The more I think
about the RI Senate just passing the only in the Nation "Homeless Person Bill of Rights". the madder I get. This is exactly what's wrong with this country. This is a bill by the way co-crafted with the ACLU! Hmmm. Do you think it may be an autobahn for law suits? Why does one group have to have their own Bill of Rights when we've had a great one for over 200 years? Most of the rights already exist under all of the current discrimination laws. Would this override loitering laws? Would they be able to stay in parks with closing hours while non-homeless are booted out? Ok, let's take the one about an employer not being able to refuse employment because an applicant doesn't have a home. Fine, I can agree with that. If the person is good hire him or her. But, the law of unintended consequences, which this entire HBOR is in fact, will certainly kick in make it difficult for employers to refuse hiring, even if the person can't do the jos. This law could create a whole new gigantic law firm in Providence. Maybe the senate had that in mind as they looked for ways to fill the vacant offices of the Industrial National Bank building, Yeah, that's it.
I have this problem. It seems like every other day I hide a $20.00 bill in a secret place in my wallet. Then the very next day I find it, spend it and it's gone until I can accumulate twenty more dollars. So, you are all smart, where can I hide it where I will never find it? My wife's wallet? Help. This is serious,

Did you hear about the Tupperware saleslady who couldn't stop burping?

The Question:
What was the name of the Today Show Co-Host who preceded host-for-a-day Deborah Norville and Cute Katie C? Who is she married to. What is she doing now?
The Headlines:
--April Jobs Creation Report Sucks; 115,000 Way Below Level Necessary For GDP Growth Improvement; Markets Continue Losses.
--European Shares Fall Sharply As US Outlook Worsens.
--GOP Voters Like Rubio Or Santorum For Veep
--US Offers Chen A Fellowship At US University; China Confirms That He And Family Can Apply For Travel Papers.
--As B-H Continues To Trail S&P Returns 32% To 60$, Talking He4ads Wonder If He Still Has The Magic.
--Santorum Seen Being Captivated By Linsay Lohan At White House Correspondents Gala.

As coffee prices
continue to climb, you might be interested in the opinion of household economics eMagazine "Financially Fit" and their "5 good lower priced coffees". They start with Folgers Black silk and go to Eight O'Clock Original (I use 8:00 Colombian), the Cuban Cafe Bustelo, Malitta and Dunkin; Donuts Original Blend.

I have to figure that artists love to get jobs designing wine bottle labels. There are some great designs, beautiful art to behold as you wander the aisles. You have to something if you don't drink.

Somebody at Spirit Airlines must have fired their P/R Department. Right have they refuse to refund the ticket price for a dying American soldier, they announce that overhead baggage will cost "$100.00" per bag. Yikes! There are two ways to look at this if you own their stock: 1. If you are Wall Street, straight down sales curve the kind of person, you love their potential for enhanced revenue. 2. If you are a practical, sensible person with open eyes, you'll wonder if anybody will ever fly them again.

So, do you know why RI is the only state in the Union to pass a "Homeless People Bill of Rights". Because the politicians are brain dead.

Just In: In case you are interested, The US department of Labor Statistics says that real unemployment is 14.5%. The real stats include people underemployed and who have quit the workforce.

I've often talked about my apparently brainless "Spell-Check". Here's how dumb they were this morning. I type the word "Know" but my finger misses the "w" and I get "Kno". The little red line appears and my options are Knew, Keno, No and Knot. I'm thinking that my Spell-Check is a little like Congress and the Administration.

The Answer:
Of course, the host was Jane Pawley, a person I always felt was pretty nice on TV. A good Indiana girl with old time family roots. A mother and wife who has been quietly married to Doonesbury's Gary Trudeau for nearly thirty years with three children. And that's true.  But after Today, and Her Dateline and number two NBC News Anchor  and a couple of Jane Pawley shows, she jumped into assisting and joining boards of significant organizations which were doing big work fro Bi-Polar disorder, which she has always endured herself. She has made films about her disease and opened herself up to the world on TV, and in talks to groups around the country. So, that's what she does now...except when she is off her medicine and works for Obama's campaign. Never the less, I still like her.

Last night I was grilling on my deck, when I sensed this presence. I looked up and was overwhelmed by this looming sea gull two feet away, wings spread out to a full three feet, staring me in the eye. I overcame my initial startle, stared back and said the magic words, "Go away!" It shied and landed on the rail. His buddies started to land. The chattering screeches and awks were stranger than usual. Was this a ritual dance before a feast -- me? I survived after making friends with these rather beautiful seaside scavengers. But here is the real issue. I have ben cooking outside at one time or another in seagull land for over fifty years. Is this the latest consequence of Global Warming? Yikes

Love your weekend.