Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Thursday, May 17, 2012

When is logic not logic?

Today's Tids Issue 2,601
Opening Stuff:
An analyst has gone through a multitude of President Obama speeches on business and comes away with a distinct impression that in his heart, the President truly believes that all of the Free Enterprise success for US business has been due the Government. "O" cites, for example, the importance of DARPA (Defense Advanced Projects Agency) and the resultant invention of the Internet as the reason Microsoft exists today. Of course, Microsoft began developing software to run computers, before the Internet came to life and has built it's business upon developments in software to run computers. Not developing software for the Internet per se. Government agencies like DARPA actually do facilitate what businesses have been doing for years before it's inception -- performing basic research for their own product development and often at the request of the Government for defense of other operational needs. DARPA was a good idea for focusing research projects. But then, the more the Government adds dollar sucking regulations, the less money companies have for basic research. So, the government does have the power to destroy business. So, Obama is right to a degree -- if the government leaves business alone, then the government would be responsible for businesses flourishing!

So today on the eve of the national deficit sized IPO, the big argument is -- will FaceBook just be another passing fad in a throw-away society, or will be be the glue that holds nations together? If there never was a FaceBook, would the world's people ever feel they are missing something? Is there any earthly reason that I need to use FaceBook, other than to have my personal information collected and disseminated or giving up my privacy to the world? Sounds like fun.

Placing a Koran in a toilet is a hate crime; Placing crucifix in a jar of urine is conceptual art.

The Question:
What do workers consider the biggest wastes of time in their offices. Bonus: Who is the only person to have won  NBA MVP, NBA Coach of the Year and NBA Executive of the Year Awards?

The Headlines:
--New Jobless Claims Steady At 370,000; Stock Futures Edge Lower.
--Iran Founts UN Sanctions; Sends Arms To Syria.
--Romney Raises Over $40 Million In April.
--Edwards Lawyers Abruptly End Defense.
--Bobby Kennedy Jr. Wife Said To Have Hung Herself; Maid Found Her In Garage.
--NBA: Celts, Thunder Win; NHL: Devils Even Series With Rangers.
--World Wild Life Fund: Has Man Outgrown Earth? Yikes.
--Flash: This Just In. Stop The Presses -- Purple, Red And Yellow Wiggles Leave Aussie Band!; Stock Market Stunned; UN To Hold Special Session Of Security Council.

American Idol: I have to tell you, I turned off the TV before Phillip's last song, figuring it would be more of the same. But, I clicked back on to go to the Red Sox game and there he was showing a lot more than he has. I had him being axed, mainly becasue Jessica and Joshua were better last night, to me. Although I thought Jessica was sluggish at times and nowhere near as fantastic as the fawning judges thought. So where are we? Phillip has the cute guy voted locked up and helped himself with the last song. Is Jessica the one to go or will the voters get it right for a change? This could easily be a Ledet-Phillips sing-off. Personally, I would have enjoyed a final three of Colton, Skylar and Holly, with Colton and Skylar in the final two.

Many years ago I looked through all of the available cook books (Well, maybe not all) to learn the correct way to grill fresh fish. To a book, the preferred method was olive oil, salt and black pepper. And I have to say I still love it best that way, although I do throw a piece of butter on after grilling. And yes I do love schrod with lobster sauce and bluefish with Bearnaise sauce. I have a little topping I put on salmon for others which is well received -- crushed pecans, honey, dark mustard and a dash of white wine. Also, I think it a good idea to douse fish with lemon before any other preparation. I'm sure you have many of your own, and chefs are certainly going crazier with toppings these days. But, I'll take plain w/butter to best taste the fish.

Please, could we stop using the phrase "Kennedy Curse"?  The curse of the Kennedy's is that average people have to be subjected to everything they do, and the rationalization by the media that it's not their fault.
That said, I feel bad for Mary Richardson Kennedy.

I'm rooting for the Jersey Devils over the Rangers becasue my Brother-in-Law Likes them, and he's a good guy.

Whitewash America Department:
Maybe the real 17 year plague isn't the locusts, but Atheists arising to to take down historic icons that happen to have something religious in them.

As one guy said about Facebook: "If I wanted to have some friends from my past, I would have written them long ago and made an effort to get together."

The Answer:
1. In a study, 47% said Meetings was the biggest workplace time drain. Next was "Waiting for a co-worker to finish something you need" followed by "Fixing someone else's work" and "Dealing with office Politics". Bonus: The Great Larry Bird is the man to have won all three honors. Number 33 wins!

We live in a Reality Show world that seems to be drifting away from realism. People question the word is or the, when the totality of information is already quite clear. Some freely alter truths of long standing. People are fond of saying "It is what it is." In fact, many are trying to say, "What you see or know isn't". When candidates lie, "It's just politics". When people lie, especially to politicians, it's serious jail time. That's why so many people are sanding on corners mumbling to themselves: "Did an alien spaceship come in the middle of the night and take me to another planet?"

Go figure Department:
Under Cheney, Seal Team Six were a ring of assassins. Under Obama, Seal Team Six is a Band of Brothers.

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