, you can beat just about anything.

Except maybe, a golf course.

Do you get the opinion that there are too many faceless committees trying to run the wars around the globe. How can you run a good war these days if you have to send a monthly report to some mystery global government?

Brookins and MacNelley tell us the Monroe Doctrine is, "Diamonds are a girls best friend"!

New research from the nutritionists say you can live longer eating dark chocolate and drinking beer. Unless, of course, you are a diabetic.

The Question:
What is the great lesson learned from Christopher Columbus?

The Headlines:
--US Stocks Hanging In There As Markets Open After Yesterday's Bonanza.
--A Bunch Of Guys Asked To Check Syria's Chemical Weapons Win Nobel Peace Prize; I Don't Get It.
--Gold Continues Plunge In Early Trading Minutes.
--International Human Rights Committee Says Syrian Rebels Committed War Crimes.
--Swedish And Finnish Consulates In Libya Hit by Car Bomb.
--Kerry Off To Afghan's Karsei To Work On Deal To Keep Troops There After Official UN Exercise Ends.
--Tigers Verlander With Dominant One-Hitter Wins Playoff Berth Against Boston

The Old Tids official philosopher is at it again, sending along this piece of wisdom: "The gov't tells us not to judge all Muslims by the actions of a few lunatics. But then, they tell us to be sure to judge all gun owners by the actions of a few lunatics."

It wouldn't be hard for me to believe that more people in the US are upset that Bruce Jenner on the K-Show portrayed himself as the happy husband while he and wife Chris were separated, than those worried about the shut down. That is the new American reality show.

This issue of the Tids was interrupted several times for instructional journeys into Clonewars. I never realized how much I have been missing in life! How out-of-it I have been these many years. There are two worlds in America, and I'm not talking Libs and conservatives. I'm talkng the people who can identify each and every of the thousands of similar appearing clones by name and how they function in the Star Wars universe, versus those who step on them with bare feet early in the morning. Ouch!

It's far from a groundswell, but republicans are starting to pick favorites for 2016. According to the new Zogby Poll Christie is tops with 11.4% of Repubs, closely followed by Jeb Bush 11.2% and Rand Paul 10.9%. Looks like they're waiting for the Messiah to drop in for an earthly visit. 

The big problem with the shut down madness is that through gross exaggerations Obama and the Congress have backed themselves into seemingly irreversible positions. When, you think about it though, it should be easy for them to get as they are all quite adept at reversing positions with blank satres on their faces using creative disingenuous reasoning.

Reading Between the Lines Movie Reviews:
You kinda feel you know the big movie of the day, Captain Phillips. Not just because you were riveted to the original news story, but because the commercials have been non-stop. Despite the fact that you know the beginning middle and end, it is very good movie and well acted. And, they say it is "Suspenseful" I'm not going to rush to the theaters, but I will see it some day if only to find out what the Oscar excitement is all about.

The Answer:
They sailed and sailed, as winds might blow,
Until at last the blanched mate said:
"Why, now not even God would know
Should I and my men fall dead
These very winds forget their way,
For God from these dread seas is gone.
Now speak, brave Admiral, speak and say"--
He said: Sail on! sail on! and on"

How many times did we read that poem in grammar school? How many times were reminded never to give up even when storms rage and we seem so very alone. How we must find within our soul the courage never to give up. To sail on and on, no matter the battles we face. Of course, I wonder if they even still read a poem that speaks of the power of God. I've never forgotten it.

They should have Elder Hostels on things that grandchildren know and of which grand parents have absolutely no clue.

Well, time to sail on into my weekend amorphous state. And, look for the courage to endure the New England Patriost Sunday game.

Have a great weekend, E-v-e-r-y-b-o-d-y!