Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Jingle Bells.

Today's Tids Issue 2,467
Opening Stuff:

Welcome to the Tids Annual big Christmas edition. Rudolph, Santa and all the elves generally show up and regale our readers with tales of getting the goods made and out to you, and....What?...It's not Christmas. But what about all of those decorations up a month and the Santa comercials...and the panhandlers with "Happy Holiday's" signs. I thought we had already passed Thanksgiving...Oh, that was advertised in August? Oh well, I guess that means there really is still time to put Christ back into Christmas. Sorry folks, back to the regular crap.

It looks like Rhode Island's new genuine hero Gina was not too fond of yesterday's remarks by Chafee-Lite, calling the surprising comments political sniping. This is a critical time for Rhody and its effort to pass a pension reform act, and Treasurer Raimondo emphasizes that all parties driving to fix underfunded pension debt must bond together as a unified force in the face of the typical unrelenting Union opposition. If the legislature can bore down and find the guts, the passage of this bill will assure RI as the first state in the USofA to get runaway pension costs under control. Well... sorta under control...for a political entity.

The OWS protesters held a sign yesterday that read "You can't evict an idea." And, what exactly is that ide?. Comon, help me on this one.

The Question:
Who was just named "Sexiest Man Alive" by People mag? Name others who have won.

The Headlines:
--Oil Up; Stocks Down.
--Bullet Found In White House Window; Mentally Deranged Man Suspected.
--Social Network Generated Boycott Of Kardashians Gaining Steam; Petition Signers Tired Of Program's Emphasis On Vanity, Greed, Promiscuity, Vulgarity And Over The Top Conspicuous Consumption.
--Prez Ok's Permanent US Military Installation In Australia; Strategy Designed To Control. Emergence Of China.
--Man Gets $500K In Pirates Gold At Storage Unit Auction.
--FaceBook Fighting Flood Of X-Rated And Violent Spam; Hackers Finding FaceBook Good Way To Pass Around Viruses Through Friends.

Of course, RI isn't the only entity with out-of-control spending. The Feds along with the Kardashians have written the book on over spending. But, that's all about to be resolved in the SuperCommittee. Right! Wrong. The Dems can make lots of political gains by not going along with needed reform of the big entitlements. By not compromising with Repubs, Dems preserve their ability to campaign to the nation that the GOP wants to throw grandma off the cliff and preserve millionaire tax cuts. Oh the Dems will posture, but politics will as usual win the day over honest results. It also behooves the Repubs not to agree thus creating the stalemate that would trigger automatic cuts in Defense and Domestic programs. Horrors -- The Repubs are cutting Deefense. It isn't so bad as these cuts won't be implemented til 2013 and are over a ten year period. Many an admin and congressional change will take place allowing Repubs to put back the defense dollars. Oh yeah, a Dem leader on the committee has said he as seen no sign of his guys being able to coalesce over one idea. No matter how you look at it, the Democrats are in control and will be the winners if nothing is done.

Did you realize that within two years of retiring from the NFL, 78% of the players are bankrupt!

I don't know how many of you heard that weird interview with alleged rapist Sandusky. His strange views of the events and his proclivity towards young boys sound like the talk of a man used to getting his way gullible children. He seems convinced that intelligent adults will submit to his fairy tales. Just as the innocent children he abused did.

Retired men often find that shopping is not high on their list of exciting things to do. One creative geezer found ways to pass the boredom in stores like Target. In fact he was barred from the store for stunts like hiding in clothes racks and saying "Pick me, Pick me", or while handling a rifle in the Hunting Department asking a clerk where the antidepressants were...among other inventive diversions. Thanks to NanaDoll for that report.

Science has a new report that says women who have carried and given birth to twins will on average live longer than women who haven't.

I read where 40,000 or so years ago the Homo Sapians arose and because of their much higher intelligence obliterated the neanderthal population that had reigned for millions of years before. But, not so fast. The same report also says that Neanderthal DNA has also been found in existing populations. Frankly, as I look around I think the neanderthal is making a comeback.

But then, if nothing is done by the SuperCommittee, there still will be Political winners and losers. But what about the people and the nation? Does anybody really care, or is everything still just about the next election. It is expected that if nothing happens by November 23, the credit rating of the US will receive another downgrade. But, some politicians will win. Doesn't that make you feel warm and fuzzy all over -- happy Politicians.

The Answer:
A bewildered Bradley Cooper questions hhis choice as Hottie of this year. Others have been Jude Law,, Ryan Reynolds, Hugh Jackman, Matthew McConaughey, and Johnny Depp. I'm checking out plastic surgeons now.

Life is good today, except for all of the "Almost Near" readers.

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