Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Monday, November 7, 2011


Today's Tids Issue 2,461
Opening Stuff:

How about this little note from Germany -- Angela M as authorized $8.3 Billion in tax breaks as "thanks" to the citizens for helping carry the burden of EuroLoser country debts. That almost sounds like the action of a rational government who actually believes that the people are important.

It appears that the biggest bargain this Christmas will be large screen TV's. And there could be a lot more goods at great prices as retailers pull it all out to have a big season. So keep a keen eye on the ads, and don't pay full price for anything.

I know a woman who always rushes to put her flowers outside when rain is coming. They're plastic flowers, and she puts them out to dust them off.

In a new Poll, 71% of Americans say they have an unfavorable opinion for both Big Business and Washington. The difference is that they know too much about Washington and not enough about the reality of big business.

The Question: Name ten of the top 25 Evangelical ministers in the country.

The Headlines:
--Italy Turmoil Pushes Stock Opening Lower.
--Greeks To Pick New Leader.
--Mississippi Referendum On Abortion Expected To Pass; Vote Will Determine That "Personhood" Begins At Fertilization or Cloning.
--Berlusconi Refuses To Step Down As Italy Debt Woe Crisis Grows.
--Nearly 200,000 Islamists Take Over Moscow Square.
--Observers Wonder If Joe Paterno Could Have Done More 9 Years Ago To Protect Children Caught In Web Of Monster Former Coach.

I was at a theater last night. It is big deal type of theater, and amazingly beautiful. As I read the program I noted that the Board of Directors was a large one and included many successful people in the community and, of course, all of the politicians who could weasel themselves onto the list. Oddly, each politician's name from local to state to federal was proceeded with the adjective "Honorable."! What's that all about? Honorable! Gees, what will they think of next.

Where is it written that yearly raises should be automatic.

I really don't like emails that start: "You will love this."

World get's Weirder Department:
An Iowa couple's house was set ablaze by a women who had just been "defriended"! Say what? I don't know whether this is a commentary on the social cyberworld, or the depth of anger in people today. Burning down a house is not a casual dismissal of onetime friend. It seems like everything is progressing except the civility of humans. What's next.. stocks and public floggings?

While traipsing through the net for information, I am learning that stories reported on video are far less inviting and practical than those reported in print.

Almost Near: Chapter 49. --Samantha retrieved the rental car and drove to the Dalesford Police Station. As soon as she saw it, she remembered much more about why she had come to this town at this time. After leaving the hospital, the thoughts of Dante laying there had triggered in her mind events that she had recently experienced. She was feeling better about herself, as her mind seemed to be less guarded about recent activities. She wasn't waking in a daze wondering why she was here, or there. As if pushed by an unseen hand. She was still feeling the push, but now there was a reality around it. She knew that she had to go to Dalesford because it was where her parents had died. When she saw that station she remembered how uncomfortable she had been there, and how she called Dante for help.
She didn't feel nervous at all as she walked up the stairs and entered the dingy appearing waiting room. Assorted characters lined the walls, sitting in well worn straight back benches. The desk sergeant looked at her approach, and she thought she sensed a spark of recognition. "I want to see detective Sparrow".
The desk sergeant stared at her for a few moments. "I've seen you before."
"Probably", she answered quickly. "Is he in?" The sergeant picked up the phone. "The Wilcox woman is back."
"I guess you do know me, "Samantha smiled a comfortable smile. "Thanks" Within what seemed like seconds she felt a large presence by her side. It was a familiar face, Detective Sparrow. Sam was confident now, and she didn't know why. Was it becasue she had nothing to hide. "We need to talk". She took control.
"Jeremy, " he looked at the sergeant. "No calls. I'm going to be busy."

The Answer:
Billy Graham has always been the tops with many Americans, and he still makes the list along with Franklin Graham. The rest are Rick Warren, Howard and Roberta Ahmanson, David Barton, Douglas Coe, Charles Colson, Luis Cortes, James Dobson, Stuart Epperson, Michael Gerson, Ted Haggard, Billy Hybels, TD Jakes, Diane Knippers, the LeHaye's, Richard Land, Brian McLaren, Joyce Meyer, Richard Neuhaus, Mark Noll, JI Packer, Rick Santorum (?), Jay Sekilow, Stephen Strang and Ralph Winter.

Just when memories of Super Bowl 42 were starting to fade, it was 2008 all over again. Yesterday the NE Patriots established themselves as an also ran.

This could be the week that was for the Tids. I'll be on a fast track mini-vacation spree. I will work to fit them in, but if you don't get them it isn't becasue I died.

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