Today's Tids Issue 2,926
Opening Stuff:

President Obama raced through his brief tribute to the victims of the latest mass murderer so he could get to his planned attack the GOP speech. He just couldn't wait for a single day before he lobbed mortars into the lap of Congress. So much for bringing civility back to the USA.

I think the sun is smiling down on us so brightly this cool September morn, because A really nice person is sitting up there in heaven with her ever present  strand of pearls highlighted against a simple classic sweater.  We knew Susan Farmer who died yesterday after a horrendous battle with you know what. Susan Farmer was Secretary of State when she became friendly with my daughter, who she called, "the other Secretary of State". Susan did a lot for us, and a lot more for the State of RI. This first female elected general officer of the state pretty much saved PBS TV from the wrecking ball. She brought a lot of class up to Smith Hill , and yes a lot of heart into the neighborhoods of the smallest state. She cared. And, she did something about it. Thanks Susan.

Wall Street is still worried that the Fed Welfare that makes it so happy will end. That's why the market went up yesterday when known Bond Buy Back program hater Lawrence Summers announced his removal from consideration for Fed Chair. It still scares me that the only thing that's keeping the Wall Street wizards afloat is the welfare checks from Uncle Sam. How fragile are we anyhow? Now news is surfacing that tells us the the program was expensive (Duh!) and that it"Really hasn't worked out that well". (Except for the big hitters who get the most benefit from the billions free money flowing through their systems.) Let's face it, since May when Tapering first became the word on the street, the markets have been basically those of speculation and hype. Does this make you feel confident about an economy where employment forecast for a year ahead are still dismal.?

The Question:
Aside from Politicians, what are the 9 most venomous snakes in the USA?

The Headlines:
--Authorities Continue To Sort Out Facts Following Murder Mayhem At The DC Navy Yard.
--Engineers Cheer After Hauling Concordia Upright; Process Was Slower Than  Originally Thought, But It Worked Well; Let's Hear It for Brains.
--Markets Up But Uninspiring In Early Trading.
--Edward Snowden Nominated By European Parliament For Humanism "Sakharov Prize"; Award Previously Won By Nelson Mandela And Myanmar's Aung San Suu Kyi Among Other Notables.
--Syrian Rebels Demand US And Allies Support After UN Report.
--AP Report Sees Sluggish Recovery Of Global Economy.

The reason so many economic theories don't work so well any longer is that there are far too many false components in the modern economies. It's like trying to cure a disease with over used anti-biotics that can't recognize the enemy any longer. The natural system has had far too much outside assistance.

Networks New Year, Department:
TV is warming up for the new Fall season. We know by now that there are always more disappointments than winners, even when shows are loaded with stars. First, though, tonight is the finale for America's Got Talent, and if you can black out Howie and Howard on your screen, you are in for a very good night of entertainment. "Dancin' " is already giving dancin' lovers heart palpitations. It all begins in earnest next week when premieres and restarts of all of those show promos you've been seeing all summer long finally hit the tube. Personally I 'm waiting for the new season of old favorites, especially NCIS where on Tuesday next week we will see the beginning of the end of everybody's favorite, Ziva, And, now on the same night Person Of Interest is back and from what I can see with a Ziva like addition to the already strong cast. After that, it's pot luck. I'm a drama person and the best looking to me is The Black List with James Spader. The Hostages is a question mark in that I'm not sure they can make it plausible, but it has good leads. Big names Robin Williams and Michael J. Fox lead the sitcom array. I may get into Williams, and Fox will do well I believe. Many of today's sitcoms become tedious to me, and I have already rejected some based on promos -- Goldbergs, Back in the Game, The Millers, We Are en and Trophy Wife. But, please, don't pay attention to me when it comes to SitComs. I'm just old an crotchety.

I couldn't have written a better ending to the PGA BMW final as four of my favorites came through big time. Zach Johnson won it beating Nick Watney who is reigniting after a miserable year for him. And then there is former #1 in in the world, Luke Donald pushing it til the end and getting into the top 30 mix for next week. Throw in Jason Day, a guy who still could become what everybody has predicted for Rory, and I'm sitting back with a big smile on my face. I couldn't get enough of it. I love the FedEx Series.

Somebody sent me one of those jumbled paragraphs yesterday asking me to try to read it, which if I could, would suggest that my mind is still working well. Of course, anybody who spells as badly as I do can read any jumbled mess.

President Obama has done so many outrageous things that are unbelievably true, that it's getting tougher and tougher to write about him. The truth isn't funny.

Local writer commenting on Putin's Op-Ed in the NYT's had in his parody column the line he attributed to the Russian leader, "The Rhode island  economy makes Siberia look like The Silicon valley".

It didn't take long for the apologists to come out and issue possible excuses for the Navy Base Murderer's actions.

No wonder Israel wants the American, French and British to take out Syria. It has be reported this morning that Israel was never a signatory to the anti Chemical Warfare treaty and supposedly has a larger than Syria stockpile of the deadly weapons hidden away. Right next to their Nukes.

The Answer:
As far as I'm concerned all snakes are guilty...not innocent until proven guilty. It's like one person tells me, if you see an Jihadist with a backpack, shoot first and then open the backpack. The most venomous in the USA are #1. Eastern Diamondback rattler, Cottonmouth (Water Moccasin), Copperhead, Western Diamondback, Timber rattler, Sidewinder, Mojave Rattler, Speckled rattler and Eastern Coral. Experts will argue over the rankings, but I just let them all alone. Like I'm not comfortable because a snake is only number 8!

Fed watchers are saying that the "play-toy of the financial establishment" will cut its monthly bond buy-back welfare check to $50 Billion, and at the same time reduce its growth forecasts. It's called getting back to reality. Another aspect of the new reality could be the cessation of printing money, now at about a Trillion/year. This "Excess Liquidity" is now a disease also infecting Japan, Europe and England! -- so rampant throughout the bodies of national economies that antibiotic remedies might only stimulate the rampage of a false economy killing the patient. To stop it and return former normalcy's might sink the world. Is your sun still shining in the skies above? 

Can you feel the eggshells beneath your feet?
We continue to see the richest, from Forbes,
And pics of their mansions near oceans deep.
Is there too much that an economy can't absorb?
Will Wall Street execs go to the edge, start to leap?
Are we too much attached to the global Orb?
Will there be any crumbs left for us to keep?
Are we alone in small boats pulling on our oars?
Or, will rise above the clouds and feel that heat?

Only 105 shopping days remaining 'til Christmas!