Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

There’s always tomorrow.

Today's Tids Issue 4,393
Less wind:

I was caught up in the cold, early morning wind. It blew hard, across salt marshes and grassy hillsides. Hawks floated up upon the gusts. I zipped up my collar and put my head down. I pushed forward. A little wind wasn’t going to take away this beautiful day from me. And, it didn’t. But when I returned to write my daily thoughts of life and life’s amusements, I quickly discovered that my brain was cleansed by the relentless breezes. Good luck reading this mess today!

The reason why more young mothers are going to gyms is to tone up to assist in removing large complicated strollers form their SUV’s.

The Ten World Cities deemed to have the “Highest Quality of Life” are Zurich, Wellington NZ, Copenhagen, Edinburgh, Vienna, Helsinki, Melbourne Aus, Boston, San Fran and Sydney. The lowest QoL cities are Lagos Nigeria, Beijing, Manila, Dhaka Bangladesh, Jakarta, Mumbai, Rio de Janero, Cairo and Sao Paulo.

Millennials are whizzes at technology but seem to have a problem with mental complexities associated with Buckling up. Maybe seat belts need an app.

The Question:
Name Three of Edith Wharton’s most famous books. Bonus: What is America’s fastest growing pizza chain?

The Headlines:
--WH Temporarily Eases Restrictions On Huawei; Tech Stocks Leap Forward; Rest Of Market Follows To Upside.
--Dress Barn To Close All 650 Stores; Big Retailers Kohls and Home Depot Coming Up Short On Earnings; Star Jeff Jamie Oliver’s Restaurants On Brink Of Closing.
--McGahn A No Show In Congress; Nadler Fumes; Rep Ciciline Says McGahn Disregard For Congress Shows That Trump Should Be Impeached.
--Google Rethinks Plan To Stop Services for Huawei; Huawei Founder Says US Underestimated The Power Of His Company; France Says No Banning Of Huawei.
--Trump Lawyers Appeal Judge Ruling To Have President’s Accounting Firm Hand Over His Biz Records.
--American Traitor John Lindh To Walk From Prison.
--Another Taquan Float Plane Crashes Killing Two Just Eight Days After Devastating Mid-Air Crash.
--Cost Of Housing, Living And Taxes Forcing Middle Class Out of California.

The Left, who love to define Repubs as just a bunch of old white men, have an hypocrisy problem, with a similar pair of these unwashed leading their field of 23 candidates – two of the whitest, oldest men, Biden and Sanders. Political rhetoric is mainly unrepresentative of the truth.

There’s a new Broadway show being touted by various New York City celebs. It’s called “Hilary and Clinton”! Rapturous celebs say it’s just good fun, not political at all. With a name like that, how can attendees not enter the theater with anything but politics in the back of their mind.

The Voice was decent last night. It seems now that Maylyn can’t be beat. She had the #1, #4 and #8 highest ranked iTunes singles sales last night. The people are with her. But I personally thought that Andrew Sevener had the best night of them all. I really enjoyed his “Lips of an Angel”. He had iTunes #10 and #12. Gyth was alao pretty good and had an iTunes #5 Best seller. Frankly all singers proved they belonged to be in the finals. I didn’t Think Dexter was a strong as he had been. Maylyn is always good technically, but I didn’t like her songs, and that included her effort with Cohen’s Alleluia. So, I’m thinking that it will be Maylyn, Gyth Andrew and Dexter. Although, Andrew may slip into #2. I think I’ll watch American Idol next year.

A new Gallop Poll says that 43% of Americans say that socialism would be good for America. 51% say it would be bad. This not a good trend for a great country. Jeez, some President in the not so distant future will have to make America Great Again. Who knows?

As a reader has pointed out, after the Morehead billionaire give-away lottery, all colleges next year will be looking for their own billionaire commencement speaker.

Of course, they should be looking for ways to cut costs, instead of wishing on a star for an angel. Perhaps for starters, reducing millionaire coaches’ salaries for use to cut tuition. It just seems to me that inflation in the academic business has been quite a bit greater than for products in the competitive world.

And just to show how people can be slammed after a precedent setting speech like the one at Morehead, Oprah was criticized for not paying off the student debt after her speech at Colorado College. She gives millions every year to help students with tuition, $13 Mil to Morehead in fact.

The 10 best “Beach” Towns in which to retire are Fort Meyers, Sarasota, Daytona Beach, Boston, San Diego, Portland Maine, Miami, Melbourne Fl and Charleston SC. Have Speedo, will travel.

The Answer:
Edith Wharton wrote The Age of Innocence, Ethan Frome and House of Mirth. Bonus: Seattle’s MOD Pizza had 12 store 5 years ago, Today they have 400. The owners attribute their growth to their socially conscious organic and gourmet ingredients pizza. Yeah, but does it taste any good.

Waste time. Take out the trash.

I wish there was more, but I’ve been wrung fry.

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