Today's Tids Issue 2,941
Opening Stuff:

If you can be satisfied with a little bit at a time, you'll do better in life, career and golf.

Ideological extremes will never come together. Of course I don't believe saving America from socialism is extreme.

When you think about it, the instant communication vehicle Twitter is exactly what a population that speaks before it thinks doesn't need.

I've been reading Stephen Hawking's very interesting book on anti-gravity. I just can't put it down.

The Question:
In a Public Policy Opinion Poll, Registered voters were asked to rate Congress (House and Senate) against common annoyances: dog poop, cockroaches, Miley Cyrus twerking, jury duty, toenail fungus, Vladimir Putin, DMV, IRS, Anthony Weiner, pot holes, Public Radio fundrasing drives, Charles Manson, witches, Wall Street, Hipsters and hemeroids. Congress came out better than four of them. Which four?
The Headlines:
--Republicans Offer New Plan; Nothing Off Table Says Boehner.
--Street Sells Off; Social Media Stocks Lead The Way Down.
--President Holds New Press Conference; Same Words.
--Biz Leaders Urging Congress To Strike Debt Deal; Lingering Could Really Hurt Economy.
--Anti_Army Protests Increasing At Egypt Universities.
--US Treasury Issues New Forging Proof $100 Bills; Admin Says they Are Not Written In Chinese.

What's the Nanny State going to do now that it has been revealed that one of it's Hollywood faves has Type 2 Diabetes. Tom Hanks is thin and fit and eats the so-called right foods. The release by ideologues of inaccurate data about Diabetes and it's cause has been mind-boggling, and never questioned by our crack press corps. Or, should we say, Press Corpse!

Don't you wonder as you sit in morning traffic jams around big cities, how many people are late for work each day?

In 2006 Senator Barack Obama said: "...Increasing America's debt ceiling weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means 'the buck stops here'. Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today on the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and an a failure of leadership. America deserves better." I don't write this to disparage our President (Wink, wink) but to illustrate the dishonesty, triviality all of our politcal leaders. Nothing they say means anything, and nothing they do helps America. Actually, when they do nothing it helps America.

I love Barley, and I would make a side dish of barley and rich brown creamy gravy and be damn happy. But there are tons of recipes that could liven any menu. Roasted barley with beef stock, shallots, black pepper and olive oil. Or, white wine, lemon, butternut squash, toasted pecans and grated Parmesan cheese. And then there is barley with cremini mushrooms and caramelized leaks. Barley is healthy, tastes great and will make a star out of the cook! Check out these 56 recipes at:

Prez and henchmen Lolla-Pelosi and the ever laughable Harry Reid tell Boehner that if he passes a "Clean" no-strings budget they promise to talk about anything the Speaker wants. That is the newest big lie in America. OBama? Pelosi? Reid? Are you kidding me! That threesome deserves the "Snooker of the Week" award.

The LA Dodgers are looking like the Dream Team...for big sports agents. There has been a lot written lately about the surge of small market baseball teams with regular guys earning good but sane salaries...and performing better than the big salaried teams with superstar free agents. Now the Dodgers with the big payroll are looking like the perfect team. And the hope of 2014 Free-Agents. Salivating agents may raise sea levels. It must be Magic!

One thing that God has never revealed is why heavy traffic moving at 70mph all of a sudden becomes a parking lot; And, why all of the lanes are moving faster than the high speed lane furthest from exits and natural congestion.

If you're getting a Cat Scan or some other look see procedure, why don't they scan a wider area to check out more possibilities on the same dime.

Peyton Manning has always been a better passer than Tom Brady. Brady just had that knack of squeezing out wins.

The Answer:
The United Sates of America Congress did not do well. The 535 did beat Weiner, Cyrus, Manson and Putin. Do you think ganging up on Congress, the representatives of the people, is a good idea. I don't.

So, two fishermen were out one the lake and one caught a giant carp. Just as he was getting it into the boat, his wallet slipped into the water. The carp got away and swam after it, returning with the wallet balanced on his nose. Soon other carp appeared and the wallet was passed around, nose to nose. The fisherman's pal said, he had never before seen "Carp to carp walleting"!
"T"-Shirt of the Week, Department:

Thanks to an insightful reader with a great sense of humor. If you can't see the pic, send an email and I'll send it to you.