Today's Tids Issue 2,946
Opening Stuff:
Mums are dangerous
to your health, Yes, that dazzling display of color often seen along highways and nestled against stone walls on country lanes is so enticing that drivers are often found hypnotized by the magic of this Fall miracle of color. Transfixed by raw natural beauty. Texting may be disconcerting, but the powerful draw of yellow, rust, maroon, golden chrysanthemums bunched together in compelling arrays is mesmerizing. Irresistible.

I just read a story where I learned that new schools are being designed for easy transformation into office space when the building is deemed obsolete. So that its it, free enterprise is getting wasteful government leftovers.

Drama, Tension and Agony, Departement:
The Red Sox-Tigers game last night was as good a baseball gets.

The Question:
What are considered the top Fall blooming flowers?

The Headlines:
--Stocks up 210 Has Street Sees Happy Ending Grimm Washington.
--Lawmakers Begin Last Ditch Effort On Debt Ceiling, Shutdown.
--Baltimore Port Longshoreman Go On Strike.
--Russia Renews Vow Of Faith In US Debt.
--Iran Offers Concessions On Nuke Program.
--Suicide Bomber Kills Pakistan Official And Others.

In case you missed it, flossing does not dramatically improve chances of fewer cavities, if at all. Several studies over the past five years determined that brushing well is just fine, and adding mouthwash works just as well to defeat decay as the dentist's and dental hygienist's favorite remedy most often recommended accompanied by an accusatory, intimidating stare. (Note: there is some evidence that indicates that non dental humans are just incapable of using proper flossing techniques. That children flossed by Hygienists do have lower cavities:-)

I have a lot of trouble resisting breakfast sausage.

"Zero Tolerance" is a ploy used by officials to avoid their responsibility, enabling them to eschew making tough, reasonable decisions.

The reason we're having so much trouble with the budget and the debt ceiling is because the people having the problem with budget and debt ceiling are the people who put us in jeopardy in the first place.

Since WWII the only war of relevance to the USA was the first year of the Afghanistan payback. All the rest were basically to keep Generals busy and the military industrial complex profitable. Too many young Americans have died or have been maimed for basically nothing.

If President Obama really believes in "fairness for all", as he says, then he would have to take Affirmative Action off the table.

I have to say, that chefs in good restaurants can chop and stir and create, decorate plates for welcoming eyes, but a good dish of Kentucky Fried Chicken is still as good as it gets.

When you think about it, America is becoming subject to the egos of men and women who back themselves into corners. Unfortunately, we elect them.

There are far too many inane conversations in America. And Hashtag is one of the main reasons for them.

Maybe we should keep the Budget conversation going a little longer, because when it stops we are going to be subject to President Obama's immigration harangue. We only need immigration reform because too many recent immigrants have broken the law. I really, really dislike the disingenuous of the immigration discussion. Break the law.-- Go to jail. That would solve the alleged need for immigration reform.

In Europe today there are now thousands of Mosques all with congregations larger than those of churches.

When you think about it, maybe the most dangerous place on earth is Pakistan. This country apparently constantly under siege by terror related groups already has the Bomb.

The Answer.
Well, obviously I have to say garden Mums top the list. Others are Sedum, many types of Asters, Michaelmas Daisy, Caryopteris, Momtauk Daises, Helenium, Sunflowers, Amenome and Heliopsis.

A walk in a Fall garden is living art. Enjoy it.