Today's Tids Issue 2,691
(Written 10/15)
Opening Stuff:

All of this Politicking
Gives my brain a licking.
I feel horribly abused,
And entirely confused.
Will my synapse be fixed
After November the sixth?

As we head into Prez Debate II, the media wants you to believe that Romney appeared the winner only because the "real" Obama didn't show up. The real fact is that the ole' Mittster connected with an audience who never really knew who he was, aside from the caricatures drawn by the opposition. It will be interesting to see if Romney presses on the growing Benghazi mess, and if, as surmised here two weeks ago, the Commander-in-Chief will continue to shift the blame to Hillary's State Department.

Hey, I think I know why The President didn't show up at the last debate. He doesn't want to give away now what he really intends to do after he is elected. Maybe Putin knows.

After the being taken by the initial dazzling array of color upon entering a supermarket produce section, it doesn't take me long at all to move quickly to the snacks section. I love those fall colors there, of vivid oranges softened by tans and browns.

The Question:
Quick now, who were the 33rd, 34th and 35th Presidents? No counting on fingers.

The Headlines:
--Felix Baumgartner Free Falls From 24 Miles Above Earth; Breaks Sound Barrier At 833 Mph; Lands On feet, Healthy And Hale!
--The Admin Continues To Dig deeper Hole As It Tries To Recover From Misrepresentations Of Benghazi Massacre.
--Stock Futures Point To Monday Morning Gains.
--Does Political Ad Bombardment have People Tuning them Out?
--Arlen Specter Dies.
--Phillipine Gov Signs Deal With Muslim Rebels.
--Chinese Inflation Close To Lowest In Three Years.

Endeavor Was A Nice Spacecraft, But It's Slow Roll Through neighborhoods Is A Tired Old Story.

The boxer
who lost to Dracula was down for the Count!

Mika Brzezinski looks, as some observers have said, in need of psychotherapy. She is not hiding her feelings well after both the Romney victory and the Biden goofiness. This attractive and normally instinctive commentator seems taken aback a bit by the sudden possibility in her mind that the preordained victory for her man Obama may not be quite so solid as it may have appeared to her immediately following the conventions. But, she is still attractive.

I think the government would really like to turn business and industry into one gigantic social experiment.

If Hillary and I were to meet, I don't believe we would ever get along.

When asking a local butcher about why "Mexico" was on the package, she told me that farmers have bought huge acreages of land in that country in order to raise beef much cheaper than here in the US. Hmmmm. And I though the well known sacred cow "Subsidies" were supposed to smooth out business inequities.

Have you noticed that intellectuals rarely deliver something new, they just pronounce old stuff properly.

Hysterical Headline of the Week, Department:
"The oceans are 30% more acidic than they were 200 years ago at the start of the 'Industrial' revolution." How do they know? Did some Rhode Islander while traveling through Pawtucket see Sam Slater building a mill and run down state shouting, "The revolution is coming! The revolution is coming! Go down to the sea in ships and measure the acidity!"

Imposters come. Imposters go. But one great English muffin will last forever --Thomas.

If you expect to hear something new from the President this debate, don't hold your breath. Creativity isn't one of his better attributes. Delivering the same old stuff with new voice inflections is. That's what orators do, inflect the context rather than enrich the subject. Check out this little observation between his 2008 speeches and today's:

I don't care who he coaches, you have to love Pete Carroll.

Oh yeah, and the new depressing trend up here in Pats-Land, isn't that defense keeps on giving up points in the crucial last 3 minutes, It's that the vaunted, so-called number 1 offense can't retain possession at the end of a close contest.

NPR had a pretty good program Sunday Morning on the science of politics. One thing the evidence shows is that the vast majority of Independents are "Low Information" voters. Hey, wait a minute. Our Governor ran as an independent! I wonder if it also shows that Independents, like Governor-Lite,  don't courageously stand for anything?

A politician is a person who votes against something while hoping it passes.

If I read the tea leaves correctly, it appears that RI will be adding expanded gambling to it's economic resume which today is mainly built around public employees. Ah -- an economy built upon taxes and addiction! It's no wonder that Mary Matelin when visiting last week was surprised to see that there was indeed a state that maybe as bad as her Louisianan, which she described as "Under water and under indictment."

I have spent zero minutes of my life worrying about the loneliness of Salman Rushdie.

The Conscience: Chapter 10 continues.  --   
   She was now looking at me with a serious grin. A gotcha moment. A "this is my turf, and I am running the show", grin. What she didn't know is that alcoholics are very good at not flinching or acting surprised. First because their reflexes are shot. Second becasue they are so adept at lying.
   "Good opening," I answered straight-faced, and without a pause. I continued to turn around the advantage position. "You know as well as I that the International Maritime Legal institutions look at mergers between too major boat builders very closely We also know, you and I and my client, that your great company and mine have unique strategies for softening the letter of the law. I am a marine lawyer..."
   "Very good, Mr. Morgan! Did your clients also tell you that I hate their guts. That's an American term. In Italian we would say
Odio le loro viscere." She smiled like a cat playing. "Viscere is an intriguing word, no?"
   "Especially to a man." She chuckled briefly. "I think we are going to have a lot of fun, Ms. Angelica." Now I smiled the smile of the contented lion, "And, was that you I saw following me yesterday?"
   Her face reddened a little, and I felt guilty. "So, let's get down to business and find out if you are who you say you are." She pulled outb a latge leather portfolio and flipped it open to pull out a couple of pages.

The Answer:
Well, if Harry Truman was 33, then it follows that Ike and JFK were 34 and 35. Interestingly, number 25 was another assassination victim William McKinley and #15 was James Buchanan, just one before #16 Abe. Maybe it was supposed to be Buchanan who was to be shot. And how come Garfield and McKinley aren't revered like Abe and Jack?

President Obama's lack of creativity travels abroad too. I found this little observation on the Presidential repetition habits in of all places Denmark, who by the way has the best looking PM of all.

Actually, I don't really believe that the President has failed to deliver budget recommendations for lack of creativity. I think it's because what he would really want would be totally unacceptable to American voters in all parties. Except for Putin, and he doesn't vote.

What this country needs is a good snack grease resistant tablet screen.

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