Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Saint George and the Big Bird

Today's Tids Issue 2,687
Opening Stuff:
I'm getting a little nervous watching Republicans pat themselves on the back after a good Romney effort. And some, in their current state of giddiness, are anticipating a Ryan Romp in the Biden brouhaha. Nothing in politics is ever safe. Overconfidence and gloating are two recipes for defeat. Repubs should not be hoisting victory banners just as they should not forget the Dems are reinvigorating their candidate. And educating their VP as we are ours.

Black Columnist Thomas Sowell said: "Much of the social history of the Western World, over the past three decades, has been a history of replacing what worked with what sounded good."

Mrs. DaVinci basted her turkey with Leonardo's brushes. You laugh! It could be true.

The Question:
After 30 years, Danny divito and Rhia Pearlman are divorcing, for as the are syaing, Danny's womanizing ways. Name five starts form the TV series Taxi

The Headlines:
--IMF Worries About Global Recession As New Growth Predictions Are  Lowered.
--Polls Bouncing Romney's Way.
--67 Sandusky Sentenced To 30-60 Years; Says He's Innocent.
--Apple Stock Falls For 4th day; Analysts say At 4429.40 It is In Correction Territory.
--Europe Tells Greece To Speed Up Economic Reform; Workers Riot In Streets As Chief Benefactor Merkl Arrives; Merkl Tells Country Sacrifice Now Necessary For Bright Future..
--China Blasts US For Telcom Investigation

The mention of Big Bird by the Mittster during the debates was actually quite brilliant, symbolic of the kind of leadership stance the country should see and hear more often. One of the reasons the deficit spending continues to grow is because of the cowardice of legislatures and Presidents in facing down some sacred cows, or in this case revered bird. Think of all of those gnawing little departments in government that get bigger each year as budgets are routinely accepted. Think about how easy it should be to nibble away at expansion by making small cuts each year. You have to believe that someone in that vast government of 16 million plus employees knows where there is waste by growth. What can be cut without any result lowered customer satisfaction. Me, as the average citizen doofus, would guess -- everywhere! You just have have somebody who will walk into the caves of DC and withstand the heat fire-breathing dragons.

A friend of mine sent me a short video of FDR artfully belittling, and warning about, those in the future who would say "Turn Social Security over to us. We will make it better." And he could have been right, if as one respondent to the Video didn't point out that SS today is nothing like what the actuaries of yesterday used as a model for tomorrow. When SS began seniors would start collecting at 65 at a time when the average life expectancy was 63. That's a Ponzi scheme that works. But today people can collect at 62 while the life expectancy is up to 77-78. In addition, many other entitlement programs have been attached to and are draining the Social Security promise. And, I haven't even mentioned the gutting of the SS "Trust" Fund under Lynden Johnson. It needs help. It is one of those dragons that must be slayed, in order for the good of the system to be saved.

When asked "Who likes debates", Big Bird answered "Defishes".

I did a double take at the headline "Winner of roach eating contests dies." Of course he did. And I'm thinking, what people will do for fame. And I'm continuing to think about the bastards who take advantages of the lamebrained for money. Then I think that all of these people vote. And I can only think, common sense doesn't stand a chance.

Why all of a sudden is there this fascination with "thread counts". Is it supposed to make you sound more culurally, intellectually aware. Or is it just another of those masterful marketing efforts to get people to pay more than they should for some perceived societal advantage.

Sowell also said, "I think this man (Obama) really does believe he can change the world, and people like that are infinitely more dangerous than crooked politicians.

I may be naive, but I still can't understand why Mona Lisa is revered as one of the all time great paintings. I have stood in the Louve. I have stood close and walked back. I've moved sideways in both directions. And I didn't get it.

The Answer:
Judd Hirsh, Marilu Henner, Danny DiVito are the first who come to mind. But not much more than Andy Kaufman, Christopher Lloyd, Tony Danza, Jeff Conaway and Carol Kane. Now a bad ensemble.

Angela Merkl walked into the dragon's cave this morning and told Greece citizens that they will have no future without sacrifice today.

President Obama went to honor Cesar Chavez at the dedication of a new memorial. Chavez was a union leader primarily fighting against "illegal immigrants"' who were taking away jobs from union memebers. Oops!

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