Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Monday, November 14, 2011

Steel to cupcakes.

Today's Tids Issue 2,465
Opening Stuff:

I'm declaring the next year starting now as the "Dead Zone". Nothing will happen, beginning with the SuperCommittee. Our fearless leader will spend the time accusing other people of doing nothing while he puts off all major decisions to 2013. Future history books will color this era gray, when it should be fiery red and orange! It should be the era when the future of the nation began to be saved.

Why would Penn State think it a good idea to put in as interim a coach who has been with the program for 25 years. A coach who has probably been friendly with the PS Rapist, and has at least by osmosis seen or sensed it all. He's probably a nice guy, but...

I'm finding that this medicine I take for a bit of a lung problem is getting to be rather expensive. Through exhaustive research, I have determined that Cheetos Dust does pretty much the same thing. I'm in touch with The New England Journal of medicine.

The Question: 
Bernanke keeps on telling us that inflation is not a problem and that he expects to meet his 2% goal. Hmmm. How much will the cost of a Thanksgiving meal go up this year, and which items will go up the most?

The Headlines:
--Euro-Angst Could Depressing Stocks Today.
--New England No-name Defensive Backfield Rises To The Occasion Defeating The J-E-T-S 37-16 Pat's Fans Come Back from the Precipice.
--Italy's New Premiere Rushes To Apply Sound Economics To New Government.
--Police Clear Out Oakland OWS Swamp; Other Cities Taking Action Against City Campers.
--Jordan's King Abdullah Tells Syrians Assad To Step Down.
--Penn State Victims Begin Civil Suit.
--Buffet Says EuroZone Still A Major Worry; Economists Say US Is Years Away From Euro-Style debt Crisis. They Add Though -- Action Must be Taken Now To Preserve Stability In Future.

Whatever happened to P.J.O'Rourke?

A vote among NFL players said that the Coach they dislike most was NYG's Tom Coughlin followed by Tony Sparano and Bill Belichick! Oddly, the three who were ahead of the rest by a wide margin, are all disciples of Bill Parcels.

I see that the Federal Government allowed their employees to leave an hour early on the day before Veterans Day -- A day that is hallowed but rarely taken off in the private sector. I'm thinking that if we gave the 16 Million or so Fed employees an hour off a week with no pay, we could save about $9,984,000,000 a year (Based on average hourly wage of $12.00)! Yikes.

I drove through my home town a couple of days ago. Through my leafy quiet, modest neighborhood where totally pleasant memories abound. A shimmering glint caused me to glance up...and I felt crushed. The rush to build skyscrapers in the downtown is squashing my childhood!

Show me a pile of money and I'll show you thieves gathering like a swarm of flies over a carcass. And there is no larger pile of money than that in the Federal Government.

And how about that Government of ours? The department of Agriculture proposed a 15% fee atop of the cost of Christmas Trees! Zowie...right at the heart. They said it was for a fund to help promote the Christmas tree industry. But, wait a damn minute. The Christmas Tree Association should create its own fund from member growers and not rush to the government like every other gimme group. What ever happened to private enterprise initiative?

Speaking of Christmas and the gimme crowd, I notice a homeless person with a can in his stretched out hand and a sign in the other that read: "Happy Holidays". I told him that if it had read "Merry Christmas", I might have been interested.

Like we have been hinting here for some time now, Newt has risen to the top of leaderboard in the GOP Tournament. Let's face it, he is smart, he can debate and he drives the other side nutty. He was part of the joint effort working with President Clinton (Yes, as speaker "Working With") developing programs that actually reduced the deficit. I can see his slogan now: "I've done it. I can do it again." IDIICDIA!

Almost Near: Chapter 49 continues. --Sparrow looked at Samantha for what seemed to her like five minutes. "Wawl, Mrs., what was your last name?.. Quimper..."
"Quimpierre, Just call me Samantha, it's easier."
Wawl, I've bin thinkin'." He looked at her seriously, but in a kinder way. Ah bin thinkin' that if your commin back here knowin' that we were lookin for you cause of the accident and the injury to that lawyer, than you musta had somethin to tell us. Tell me what you think about that memory loss of yours."
Samantha told her as much as she could remember and it probably sounded very confusing to Detective John Sparrow. "You're frowning, "Samantha said in a humorous town. She laughed to herself a little, "Frankly I ve been frowning a lot lately myself, so I find it kind of amazing that you actually understand that I might know something."
Sparrow just waved for her to continue. But, he was smiling a little now too.
"I think what has been driving me is something I feel about a man named Tucker Lafitte who they say I originally knew as Tommy Lambert.

I like the idea behind the new Catholic mass book. They have said and I felt in the sixties that the words of the Mass went a little too pedestrian; That the the immensity of God was denied in the over-simplification of the words. So, the Bishops are proposing what we should be looking for in the leaders of the our land. Raise the bar. Don't give into the lowest common denominator. Take off your hats in restaurants and church. What's so hard about that?

The Answer: 
This year's feast on the greatest family holiday of them all will be 13% higher at $49.20. (In 1986 the meal costs$28.24.) The foods measured were 16 pound Turkey, gallon of milk, 30oz can Pumpkin mix, 1/2 pint whipped cream, 14oz cubed stuffing, 1 lb green beans, 12 rolls, 3 lbs sweet pots, 12 oz cranberries, 1 lb relish tray, 2 pie shells. Ahem...where's the gravy? The turkey had the highest increase at 22% followed by Pumpkin Pie mix (15.6), Whipped cream (15.2), Green Peas (16.6), Milk (12.9), Stuffing (9.1), and rolls (8.5%). The other items were around 2.2% except for the relish tray which actually went down...proving once again that relish trays look attractive but nobody wants celery and carrots. Oh, maybe Mrs' "0".

If you take the Turkeys out of T-Day dinner we can lower inflation. If we take the Turkeys out of Washington, we can lower the deficit.

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