Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Monday, March 28, 2016

Your mother wears army boots.

Today's Tids Issue 3,560
Opening Stuff:

Wasn’t the Easter respite from politicians pleasant? Doesn’t Trump sound smarter when he doesn’t speak? Frankly I just can’t take the childish, crass, illiterate schoolyard rants of any of the candidates anymore. I just turn them off. Leaders of the free world, my ass. Hey, I’m sounding like them. What a mess.

Nothing has shown people’s ability to adapt and adjust more than technology. In fact people from all generations have adapted so well that they are now beholden to their networking communications, and instant information. We leave one devil for another. Power companies will have to employ trauma specialists for hot lines in the event of power failures. People who generate mobs to protest the building of energy centers will be the first to get on their knees to pray for the return of their new gods. The golden calf lives. There’s always something, as the great old comedienne said. Sometimes it’s good, and sometimes not as good as it seems.

I think I finally found somebody in the presidential race to follow – Mrs. Kasich! Yes, in an interview, Greta van Sustran asked her about her work as Ohio First Lady trying to improve food and exercise habits of Ohio children. In the question, Greta mentioned there are “so many ‘bad’ foods in grocery stores.” Karen Kasich answered the question responsively, finishing with the phrase, “And, I don’t think there are any bad foods.” She went on to emphasize that her concern was teaching moderation as what should guide us most in our eating habits.” From now on I’m only eating 15 Cheeto’s at a time.

The Question:
When and where was the first Mormon Temple dedicated? Bonus: Which First Lady planted the Cherry trees in Washington, and which City’s mayor presented the first two of them to DC as a gift

The Headlines:
--Death Toll Of Christians Murdered in Pakistan By Taliban Expected To Rise Over 75; Bombing Widespread in Islamic Nuclear State.
--Stocks Up Early As Some Producers Turn Off Oil Spigots; Stock Hanging In During Noon Hour; Analysts Beginning To See Signs Of Volatility Which Could Make Next Several Months A Bit Bumpy.
--Bernie Builds Mo With Strong Wins In Alaska, Washington and Hawaii; Wisconsin Throngs Cheering Socialist Madly.
--Georgia Governor Veto’s “Liberty Bill” as Anti Gay; Bill Would Have Protected Those Business refusing To Do Biz With gay People.
--Feds Invite Hillary In For A talk About Emails.
--NK Ramps Up Rhetoric; New Video Shows Nuclear Strike On Washington DC; Country Says It Will Devastate SK For Ridiculing Leader Jung-Un.
--Final Four: Villanova Versus Oklahoma; Syracuse Versus north Carolina; ‘Cuse Is First #10 Seed To Reach Finals.
--Putin Hails Recapture Of Palmyra And Russia’s Role.
--Death toll Of Americans In Brussels Rises To 4.

Personally, I like being civilized.

People I have talked to and others commenting on TV after seeing Batman Vs. Superman, agreed it was not that great a picture. But that didn’t stop people from spending $170 Million over the weekend. I guess I could be enticed to sit tough the mayhem – after all who didn’t as a kid love Batman and Superman. I only fear that Hollywood will over-alter my own image of my heroes past.

Every time Yahoo has a management coup, I lose contacts on my email lists.

Here are five psychological biases I picked up from a writer named Jennifer Nelson that can really cost big money, and even destroy relationships and family 1. Status Quo Bias – This going to a high priced restaurant you can’t afford just to keep up. 2. When In Rome Bias – Habit of buying something you shouldn’t. This occurs often on vacation when you buy often to just buy as part of a vacation. 3. Inertia Bias – This is when you spend as you always have even when experiencing a change in life situation, like having kids in college. 4. Prince or Princes Bias – Spouse or partner who always demands the best even when it causes financial problems. 5. Lifestyle Creep Bias – This is the often unwitting process to allow lifestyle expenses to grow faster than your income. These all look pretty similar to me. Basically it’s about all parties knowing and understanding what the resources are and controlling the temptation to obliterate them.

(On Friday, I sent out what I thought was a link to the “ending of Mahler’s 2nd Symphony played by Conductor Dudamel and the Simon Bolivar Symphony”. What I learned was that the link could be received differently depending on the type of device -- smart phone, tablet, laptop of desk top.)

In response to last week’s “Q” about fashion designers of men’s clothes, a reader writes with this tidbit:  Hugo Boss was main producer of Nazi Unifirms and thelittle outfits fro youth

I had to walk through a casino the other day and I can only describe them as glitzy ghettos.

We will never again see the glory of Palmyra’s antiquities, and that is sad too.

Media Shenanigans, Department:
A quite right leaning media outlet ran the headline: “Trump: I’d never rule out war with China.” Nowhere in the accompanying story did I see Trump saying that. He basically said that too many politicians say too much to media about what they may or may not do, and I refuse to do that. But, the war quote is now in print forever, and the anti Mr. T forces will promote him as a war monger who could start the nuclear catastrophe. Maybe freedom of the press has lost its way. Meanwhile, I remain a man without a candidate.

My nine year old grandson told me yesterday that his teacher told the class that Trump is a racist. Am I a dinosaur, or do new parents really want the NEA to own their kid’s soul?

Aren’t you glad the Prez forsook the Belgian massacre to honor the communist at a baseball game. Let’s see what Brother Fidel had to say in a “bristling” 1500 word letter to “Brother Obama”. “We don’t need the empire to give us any presents,” was the tone.” His advice to “O” was, “My modest suggestion is that he (Obama) reflects and doesn’t try to develop theories about Cuban politics.” The old revolutionary leader picks apart Obama’s speech line by line, seemingly most riled by his talk of Cuban-US business ties. “”No one should pretend that the people of this noble and selfless country will renounce its glory and rights, We are capable of producing the food an material wealth (For high government officials?) we need with the work and intelligence of our people.” I say let’s keep Gitmo humming and bring back the Islamic war criminals. After all, that is the best place to keep them.

Meanwhile, another headline in the same News source says, “Obama sees tide shifting in Cuba…” It ain’t over until the communist sings.

The Parking Lot: Chapter 52.
   Jared sat mesmerized as Nancy Elizabeth Hicks told the story of her ancestors Richard and Eliza and Jeremiah and Mulatta Elizabeth Hicks. He looked at Nancy, feeling this new depth of her character that made her so entirely beautiful. He also sensed the fear that may be growing, as it is clearly becoming obvious that the Howlands are fighting to make amends for the past. But, probably more so trying to gain control of the land that would be the Casino.
   He was drawn back into the colonial pre-Revolutionary War era when strong willed people pioneered settlements and growth. Her family and The Howlands were surely that. He could see how Nancy was tied to this land as it was not only her father-in-laws by deed and gift from the tribes, but her right, as a descendant of the Wampanoags. This was her land in so many ways, and even more important, her tribe is the one acknowledged as the governing body to legalize the casino operation.
   Nancy seemed to be in the early seventeen hundred’s, drifting perhaps along a path through lush forests, or standing on the shores by her father’s settlement on the Sakonnet Bay. She had been raised in peace but never stopped being a fighter, like her ancestors and in particular Mulatta. Jared let her dream, and absorbed her beauty.

The Answer:
The first Mormon Temple was dedicated in Kirtland Ohio in 1836 by Joseph Smith. Bonus: The first two cherry trees 0f 3,000 were a gift  of the Mayor of Tokyo Japan, and they were planted by Japan Ambassador to the US, Visountess Chinda, and Helen Herron Taft.

Easter is done, chocolate bunnies are earless,
This day of light shines the way for so much more
Spring matures, windy morns seduce the fearless.
On grassy hills above the sea, we hear shouts -- Fore!

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